February 23, 1990
Tax Help for U.S. Taxpayers Living Overseas
![](/Resources/randomimages/image_rotation16.jpg) WASHINGTON - With U. S. Federal income tax returns due June
15, Internal Revenue Service assistors will visit 110 cities in 73
countries throughout the world during the 1990 filing period to
bring tax help to thousands of U.S. taxpayers living overseas. IRS
taxpayer assistors traveling overseas help individuals get tax forms
and free publications, answer tax questions, help prepare tax
returns and assist with account problems.
The schedule of overseas assistance visits for the 1990 tax
filing season is announced. In addition, IRS has full-time,
year-round staff assigned to U. S. embassies in Bonn, Caracas,
London, Manila, Mexico City, Nassau, Ottawa, Paris, Riyadh, Rome,
Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.
Volunteers, trained under the IRS Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance (VITA) Program, are also available to help others prepare
their tax returns at many U. S. military installations throughout
the world. IRS also sponsors a variety of outreach programs
including group presentations and seminars on general and
specialized tax topics.
Further information on IRS taxpayer services available abroad
may be obtained by contacting the IRS representative in one of the
14 IRS posts of duty at the U. S. embassies listed above.
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