2006 GAO Reports on the IRS
 The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress,
the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and
information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility
not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the
federal agency responsible for tax administration.
The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy
and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they
uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.
GAO-06-1113T |
September 20, 2006 |
Business Tax Reform: Simplification and Increased Uniformity of Taxation Would Yield Benefits |
GAO-06-1028T |
August 3, 2006 |
Individual Income Tax Policy: Streamlining, Simplification, and Additional Reforms Are Desirable |
GAO-06-1000T |
July 26, 2006 |
Tax Compliance: Opportunities Exist to Reduce the Tax Gap Using a Variety of Approaches |
GAO-06-887 |
July 28, 2006 |
Tax Debt: Some Combined Federal Campaign Charities Owe Payroll and Other Federal Taxes |
GAO-06-851T |
June 13, 2006 |
Tax Compliance: Challenges to Corporate Tax Enforcement and Options to Improve Securities Basis Reporting |
GAO-06-799 |
July 27, 2006 |
Tax-Exempt Organizations: Collecting More Data on Donor-Advised Funds and Supporting Organizations Could Help Address Compliance Challenges |
GAO-06-769 |
July 26, 2006 |
Unemployment Insurance: States' Tax Financing Systems Allow Costs to Be Shared among Industries |
GAO-06-755T |
May 25, 2006 |
Tax Debt: Some Combined Federal Campaign Charities Owe Payroll and Other Federal Taxes |
GAO-06-727 |
September 22, 2006 |
Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community Program: Improvements Occurred in Communities, but the Effect of the Program Is Unclear |
GAO-06-615T |
April 6, 2006 |
Internal Revenue Service: Assessment of the Interim Results of the 2006 Filing Season and Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Request |
GAO-06-603 |
June 13, 2006 |
Capital Gains Tax Gap: Requiring Brokers to Report Securities Cost Basis Would Improve Compliance if Related Challenges Are Addressed |
GAO-06-563T |
April 4, 2006 |
Paid Tax Return Preparers: In a Limited Study, Chain Preparers Made Serious Errors |
GAO-06-560 |
June 6, 2006 |
Internal Revenue Service: Status of Recommendations from Financial Audits and Related Financial Management Reports |
GAO-06-543R |
May 12, 2006 |
Management Report: Improvements Needed in IRS's Internal Controls |
GAO-06-541 |
May 19, 2006 |
Puerto Rico: Fiscal Relations with the Federal Government and Economic Trends during the Phaseout of the Possessions Tax Credit |
GAO-06-525 |
April 20, 2006 |
IRS Offers in Compromise: Performance Has Been Mixed; Better Management Information and Simplification Could Improve the Program |
GAO-06-499T |
April 27, 2006 |
Internal Revenue Service: Assessment of the Interim Results of the 2006 Filing Season and Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Request |
GAO-06-492T |
March 14, 2006 |
Financial Management: Thousands of GSA Contractors Abuse the Federal Tax System |
GAO-06-453T |
February 15, 2006 |
Tax Gap: Making Significant Progress in Improving Tax Compliance Rests on Enhancing Current IRS Techniques and Adopting New Legislative Actions |
GAO-06-396 |
March 24, 2006 |
Tax Administration: Opportunities to Improve Compliance Decisions and Service to Taxpayers through Enhancements to Appeals' Feedback Project |
GAO-06-360 |
February 21, 2006 |
Business Systems Modernization: Internal Revenue Service's Fiscal Year 2006 Expenditure Plan |
GAO-06-328 |
March 23, 2006 |
Information Security: Continued Progress Needed to Strengthen Controls at the Internal Revenue Service |
GAO-06-310 |
March 20, 2006 |
Business Systems Modernization: IRS Needs to Complete Recent Efforts to Develop Policies and Procedures to Guide Requirements Development and Management |
GAO-06-273 |
January 23, 2006 |
Internet Access Tax Moratorium: Revenue Impacts Will Vary by State |
GAO-06-220T |
November 3, 2005 |
Financial Institutions: Issues Regarding the Tax-Exempt Status of Credit Unions |
GAO-06-208T |
October 26, 2005 |
Tax Gap: Multiple Strategies, Better Compliance Data, and Long-Term Goals Are Needed to Improve Taxpayer Compliance |
GAO-06-199R |
November 4, 2005 |
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Airport and Airway Trust Fund Excise Taxes |
GAO-06-198R |
November 4, 2005 |
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Highway Trust Fund Excise Taxes |
GAO-06-197R |
November 4, 2005 |
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Federal Unemployment Taxes |
GAO-06-137 |
November 10, 2005 |
Financial Audit: IRS's Fiscal Years 2005 and 2004 Financial Statements |
GAO-06-100 |
October 11, 2005 |
Taxpayer Information: Options Exist to Enable Data Sharing Between IRS and USCIS but Each Presents Challenges |
GAO-06-51 |
November 14, 2005 |
Tax Administration: IRS Improved Some Filing Season Services, but Long-term Goals Would Help Manage Strategic Trade-offs |
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