IRS News Release  
May 01, 1990

Crouch Named Director
of the Internal Security Division

WASHINGTON - Douglas C. Crouch is the new director of the internal security division in the office of the chief inspector of the Internal Revenue Service.

Crouch will be responsible for the IRS internal security program which includes investigating allegations of misconduct or criminal activity by IRS employees. Internal security also investigates allegations of bribery, assaults on IRS personnel, and impersonation of IRS employees.

Crouch began his IRS career in 1973 as a revenue officer in the collection and taxpayer service division in Baltimore. In 1975, he joined IRS inspection as a criminal investigator. He held several supervisory positions in inspection in the Mid- Atlantic and Southeast Regions. In 1985, Crouch was named deputy assistant inspector general of investigation at the Department of Transportation. Crouch succeeds C. Arnold Decker who retired.

Crouch earned a bachelor's degree in history from George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. and attended the Maxwell Mid- career Development Program at Syracuse University.

He is a native of Alexandria, Va.

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