Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the Internal Revenue
Service's (IRS) efforts to reduce Earned Income Credit (EIC)
noncompliance in calender year 1995.
GAO found that: (1) the up-front controls used by IRS in its Electronic
Filing System helped IRS reduce some EIC noncompliance and identify
about 1.3 million Social Security number (SSN) problems on
electronically filed tax returns in 1995; (2) IRS placed increased
emphasis on validating SSN on paper returns, since it identified about
3.3 million returns with missing or invalid SSN for EIC-qualifying
children; (3) although IRS identified 3.3 million returns with problems,
IRS only had the resources to follow up on 1 million cases; (4) IRS
delayed refunds on about 4 million EIC returns that did not have any SSN
problems to check for the use of duplicate SSN, but released almost all
of those refunds without checking for duplicate SSN; (5) IRS has taken
steps to better utilize its resources in 1996, such as attempting to
identify more productive cases and limiting the number of delayed
refunds; and (6) the overall impact on IRS efforts to reduce EIC
noncompliance cannot be assessed because IRS commingled 1995 data with
data from previous years.
Click here for the full GAO Report, PDF Version, 21pgs. 208K