Taxpayers disagreeing with Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
compliance decisions can request an independent review by IRS's Appeals
Office (Appeals). In 2004 the Commissioner requested that Appeals
establish a feedback program to share the results of Appeals' reviews
with the compliance programs. GAO was asked to assess whether (1)
information on Appeals results would provide useful feedback to IRS
operating divisions to benefit compliance programs, Appeals, and
taxpayers through better case resolution and (2) the feedback project
is being effectively managed to maximize its potential to improve IRS's
performance and thereby reduce disputes with taxpayers.
Appeals' case result information has the potential to help compliance programs
improve taxpayer service, but realizing improvements requires
investments in data collection and analysis that must be considered in
light of the likely benefits. Based on a review of 153 Appeals cases,
GAO estimates that 41 percent of the 102,623 cases closed in fiscal
year 2004 were not fully sustained. Of these, about half were not
sustained because Appeals applied a law or regulation differently than
the programs. Lacking such information, officials could not assess
whether actions like additional guidance were needed. However,
identifying specific provisions that were interpreted differently would
require data gathering and analysis. Because the differences span a
host of laws and regulations, corrective action may only affect a small
number of cases. Improved decision making, however, can benefit
compliance programs, Appeals, and taxpayers. An initial data analysis,
such as identifying programs with high nonsustention rates due to
differences in applying laws or regulations, would help to target areas
most likely to benefit from feedback. Appeals has taken several initial
steps to launch the feedback project. During 2005, for example, Appeals
and the compliance programs began to identify additional information
needs. In addition, Appeals and the compliance programs could refine
the feedback project's objectives to target the results-oriented
improvements that are logical benefits of information sharing.
Obtaining agreement between Appeals and the programs on objectives may
not be easy because their perspectives differ on the steps needed to
improve operations, but is necessary. Also, Appeals' plans to update
its information system to provide additional data on case results will
be hindered by inaccurate data. We found that several important data
fields had error rates up to 14 percent. Appeals staff cited several
reasons for this, including weak data verification procedures.
Click here for the full GAO Report, PDF Version