GAO Reports  

2005 GAO Reports on the IRS

The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress, the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the federal agency responsible for tax administration.

The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.

GAO-05-1009SP September 1, 2005
Understanding the Tax Reform Debate: Background, Criteria, and Questions
GAO-05-999R September 27, 2005
Activities of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
GAO-05-878 August 26, 2005
Tax Policy: Summary of Estimates of the Costs of the Federal Tax System
GAO-05-782 July 11, 2005
Tax Administration: IRS Needs Better Strategic Planning and Evaluation of Taxpayer Assistance Training
GAO-05-774 July 22, 2005
Business Systems Modernization: Internal Revenue Service's Fiscal Year 2005 Expenditure Plan
GAO-05-753 July 18, 2005
Tax Compliance: Better Compliance Data and Long-term Goals Would Support a More Strategic IRS Approach to Reducing the Tax Gap
GAO-05-747 September 15, 2005
Tax Administration: Systematic Information Sharing Would Help IRS Determine the Deductibility of Civil Settlement Payments
GAO-05-707T May 19, 2005
IRS Modernization: Continued Progress Requires Addressing Resource Management Challenges
GAO-05-697R July 26, 2005
Financial Management: State and Federal Governments Are Not Taking Action to Collect Unpaid Debt through Reciprocal Agreements
GAO-05-690 September 23, 2005
Government Performance and Accountability: Tax Expenditures Represent a Substantial Federal Commitment and Need to Be Reexamined
GAO-05-684 July 29, 2005
Student Aid And Postsecondary Tax Preferences: Limited Research Exists on Effectiveness of Tools to Assist Students and Families through Title IV Student Aid and Tax Preferences
GAO-05-683T June 16, 2005
Financial Management: Thousands of Civilian Agency Contractors Abuse the Federal Tax Systems with Little Consequence
GAO-05-671 July 11, 2005
Tax Administration: IRS Can Improve Its Productivity Measures by Using Alternative Methods
GAO-05-649R May 06, 2005
Options for Social Security Reform
GAO-05-637 June 16, 2005
Financial Management: Thousands of Civilian Agency Contractors Abuse the Federal Tax System with Little Consequence
GAO-05-566 April 27, 2005
Internal Revenue Service: Assessment of the Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Request
GAO-05-561T April 20, 2005
Tax-Exempt Sector: Governance, Transparency, and Oversight Are Critical for Maintaining Public Trust
GAO-05-527T April 14, 2005
Tax Compliance: Reducing the Tax Gap Can Contribute to Fiscal Sustainability but Will Require a Variety of Strategies
GAO-05-491 June 3, 2005
Private Pensions: Government Actions Could Improve the Timeliness and Content of Form 5500 Pension Information
GAO-05-482 April 01, 2005
Information Security: Internal Revenue Service Needs to Remedy Serious Weaknesses over Taxpayer and Bank Secrecy Act Data
GAO-05-416T April 14, 2005
Internal Revenue Service: Assessment of Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Request and Interim Results of the 2005 Filing Season
GAO-05-393 April 29, 2005
Internal Revenue Service: Status of Recommendations from Financial Audits and Related Financial Management Reports
GAO-05-319R March 10, 2005
Management Report: Review of Controls over Safeguarding Taxpayer Receipts and Information at the Brookhaven Service Center Campus
GAO-05-303T February 3, 2005
Social Security: Long-Term Challenges Warrant Early Action
GAO-05-247R April 27, 2005
Management Report: Improvements Needed in IRS�s Internal Controls
GAO-05-246R Jan. 13, 2005
Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service: Federal Regulations for Health Coverage Portability for Group Health Plans and Group Health Insurance Issuers Under HIPAA Titles I & IV
GAO-05-171 February 1, 2005
Tax Shelters: Services Provided by External Auditors
GAO-05-154 February 4, 2005
Social Security: Better Coordination among Federal Agencies Could Reduce Unidentified Earnings Reports
GAO-05-105 January 21, 2005
Student Financial Aid: Need Determination Could Be Enhanced through Improvements in Education's Estimate of Applicants' State Tax Payments
GAO-05-103 Nov. 10, 2004
Financial Audit: IRS's Fiscal Years 2004 and 2003 Financial Statements
GAO-05-92 Dec. 30, 2004
Earned Income Tax Credit: Implementation of Three Tests Proceeded Smoothly, But Tests and Evaluation Plans Were Not Fully Documented
GAO-05-67 Nov. 15, 2004
Tax Administration: IRS Improved Performance in the 2004 Filing Season, But Better Data on the Quality of Some Services Are Needed
GAO-05-46 Nov. 17, 2004
Business Systems Modernization: IRS's Fiscal Year 2004 Expenditure Plan
GAO-05-29R Nov. 05, 2004
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Airport and Airway Trust Fund Excise Taxes
GAO-05-28R Nov. 05, 2004
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Highway Trust Fund Excise Taxes
GAO-05-27R Nov. 05, 2004
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Federal Unemployment Taxes
GAO-05-26R Jan. 10, 2005
Opportunities to Improve Timeliness of IRS Lien Releases


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