Millions of taxpayers ask IRS questions about tax law each year.
While the accuracy of IRS's answers has improved in some cases, it is
still not always what taxpayers or Congress expect. Concerns about
accuracy have raised questions about the adequacy of the training IRS
provides to its taxpayer assistance staff. Because of these questions,
GAO was asked to assess the extent to which IRS's planning and
evaluation of its taxpayer assistor training conformed to guidance
published by GAO and others. Planning and evaluation are part of a
feedback loop whereby lessons from one year can be applied to making
improvements in future years.
IRS devotes significant resources
to training its tax law assistors to answer questions, by telephone and
at walk-in sites, and prepare tax returns. Although IRS cannot separate
the costs of training tax law assistors from other assistance staff,
the thousands of staff devoted to providing tax law assistance receive
training each year. The training includes classroom and computer-based
training on such subjects as tax law and communication. While IRS has
some data on travel and course development costs associated with
training, it does not have data on what is likely the largest cost
component, the value of staff time devoted to tax law training.
Responsibility for training IRS taxpayer assistance staff is
decentralized. IRS's Human Capital Office provides guidance and sets
policy. The two divisions responsible for tax law assistance each have
a human resources office with technical staff that are assigned to the
various taxpayer assistance programs. Generally speaking, the taxpayer
assistance programs share responsibility for planning training with
human resource staff. The human resource staff are responsible for
training evaluations. IRS's planning for taxpayer assistor training
could be enhanced by a more strategic approach. To their credit, some
taxpayer assistance programs clearly communicated the importance of
training to staff and had knowledge and skills inventories. All the
units had analyses of some of the individual factors that affect
accuracy, such as the quality and use of their taxpayer assistance
guidance. However, none of the programs had long-term goals for either
accuracy or training or had benchmarked their training efforts against
those of other organizations. Nor had they done a combined analysis of
the major factors that affect accuracy in order to determine their
relative importance. Setting long-term goals and analyzing training
needs and relative impacts are important steps in strategic planning.
Goals can provide a yardstick for measuring progress and benchmarking
can help identify best practices. Analyses of relative impacts can help
IRS make informed decisions about a strategy for improving accuracy,
including the importance of training compared to other factors in that
strategy. The taxpayer assistance programs routinely conducted
evaluations of their training efforts. However, with one exception, the
evaluations did not include analyses of the impact of training on the
accuracy of assistance. Instead, the units conducted less sophisticated
analyses of more immediate impacts, such as trainees' satisfaction.
Given the importance of accurate answers to taxpayers' questions and
the resources spent on training, the four assistance programs would
benefit from more sophisticated evaluations of the effectiveness of
training. One program had recognized the potential value of a more
sophisticated evaluation of training and pilot tested an analysis in
2004. The value of evaluation is that it provides feedback about the
effectiveness of one year's training that can be used to plan
improvements to future training.
Click here for the full GAO Report, PDF Version