May 10, 1990
Computer Software for Form 5307 Users Available
![](/Resources/randomimages/image_rotation12.jpg) WASHINGTON - Computer software to generate certain forms
for employee plan applications is now available to tax practitioners from the Internal
Revenue Service. The IRS software will produce From 5307 , "Application for
Determination for Adopters of Master or Prototype, Regional Prototype or Volume Submitter
Plans" (revision dated February, 1990) and a special version of Form 8717, "User
Fee for Employee Plan Determination Letter Request" (all revisions, but only for use
with Form 5307).
Practitioners who use Form 5307 to request determination letters for plans that have
been pre-approved by the IRS may get a copy of the software.
Originals of computer generated applications may be used in place of IRS printed
application forms. Practitioners must otherwise use page one of the IRS form because of
its Optical Character Recognition capabilities. Page one of the IRS form is printed in
special ink used for OCR equipment.
The IRS said that the computer software should help practitioners who have a number of
applications to submit because these forms need not be ordered from the IRS. Instructions
will be given soon for those practitioners who want to design their own computer programs
to generate customized forms, the IRS said.
The software is for use with an IBM compatible computer having at least 312K of RAM
available. Practitioners may obtain a free copy of the software by sending a 5-1/4
formatted double- density disk and a return postage paid container to the IRS key district
office for employee plan matters in the region in which the practitioner is located.
Practitioners should also enclose typed samples produced by their printer to ensure
compatibility with the OCR equipment used by the key district offices.
To order software, send disk and postage paid container to:
State Contact Point For Software
Indiana, Kentucky, Volume Submitter Coordinator, Room 4122
Michigan, Ohio Internal Revenue Service (EP/EO)
and West Virginia P.O. Box 2508, Cincinnati, OH 45201
Delaware, Maryland Volume Submitter Coordinator, Room 716
New Jersey, Pennsylvania,Internal Revenue Service (EP/EO)
Virginia and District of P.O. Box 13163, Baltimore, MD 21203
Illinois, Iowa, Volume Submitter Coordinator, DPN 22-1
Minnesota, Missouri, Internal Revenue Service (EP/EO)
Montana, Nebraska, 230 S. Dearborn St.
North Dakota, South Chicago, IL 60604
Dakota and Wisconsin
Connecticut, Maine, Chief, Review Staff
Massachusetts, New Internal Revenue Service (EP/EO)
Hampshire, New York, P.O. Box C-9076
Rhode Island, and Brooklyn, NY 11202
Alabama, Arkansas Chief, Review Staff
Florida, Georgia, Internal Revenue Service (EP/EO)
Louisiana, Mississippi P.O. Box 1055 Stop 516D
North Carolina, South Atlanta, GA 30370
Carolina and Tennessee
Arizona, Colorado, Volume Submitter Coordinator
Kansas, New Mexico, Internal Revenue Service (EP/EO)
Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, 1100 Commerce Street
and Wyoming Mail Code 4919 DAL
Dallas, TX 75242
Alaska, California, Volume Submitter Coordinator
Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Internal Revenue Service (EP/EO)
Oregon and Washington P.O. Box 2350, Room 5127
Los Angeles, CA 90053
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