IRS News Release  
July 02, 1990

Brand Named New Assistant Commissioner

WASHINGTON - Philip G. Brand is the new assistant commissioner for taxpayer services for the Internal Revenue Service.

Brand is responsible for all IRS taxpayer service programs, including toll-free telephone assistance, taxpayer education and volunteer efforts and tax forms and publications development.

Brand began his IRS career in 1969 as a revenue officer in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He held various positions in the collection and taxpayer service divisions in Houston and Chicago, before becoming chief of the resources management division in 1979 in Chicago.

After completing the IRS executive selection and development program in 1982, Brand was named assistant regional commissioner for resources management in Philadelphia. He served as director of the personnel division in 1984 in Washington, and in 1986, Brand became assistant director of the Chicago District. He was appointed director of the Baltimore District in 1988, the position he held until his present appointment.

Brand earned a bachelor's degree in public administration from Roosevelt University in Chicago and a master's degree in administration from Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant.

He is a native of St. Louis.

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