Internal Revenue Bulletins  

1997 IRB Index by
Type of Document

Use this section if you already know the type of document you are looking for, but you don't know the number of the document, or the Internal Revenue Bulletin it was issued in. For example, if you know the document you are looking for is a "Revenue Ruling", but you don't know the Rev. Rul. #, then you would use this section.

Listed below are the types of official documents published in the Bulletin. Click the appropriate document type to get a listing of all currently published documents of that type. The listings that follow will include Summaries of all documents of that type that were issued for the year, and will include links to the full text of the actual documents.

All full text documents are exact copies of the originals as they were published in the Bulletin, and are in the Adobe Acrobat PDF Format. You will need the appropriate Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print the document. Once the document is loaded into your browser, you can save it to your hard drive, or you can even print it while on-line.

1997 Revenue Rulings 1997 Revenue Procedures
1997 Announcements 1997 Regulations
1997 Treasury Decisions 1997 Notices
Other 1997 Miscellaneous IRS Documents
Court Decisions, Public Laws, Delegation Orders, Social Security, Tax Conventions, Railroad Retirement Board Quarterly Reports, etc.


You can either: Search all IRS Bulletin Documents issued since January 1996, or Search the entire site. For a more focused search, put your search word(s) in quotes.

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