March 14, 1990
Be Sure to Inform the IRS of Any Change of Address
 WASHINGTON - Thousands of American taxpayers are on the move,
but unfortunately they are leaving behind their tax refunds because
the Internal Revenue Service doesn't have their new addresses. Last
year more than $40 million in tax refund checks were returned by the
Postal Service as undeliverable because taxpayers did not inform IRS
about the change of address.
Today the IRS explained how taxpayers should let the IRS know
about a change of address. The IRS also said it will soon make
available a new form that taxpayers will have the option of using to
report an address change.
Making sure you receive your refund is not the only reason for
alerting the IRS to an address change. It also helps ensure you
properly receive other important information and notices from the
IRS. If the IRS sends a bill or notice of tax deficiency to a
taxpayer's last known address, the notice is legally effective even
if the taxpayer never receives it.
If you have not yet filed your 1989 tax return but have a new
address, all you have to do to alert the IRS to the change is to
correct the address on the mailing label and attach it to the return
when you file it. The IRS will update your records when your return
is processed.
If you move or otherwise change your address after filing your
tax return, you should write to the IRS service center for your old
address and provide them with your new address. The service center
addresses are listed in the instructions to the tax forms. To
process a change of address, the IRS needs your full name,
signature, old and new addresses and your social security number.
Filers of joint returns should provide this information for both
Today's guidance on change of address is contained in Revenue
Procedure 90-18, which will also appear in the Internal Revenue
Bulletin 1990-13, dated March 26, 1990. It explains how
individuals, estates, corporations, employers, exempt organizations,
fiduciaries and other taxpayers should inform the IRS of a change of
The IRS said today that it is preparing an optional form that
taxpayers can use to alert the IRS about a change in address. Form
8822, "Change of Address," will be available from IRS forms
distribution sites about the end of March by calling toll-free
The IRS added that taxpayers who believe they are due refunds
for past tax years which they have not received should call their
local taxpayer assistance office, listed in the telephone book.
Every fall local IRS district offices publicize in the media the
name, city and ZIP code of taxpayers whose refunds were returned as
undeliverable. Through these efforts the IRS was able to deliver,
between October 1989 and January 1990, almost $20 in refunds to over
23,000 taxpayers.
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