1996 GAO Reports on the IRS
 The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress,
the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and
information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility
not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the
federal agency responsible for tax administration.
The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy
and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they
uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.
GGD-96-154 |
Sept. 30, 1996 |
Federal Law Enforcement: Investigative Authority & Personnel at 13 Agencies |
AIMD-96-64 |
Sept. 30, 1996 |
Information Technology Investment: Agencies Can Improve Performance, Reduce Costs, & Minimize Risks |
GGD-96-172 |
Sept. 18, 1996 |
Earned Income Credit: IRS' 1995 Controls Stopped Some Noncompliance, But Not Without Problems |
GGD-96-188 |
Sept. 10, 1996 |
IRS Operations: Critical Need to Continue Improving Core Business Practices |
T-AIMD-96-165 |
Sept. 10, 1996 |
Tax Systems Modernization: Actions Underway But Management & Technical Weaknesses Not Yet Corrected |
GGD-96-152 |
Sept. 09, 1996 |
Internal Revenue Service: Business Operations Need Continued Improvement |
GGD-96-175 |
Sept. 03, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Income Tax Treatment of Married & Single Individuals |
GGD-96-176 |
Aug. 30, 1996 |
Tax Administration: IRS Is Improving Its Controls for Ensuring That Taxpayers Are Treated Properly |
GGD-96-165 |
Aug. 28, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Tax Compliance of Nonwage Earners |
AIMD-96-140 |
Aug. 26, 1996 |
Tax Systems Modernization: Cyberfile Project Was Poorly Planned & Managed |
GGD-96-127 |
Aug. 15, 1996 |
Tax Policy: Analysis of Certain Potential Effects of Extending Federal Income Taxation to Puerto Rico |
AIMD-96-170 |
July 29, 1996 |
Managing IRS: IRS Needs to Continue Improving Operations & Service |
AIMD-96-101 |
July 11, 1996 |
Financial Audit: Examination of IRS' Fiscal Year 1995 Financial Statements |
IAP-96-22 |
July 01, 1996 |
Tax Policy & Administration Issue Area Plan--Fiscal Years 1996-98 |
T-GGD-96-130 |
June 20, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Issues in Classifying Workers as Employees or Independent Contractors |
GGD-96-122BR |
June 13, 1996 |
Earned Income Credit: Profile of Tax Year 1994 Credit Recipients |
AIMD-96-106 |
June 07, 1996 |
Tax Systems Modernization: Actions Underway But IRS Has Not Yet Corrected Management & Technical Weaknesses (Summary only) |
GGD-96-109 |
June 05, 1996 |
Tax Research: IRS Has Made Progress But Major Challenges Remain |
GGD-96-43 |
May 21, 1996 |
Tax Policy & Administration: Review of Studies of the Effectiveness of the Research Tax Credit |
GGD-96-72 |
May 13, 1996 |
Internal Revenue Service: Results of Nonfiler Strategy & Opportunities to Improve Future Efforts |
GGD-96-123 |
May 09, 1996 |
Tax Systems Modernization: Progress in Achieving IRS' Business Vision |
GGD-96-91 |
April 26, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Audit Trends & Results for Individual Taxpayers |
GGD-96-89 |
April 26, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Alternative Strategies to Obtain Compliance Data |
T-GGD-96-112 |
April 25, 1996 |
Tax Administration: IRS Tax Debt Collection Practices |
T-GGD-96-99 |
March 28, 1996 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Fiscal Year 1996 & 1997 Budget Issues & the 1996 Filing Season |
T-AIMD-96-75 |
March 26, 1996 |
Tax Systems Modernization: Management & Technical Weaknesses Must Be Overcome to Achieve Success |
GGD-96-70 |
March 15, 1996 |
Tax Administration: IRS Can Improve Information Reporting for Original Issue Discount Bonds |
AIMD-96-88 |
March 14, 1996 |
Status of Tax Systems Modernization, Tax Delinquencies, & the Potential
for Return-Free Filing |
GGD-96-74 |
March 11, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Making IRS' Telephone Systems Easier to Use Should Help Taxpayers |
GGD-96-61 |
March 08, 1996 |
Tax Policy & Administration: 1995 Annual Report on GAO's Tax-Related Work |
T-AIMD-96-56 |
March 06, 1996 |
IRS Operations: Significant Challenges in Financial Management & Systems Modernization |
GGD-96-73R |
Jan. 31, 1996 |
IRS Staffing Trends |
GGD-96-53 |
Jan. 16, 1996 |
Tax Administration: Diesel Fuel Excise Tax Change |
GGD-96-48 |
Dec. 29, 1995 |
The 1995 Tax Filing Season: IRS Performance Indicators Provide Incomplete Information About Some Problems |
NSIAD-96-74R |
Dec. 22, 1995 |
IRS�s Use of Information on Taxpayers Claiming Many Allowances or Exemption From Federal Income Tax Withholding |
GGD-96-46R |
Nov. 08, 1995 |
Tax Exempt Statistics of Income (SOT) Data for Charity Organizations |
GGD-96-12 |
Oct. 31, 1995 |
Tax Administration: Electronic Filing Falling Short of Expectations |
GGD-96-29R |
Oct. 10, 1995 |
Tax Exempt Non-Profit Lobbying Statistics |
GGD-96-3 |
Oct. 10, 1995 |
Tax Administration: IRS Faces Challenges in Reorganizing for Customer Service |
GGD-96-21 |
Oct. 06, 1995 |
Tax Administration: Information on IRS' Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program |
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