October 25, 1990
Office of Contracts & Acquisitions Reorganized
![](/Resources/randomimages/image_rotation21.jpg) WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service is reorganizing its office of
contracts and acquisitions to meet anticipated procurement needs for
tax system modernization that will involve capital expenditures of
up to $6 billion over the next decade.
The new office will be headed by an Assistant Commissioner
(Procurement Services) and will report directly to the Chief
Financial Officer. Primary responsibilities of the new office of
procurement services will be to set policy and perform contract
administration, information systems acquisitions, quality assurance
and program review.
Procurement services currently are performed by the Contracts
and Acquisition Division under the Assistant Commissioner for Human
Resources Management and Support. Last year this division handled
procurement totaling $240 million.
IRS said the benefits of the reorganization are twofold. By
keeping the function within the offices of the Chief Financial
Officer, procurement services will continue to be provided
independent of any one IRS organizational client.
Also, by elevating procurement services to the level of
assistant commissioner, the procurement aspects critical to the
success of modernizing the tax system will be managed directly at
the top executive level of IRS.
IRS said the office of procurement services will assist in all
procurements, including telecommunications, supplies, equipment and
maintenance services, in addition to those relating to tax systems
Design and specifications associated with procurements will
continue to be initiated and developed by various IRS functions and
operations. The Assistant Commissioner (Procurement Services) will
assist the client office in finalizing design and related analysis
and assume jurisdiction for actual contract work.
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