IRS News Release  

1990 IRS News Releases

News Releases are issued by the IRS whenever there is information of importance that needs to be released to the public or practitioner community. All 1990 releases are included here except those pertaining to IRS personnel changes

The numbering system identifies the year and the number of the News Release. Fact Sheets are identified with filenames beginning "FS-90'" followed by the number of the fact sheet.

IR-90-155 Dec. 20, 1990
State, Local Governments Under New Social Security & Medicare Taxes
Soon over two million state and local government employees not currently covered by a retirement system will be subject to social security and medicare taxes. This means that state and local government employers will be subject to the employer's matching portion of social security and medicare tax.
IR-90-153 Dec. 26, 1990
IRS Unveils 1990 Tax Forms
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the annual mailout of tax packages and explained that changes to the Form 1040A will allow up to 4.5 million taxpayers -- mostly those with retirement income -- to file the simpler form rather than the long Form 1040.
IR-90-152 Dec. 14, 1990
IRS Announced 1991 Indexed Tax Rate Tables
The IRS today announced the 1991 inflation adjusted income tax rate tables and the standard deduction, personal exemption, and earned income credit amounts.
IR-90-151 Dec. 14, 1990
IRS Announced 1991 Standard Mileage Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that final regulations providing guidance to employers and employees on the tax treatment of employee business expenses under a reimbursement or other expense allowance arrangement will be published in the Federal Register on Monday, December 17, 1990. These final regulations reflect changes to the law made by the Family Support Act of 1988. These regulations also provide guidance to employees regarding the deduction of business expenses.
IR-90-150 Dec. 14, 1990
IRS Won't Impose Penalties in Good Faith Efforts
The Internal Revenue Service released regulations today concerning the need to withhold tax on certain travel advances or reimbursements and make reports to employees on Forms W-2. The IRS said that where substantial and good faith efforts have been made to comply with requirements of temporary regulations that became effective July 1, 1990, the IRS will not impose penalties for failures to withhold and pay employment taxes or failure to properly report advances or reimbursements.
IR-90-148 Dec. 6, 1990
Desert Shield Troops Have Tax Filing Extension
Military personnel assigned to Operation Desert Shield in the Mideast will have at least until June 14, 1991, to file and pay any balance of tax shown on their 1990 tax returns.
IR-90-147 Dec. 5, 1990
Advisory Group to Meet
The Internal Revenue Service Commissioner's Advisory Group will meet at the National Office; 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, on December 12 and 13.
IR-90-146 Dec. 4, 1990
IRS & NTEU Recognize Quality Achievements
During the three years it has been tested in the San Francisco district, "one-stop account service" has allowed that Internal Revenue Service district to resolve over 80 percent of taxpayers' account-related inquiries the same day and has saved the IRS almost $1.2 million. At the Austin Service Center, improvements in procedures for assessing estimated tax penalties have saved $1.6 million a year.
IR-90-143 Nov. 27, 1990
Taxpayers Owed Millions, IRS Says
How would you like an extra $569 for shopping or paying bills? That's the average amount owed to the 72,000 taxpayers who haven't yet claimed their 1989 federal income tax refunds.
IR-90-142 Nov. 21, 1990
Tax Considerations & Advice for Taxpayers in the Mideast
The Internal Revenue Service today provided guidance, in the form of answers to frequently-asked questions, on tax issues of concern to military reservists and others affected by recent events in the Middle East.
IR-90-140 Nov. 13, 1990
IRS Publication Describes New System Used to Answer Taxpayers Questions
A new computerized system to improve the accuracy of IRS responses to taxpayers' technical tax questions is described in the 1990 edition of the Internal Revenue Service publication, "Trend Analyses and Related Statistics."
IR-90-138 Oct. 30, 1990
1986 Tax Reform Act Changes Available
Taxable income decreased by 5 percent while total income tax increased by 0.5 percent in 1987. These and other statistical data regarding individual income tax returns and the effect of the 1986 Tax Reform Act are published in the Statistics of Income - 1987, Individual Income Tax Returns annual report.
IR-90-137 Oct. 26, 1990
Interest Rates for the Quarter to Remain at Ten Percent
The IRS today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 1991, will remain at ten percent for overpayments and eleven percent for underpayments.
IR-90-135 Oct. 25, 1990
Office of Contracts & Acquisitions Reorganized
The IRS is reorganizing its office of contracts and acquisitions to meet anticipated procurement needs for tax system modernization that will involve capital expenditures of up to $6 billion over the next decade.
IR-90-134 Oct. 23, 1990
Devlin Named as Director of the Information Reporting Program
The IRS has named John F. Devlin to the new position of director of the information reporting program. The information reporting program is the primary way the IRS verifies the accuracy of the 100 million returns filed each year.
IR-90-128 Oct. 15, 1990
Commercial Passenger Ships to Pay A New Excise Tax
Many operators of commercial passenger ships and boats will soon have to file a tax return and pay a new excise tax, the IRS said today. The tax for the first three quarters of 1990 is due Nov. 30, 1990.
IR-90-125 Oct. 3, 1990
Undercover Investigation Uncovers Money Laundering
Fifteen individuals, five automobile dealerships and two insurance company agencies were charged with money laundering, cash reporting and mail fraud violations in complaints unsealed today in federal court in Manhattan.
IR-90-124 Oct. 2, 1990
Taxpayers to Provide Correct Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs)
About 2 million taxpayers nationwide will soon be asked to provide correct taxpayer identification numbers (TINs) to those who pay them interest, dividends, rents, royalties, non-employee compensation and brokerage transactions.
IR-90-121 Sept. 20, 1990
Suspension of Tax Examination for Citizens Detained in Iraq & Kuwait
The IRS is extending its policy of providing administrative relief to taxpayers in hostage situations by suspending tax examination and collection actions involving U.S. citizens detained in Iraq and Kuwait. To implement the relief police IRS needs to hear form family members of hostages.
IR-90-120 Sept. 19, 1990
Seventeen Volunteer Individuals & Organizations Honored
The IRS today honored 17 individuals and organizations that have made exceptional contributions to volunteer programs to help taxpayers.
IR-90-111 Aug. 4, 1990
Agreement for Simultaneous Examinations of Tax Returns Between the United States & Mexico
The IRS today announced a formal working arrangement covering simultaneous examinations of tax returns between the United States and Mexico.
IR-90-107 Aug. 21, 1990
New Instructions to Help Detect Potentially Abusive Transactions
The IRS today issued new instructions to its examiners to help them detect potentially abusive transactions in which charitable organizations buy or sell health care facilities financed with tax exempt bonds.
IR-90-103 Aug. 15, 1990
Interest Payments Cut Almost in Half
Improved processing of individual income tax returns in 1990 made it possible for the IRS to cut almost in half interest payments on refunds for tax returns that could not be processed within 45 days of the filing deadline.
IR-90-102 Aug. 13, 1990
Spring 1990 Statistics of Income Bulletin Available
The most recent income and tax statistics are available in the Spring 1990 issue of the Internal Revenue Service quarterly publication, The Statistics of Income Bulletin.
IR-90-101 Aug. 13, 1990
Interest Rates for the Quarter Announced
The IRS today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 1990, will remain at ten percent for overpayments and eleven percent for underpayments.
IR-90-99 Aug. 10, 1990
Commissioner's Advisory Group to Meet
The IRS Commissioner's Advisory Group will meet at the National Office; 1111 Constitution Ave. N.W.; Washington, D.C.; on August 29 and 30.
IR-90-97 July 31, 1990
Agreement Announced for the Simultaneous Examination of Tax Returns Between the United States & Korea
The IRS today announced the signing of a formal working arrangement covering simultaneous examination of tax returns between the United States and Korea.
IR-90-96 July 19, 1990
Applicable Federal Interest Rates Announced
The IRS today announced the applicable federal interest rates, the adjusted applicable federal interest rates, the adjusted federal long-term rate, the adjusted federal long-term tax exempt rate , and the low-income housing credit appropriate percentages for August 1990.
IR-90-95 July 16, 1990
1990 Tax Forms & Tax Table Available
The IRS today released for public comment advance copies of the major individual income tax forms and the tax table and rat schedules for 1990. Although legislation did not require extensive revisions to the 1990 tax forms, the IRS has made changes to Form 1040A to simplify filing of millions of taxpayers.
IR-90-93 July 2, 1990
Brand Named New Assistant Commissioner
Philip G. Brand is the new assistant commissioner for taxpayer services for the IRS.
IR-90-87 June 6, 1990
Notices About Missing Taxpayer Identification Numbers Go Out
Many banks and financial institutions will soon be getting notices from the IRS about information returns they filed for 1988 that were mission taxpayer identification numbers (TINs) or had TINs that did not match those in IRS records.
IR-90-84 May 29, 1990
Unique Filing Considerations for U.S. Taxpayers Living Abroad
The filing season is not yet over for U. S. taxpayers living overseas, but with their June 15 deadline rapidly approaching, the IRS suggests they review tax considerations unique to filing from abroad.
IR-90-81 May 17, 1990
Quarterly Interest Rates to Remain the Same
The IRS today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 1990, will remain at ten percent for overpayments and eleven percent for underpayments.
IR-90-78 May 10, 1990
Computer Software for Form 5307 Users Available
Computer software to generate certain forms for employee plan applications is now available to tax practitioners from the IRS.
IR-90-77 May 10, 1990
New Pension Regulations Revealed
Four sets of proposed pension regulations affecting all qualified retirement plans will simplify the legal and administrative requirements that apply to qualified [plans, the IRS said today.
IR-90-73 May 1, 1990
Crouch Named Director of the Internal Security Division
Douglas C. Crouch is the new director of the internal security division in the office of the chief inspector of the IRS.
IR-90-72 April 25, 1990
Kern Named IRS Chief Inspector
IRS Commissioner Fred T. Goldberg, Jr. today announced a change in the title of the executive position responsible for internal audit and internal security programs.
IR-90-67 April 12, 1990
Contract Awarded to the National Academy of Sciences
The Internal Revenue Commissioner announced a contract award to the National Academy of Sciences for an independent review of the IRS information systems modernization effort.
IR-90-65 April 12, 1990
Only A Few Days Left to File
If you haven't filed your 1989 federal income tax return yet, you have only a few days left before this year's due date of April 16. And you're not alone.
IR-90-63 April 10, 1990
U.S. Taxpayers Living Overseas Must Still File by April 16
The IRS today advised overseas U.S. taxpayers that the Monday, April 16 due date for submission of U. S. federal income tax returns or tax payments is not extended due to the observance of holidays in many foreign countries.
IR-90-61 April 5, 1990
To Receive an Extension, a Form 4868 Must be Filed
There are less than two weeks left before the 1990 tax filing season ends on April 16, and many taxpayers who have not yet filed may be thinking about getting an extension of time to file their returns.
IR-90-60 April 3, 1990
Warning Regarding Charitable Organizations
The IRS today warned against several potentially abusive transactions in which charitable organizations purchase or sell health care facilities financed with tax exempt bonds.
IR-90-58 March 29, 1990
Penalties for Late Filing of Form 5471
Taxpayers required to file Form 5471, Information Return with Respect to a Foreign Corporation, will be subject to penalties for filing late or incomplete forms under a new assessment procedure.
IR-90-57 March 28, 1990
IRS Has Received Half of Expected Returns
The IRS, which continues to receive and process 1989 federal income tax returns ahead of last year's place, has now received half of the 111 million returns it expects this year.
IR-90-55 March 27, 1990
IRS Will Not Follow the Option in Soliman Versus Commissioner
The IRS today said it will not follow the opinion in Soliman vs. Commissioner (94 T.C. No. 3, January 19, 1990).
IR-90-48 March 15, 1990
Revenue Ruling Regarding the Dutch Auction Rate Issued
The IRS today issued a revenue ruling holding that "Dutch auction rate" preferred stock is equity rather than debt to both issuer and holders for federal tax purposes.
IR-90-44 March 14, 1990
Be Sure to Inform the IRS of Any Change of Address
Thousands of American taxpayers are on the move, but unfortunately they are leaving behind their tax refunds because the IRS does not have their new address.
IR-90-43 March 14, 1990
Taxpayers Can Designate One Dollar of Their Taxes to Help Fund Presidential Elections
The IRS today reminded taxpayers who have not yet filed their federal income tax returns that they can designate one dollar of their tax to help fund presidential elections by checking a special box on their tax forms.
IR-90-39 March 1, 1990
New Schedule for User Fees Announced
The IRS today announced a new schedule of user fees for requests for private letter rulings and determination letters.
IR-90-35 Feb. 28, 1990
Tips for Last Minute Filers
As taxpayers to file their Federal income tax returns ahead of last year's pace, the Internal Revenue Service offered some tips, based on a survey of returns filed so far, to those who have not sent in their returns.
IR-90-34 Feb. 23, 1990
Tax Help for U.S. Taxpayers Living Overseas
With U.S. Federal income tax returns due June 15, IRS Assistors will visit 110 cities in 73 countries throughout the world to bring tax help to thousands of U.S. taxpayers living overseas.
IR-90-33 Feb. 22, 1990
Number of Returns Up Almost Six Percent
More taxpayers are filing their federal income returns earlier this year than last year, and the IRS is processing them faster.
IR-90-27 Feb. 15, 1990
More Taxpayers Are Filing Their Returns Earlier
More taxpayers are filing their federal income tax returns earlier this year than they did last year, more of them are getting refunds, and the refunds are larger too.
IR-90-21 Feb. 7, 1990
Interest Rates for the Quarter to Remain the Same
The IRS today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 1990, will remain at ten percent for overpayments and eleven percent for underpayments.
IR-90-20 Feb. 6, 1990
New Guidelines for Charities That Provide Token Benefits
New guidelines on the deductibility of contributions to charities that provide token benefits to contributors were announced today by the IRS.
IR-90-19 Feb. 5, 1990
Taxbreak 1990 to Air on February 11
It's that time of year again. You know it has to be done, but it's hard to get started on your federal income tax return. The IRS recommends you begin by watching some television.
IR-90-18 Feb. 1, 1990
Shashy to Be Chief Counsel of the IRS
Abraham N.M. (Hap) Shashy Jr. was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on January 30, 1990 to be Chief Counsel of the IRS.
IR-90-16 Jan. 31, 1990
100,000 Taxpayers Have Already Received Their Refunds
Only a few weeks into the tax filing season, 100,000 taxpayers already have received their refunds on their 1989 federal income tax returns.
IR-90-15 Jan. 30, 1990
IRS Announced Cost-of-Living Adjustment to Limits on Benefit Pension Plans
The IRS today announced cost-of-living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations on benefits under qualified defined benefit pension plans and to other provisions affecting such plans.
IR-90-14 Jan. 1, 1990
Fall 1989 Statistics of Income Bulletin Available
The latest income and tax statistics have been published in the IRS Fall 1989 Statistics of Income Bulletin.
IR-90-13 Jan. 29, 1990
IRS Electronic Filing System Available in All 50 States
With Forms W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, due to employees by the end of January, millions of taxpayers will be submitting their federal tax returns in the next few weeks. This year, the IRS suggests they consider an alternative to mailing in their paperwork -- they should file by computer.
IR-90-12 Jan. 25, 1990
Publications for Military Personnel & Students
Two specially designed IRS publications are now available, one for military personnel and one for high school and college students. The new publications focus on the special tax situations and question of concern to these taxpayers.
IR-90-11 Jan. 24, 1990
Taxpayers Should Check Their W-2 Forms for Business Travel Reimbursements
Some employees who received reimbursement for business travel may need to claim a deduction on their 1989 tax returns for reimbursements that did not need to be, but were, included in income on their Forms W-2. Notice 90-14 outlining the conditions and procedures for claiming an adjustment on 1989 tax returns for unnecessary W-2 reporting of employee business expense reimbursements is attached.
FS-90-08 Dec. 26, 1990
Some Help in Getting Refunds Quicker, With Less Hassle
Taxpayers are eager to get their refunds. Sometimes they are so eager, they concern themselves mostly with the bottom line -- finding their tax in the tax table. They speed through the information at the top of the return not realizing how important it is in determining their correct tax. Along the way, taxpayers sometimes make mistakes. In fact, many of the most frequent mistakes taxpayers make have to do with information on these lines -- filing status, exemptions, standard deductions and the earned income credit.
FS-90-07 Dec. 26, 1990
Tax Time 1991
Starting December 28 about 108 million tax packages and postcards will be delivered in the mail to taxpayers. For the second year in a row taxpayers will have relatively few law changes to tackle so the IRS is expecting another smooth filing season. One big change should benefit 4.5 million taxpayers who can now file the more simple Form 1040A. Topics: Revised Form 1040A for Taxpayers with Retirement Income; Separate Form 1040EZ Tax Package; Highlights of Other 1990 Changes; Electronic Tax Filing; Filing 1990 Tax Returns; Postcards; Developing the Tax Packages; and Obtaining Additional Tax Forms.
IR-90-06 Jan. 10, 1990
1986 Corporation Income Tax Returns Publication Available
Total U.S. corporate assets reached about $14 trillion in 1986, an 11-percent increase over the previous year. Total corporate income tax remained a $111 billion from 1985 to 1986, according to the just published 1986 Corporation Income Tax Returns publication. Approximately 3.4 million corporations filed federal income tax returns for 1986, a 4.6-percent increase from 1985.
IR-90-02 Jan. 1, 1990
Interest on 1990 Savings Bonds May Be Tax Free
Beginning in 1990 interest on newly purchased series EE United States savings bond may be tax free if the proceeds from the bonds are used to pay college tuition. Notice 90-7, containing more information is attached.


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