January 31, 1990
100,000 Taxpayers Have Already Received Their Refunds
![](/Resources/randomimages/image_rotation11.jpg) WASHINGTON - Only a few weeks into the tax filing season,
100,000 taxpayers already have received their refunds on their 1989
federal income tax returns.
Over 200,000 taxpayers have filed their returns
electronically so far this filing season, according to the
Internal Revenue Service, an increase of more than 300 percent
compared to the same period last year. Taxpayers who file
electronically and also have their refunds deposited directly
into their bank accounts can generally have their refunds in
about two weeks.
Electronic filing is available for the first time this year
in all 50 states. Taxpayers who expect a refund can file their
returns electronically through tax preparers and transmitters
accepted by the IRS to participate. This year the IRS expects
two million taxpayers to opt to file electronically.
Even if they don't file electronically, by filing early in
the filing season, taxpayers can receive their refunds in only a
few weeks. Toward the end of the filing season, it can take as
long as eight weeks for the Internal Revenue Service to get
refunds to taxpayers.
As of January 26, 1990, the IRS received almost three
million income tax returns in the tax processing centers, a
decrease of five percent. As of that date, however, the IRS
processed over one million returns, an increase of almost 11
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