Business income taxes, both corporate and noncorporate, are a
significant portion of federal tax revenue. Businesses also play a
crucial role in collecting taxes from individuals, through withholding
and information reporting. However, the design of the current system of
business taxation is widely seen as flawed. It distorts investment
decisions, hurting the performance of the economy. Its complexity
imposes planning and record keeping costs, facilitates tax shelters,
and provides potential cover for those who want to cheat. Not
surprisingly, business tax reform is part of the debate about overall
tax reform. The debate is occurring at a time when long-range
projections show that, without a policy change, the gap between
spending and revenues will widen. This testimony reviews the nation's
long term fiscal imbalance and what is wrong with the current system of
business taxation and provides some principles that ought to guide the
debate about business tax reform. This statement is based on previously
published GAO work and reviews of relevant literature.
The size of business tax revenues makes them very relevant to any plan for
addressing the nation's long-term fiscal imbalance. Reexamining both
federal spending and revenues, including business tax policy and
compliance must be part of a multipronged approach to address the
imbalance. Some features of current business taxes channel investments
into tax-favored activities and away from more productive activities
and, thereby, reduce the economic well-being of all Americans.
Complexity in business tax laws imposes costs of its own, facilitates
tax shelters, and provides potential cover for those who want to cheat.
IRS's latest estimates show a business tax gap of at least $141 billion
for 2001. This in turn undermines confidence in the fairness of our tax
system--citizens' confidence that their friends, neighbors, and
business competitors pay their fair share of taxes. Principles that
should guide the business tax reform debate include: (1) The proposed
system should raise sufficient revenue over time to fund our current
and future expected expenditures. (2) The tax base should be as broad
as possible, which helps to minimize overall tax rates. (3) The
proposed system should improve compliance rates by reducing tax
preferences and complexity and increasing transparency. (4) To the
extent other goals, such as equity and simplicity, allow, the tax
system should aim for neutrality by not favoring some business
activities over others. More neutral tax policy has the potential to
enhance economic growth, increase productivity and improve the
competitiveness of the U.S. economy in terms of standard of living. (5)
The consideration of transition rules must be an integral part of any
reform proposal.
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