IRS News Release  
January 27, 1992

IRS Tax Clinic Scheduled on
PBS Television Stations

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service will present "Taxbreak '92: Making Your Tax Preparation Easier" -- a full-hour of tax tips on preparing your 1991 tax return. The program will air on most public television stations on Sunday, February 2, 1992 at 2 p.m. EST.

The show which will be hosted by Faith Daniels of NBC's "Today Show" will feature IRS tax specialists and professional tax preparers. Some of the topics covered will be what's new this year:

  • tax savings from owning a home
  • free taxpayer services
  • how to get refunds quicker
  • earned income credit and electronic filing.

Special segments will target married taxpayers with children, single parents and older taxpayers.

The home audience can call IRS toll-free during the program and for one hour after the program to have their tax questions answered by the IRS.

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