IRS News Release  

1992 IRS News Releases

News Releases are issued by the IRS whenever there is information of importance that needs to be released to the public or practitioner community. All 1992 releases are included here except those pertaining to IRS personnel changes

The numbering system identifies the year and the number of the News Release. Fact Sheets are identified with filenames beginning "FS-92'" followed by the number of the fact sheet.

IR-92-121 Dec. 28, 1992
Tax Filing Season Starts Saturday
For millions of Americans this year, the familiar paper Form 1040 will be a thing of the past as they may take advantage of new filing options.
IR-92-119 Dec. 15, 1992
Tax Help Newsletter for Employers
Over six million employers will soon receive the premier issue of the SSA/IRS REPORTER newsletter. A joint venture of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA), the newsletter is designed to keep employers up to date on changes to their tax and employee wage obligations.
IR-92-118 Dec. 14, 1992
Inflation Adjustments Raise 1993 Tax Benefits
Taxpayers looking ahead and planning for their 1993 taxes will find larger personal exemptions, standard deductions and earned income credits, plus wider tax brackets that begin at higher income levels.
IR-92-117 Dec. 11, 1992
IRS Announces the Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 1993, will remain at six percent for overpayments, seven percent for underpayments, and nine percent for large corporate underpayments.
IR-92-116 Dec. 11, 1992
Advisory Group Gets New Members
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Shirley D. Peterson has announced the appointment of the 1993 Commissioner's Advisory Group.
IR-92-115 Dec. 8, 1992
IRS Releases 1989 Complete Report on Corporation Income Tax Data
Corporations filed approximately 3.6 million federal income tax returns for 1989, an increase of 1.8 percent over 1988, according to Statistics of Income--1989, Corporation Income Tax Returns, available now. Total assets reached $17.6 trillion, and total receipts reached $10.9 trillion, each increasing by 6.5 percent over 1988.
IR-92-114 Dec. 7, 1992
IRS Says Nonfilers Who Come Forward Are Not Prosecuted
Responding to the apprehensions of people who want to come forward and file delinquent tax returns but are concerned about IRS criminal investigations, the IRS has explained how it handles such cases.
IR-92-113 Dec. 2, 1992
Organizations Win IRS Quality Awards
Sixteen organizations receive IRS Quality Supplier Award for supplying the Internal Revenue Service with large numbers of error-free information documents.
IR-92-112 Dec. 1, 1992
IRS & NTEU Set Total Quality Organization Goal
The Internal Revenue Service and the National Treasury Employees Union have agreed to move to a higher level of employee involvement and more sophisticated labor-management relationship by working jointly to make the IRS a Total Quality Organization.
IR-92-111 Nov. 30, 1992
IRS Information Reporting Advisory Committee Meeting
The Internal Revenue Service Information Reporting Advisory Committee will meet Wednesday and Thursday, December 2 and 3, at the IRS National Office, 1111 Constitution Avenue N.W., Room 3313, Washington, D.C. The meetings will begin at 10:00 a.m. both days, ending about mid-day on the 3rd.
IR-92-110 Nov. 23, 1992
Fall 1992 SOI Bulletin Available
The average individual income tax for 1991, for returns filed through April 1992, was $3,691 compared to $3,569 for 1990. The Fall 1992 issue of the IRS publication Statistics of Income, available now, reports that adjusted gross income increased 6 percent to $3.2 trillion, while tax as a percentage of AGI decreased slightly, from 12.5 to 12.4 percent. The number of returns with itemized deductions increased over 7 percent to 30.8 million and total itemized deductions increased 9.5 percent to $412.5 billion. The number of returns filed electronically increased 25 percent to 10.9 million.
IR-92-109 Nov. 23, 1992
IRS Explains New Deposit Rules to Employers
The Internal Revenue Service is now mailing notices to the country's six million employers, explaining the new deposit schedule they will follow for their 1993 employment taxes.
IR-92-107 Nov. 18, 1992
IRS Issues Statistics on Employee Plan Determination Letters
Determination letter statistics for various employee benefit plans for the period October 1991 through September 1992 were released today by the Internal Revenue Service.
IR-92-106 Nov. 16, 1992
New IRS Publication Explains Collection Process
If you have an overdue tax bill, the IRS will be sending you a new publication which may not make paying any easier but may clear up questions about the IRS collection process.
IR-92-105 Nov. 9, 1992
Extra Cash for Thousands of Taxpayers
Need some extra cash? The IRS may have the solution. If you are one of 81,000 taxpayers who have not yet gotten your 1991 refund check, the IRS wants to hear from you.
IR-92-103 Oct. 29, 1992
Institute on Current Issues in International Taxation Scheduled
The Fifth Annual Institute on Current Issues in International Taxation will be held December 14 and 15 at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington.
IR-92-102 Oct. 19, 1992
IRS Issues Ruling on "ARM" Interest Refunds
Taxpayers who claim an itemized deduction for the interest they pay on their adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) and receive a refund from their mortgage company in a following year will include the refund as income on their tax returns for that year, the IRS said in a revenue ruling today.
IR-92-98 Oct. 13, 1992
IRS Releases 1989 Income Tax Data
United States taxpayers filed 2.4 million more federal tax returns for tax year 1989 than for 1988. Adjusted gross income rose by more than $173 billion, 5.6 percent, over the same period, with taxable interest received and partnership and S corporation income showing the largest increases. The sum of income tax after credits and the alternative minimum tax rose 4.9 percent. These and other statistical data appear in IRS' annual report, "Statistics of Income--1989, Individual Income Tax Returns" (Publication 1304), available now.
IR-92-94 Sept. 30, 1992
IRS Reaches Out to Bring Nonfilers Back Into the Tax System
If you haven't filed a Federal tax return for a couple of years, you probably think the IRS is the last place you want to go, right? Wrong.
IR-92-93 Sept. 22, 1992
IRS Finalizes Simplified Payroll Tax Deposit Rules
Nearly six million employers will find rules for depositing federal taxes easier under new regulations the Internal Revenue Service finalized today. The new rules take effect January 1, 1993, but include a one-year transition period to allow employers to change their payroll systems.
IR-92-91 Sept. 16, 1992
IRS Gives Tax Relief to Hurricane Iniki Victims
The Internal Revenue Service today granted relief to taxpayers in the designated disaster areas of the Hawaiian islands who are unable to meet their federal tax obligations because of Hurricane Iniki.
IR-92-90 Sept. 11, 1992
Tax Exemption for Hurricane Andrew Relief Organizations
Organizations formed to aid victims of Hurricane Andrew will have their applications for tax exemption processed quickly by the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS said that these organizations should clearly mark "Hurricane Andrew" on the top of the application for tax exemption.
IR-92-89 Sept. 2, 1992
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 1992, will decrease to six percent for overpayments, seven percent for underpayments, and nine percent for large corporate underpayments.
IR-92-88 Aug. 28, 1992
IRS Gives Tax Relief to Hurricane Victims
Internal Revenue Service today granted relief to taxpayers in the Florida counties of Dade, Broward and Monroe and the Louisiana parish of Terre Bonne who are unable to meet their federal tax obligations because of Hurricane Andrew.
IR-92-87 Aug. 24, 1992
IRS Advisory Group to Meet
The Internal Revenue Service Commissioner's Advisory Group will meet at the National Office; 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.; Washington, D.C.; on Wednesday, September 2, 1992. The meeting in Room 3313 will begin at 8:30 a.m.
IR-92-84 Aug. 10, 1992
New Guidelines Cut Recordkeeping Burden
IRS will now accept certain financial account statements as proof that payments were made by check, credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT).
IR-92-83 Aug. 6, 1992
Summer 1992 SOI Bulletin Available
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 affected individual partners more than partnerships themselves. The Summer 1992 issue of the IRS publication Statistics of Income, available now, reports that individuals' partnership losses claimed for the first three years under the Act declined from $61.2 billion to $38.4 billion, reflecting in large part the Act's curtailment of tax shelter activity. Partnership losses in real estate and oil and gas extraction, two industries associated with tax shelters, declined only from $57.9 billion to $56.8 billion.
IR-92-81 July 23, 1992
IRS Chief Counsel Names Triplett as New Special Assistant
Charles S. Triplett is the new special assistant to the chief counsel of the Internal Revenue Service.
IR-92-78 July 13, 1992
Impersonators Caught by IRS
Each year impersonators swindle taxpayers out of thousands of dollars by posing as Internal Revenue Service employees. These impersonators gain access to confidential records through illegal schemes. Elderly people, widows, widowers, minorities and small businesses are often the targets of these impersonators.
IR-92-73 June 19, 1992
IRS Awards Telephone Equipment Contract
The Internal Revenue Service today awarded a contract to Aspect Telecommunications Corporation, of San Jose, Calif., to replace equipment used to route the large volume of telephone calls into IRS taxpayer service and automated collection centers.
IR-92-72 June 18, 1992
Pacific Bell Awarded Telecommunications Contract
Pacific Bell, of San Francisco, today was awarded a contract that will provide telecommunications equipment and services for Internal Revenue Service and other Department of Treasury offices in California and Nevada for up to 10 years.
IR-92-71 June 18, 1992
Shirley D. Peterson, Commissioner of Internal Revenue Spring Meeting of The Tax Division, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Washington, DC, June 18, 1992
Good afternoon. I am truly pleased to be here to meet with the AICPA. Your organization has worked long and hard with the IRS for many years. I am glad we are able to continue the tradition of cooperation through meetings such as this.
IR-92-70 June 18, 1992
IRS Announces July Applicable Federal Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the applicable federal interest rates, the adjusted applicable federal interest rates, the adjusted federal long-term rate, the adjusted federal long-term tax-exempt rate, and the low-income housing credit appropriate percentages. The blended annual rate for 1992 is also included.
IR-92-67 June 8, 1992
Federal/State Electronic Filing Test to Expand
The Internal Revenue Service will double - to 14 - the number of states participating in its test of Federal/State Electronic Filing next year. This is part of the continuing IRS effort to reduce the tax filing burden.
IR-92-59 May 13, 1992
IRS Simplifies Employers' Tax Deposit Rules
Five million employers will find it easier to know when to deposit the taxes withheld from employees' salaries under new regulations proposed by the Internal Revenue Service. As proposed, the new rules will take effect January 1, 1993.
IR-92-58 May 8, 1992
Newly Released Statistics Show Rise in 1990 Adjusted Gross Income
The Spring 1992 issue of the Internal Revenue Service quarterly publication, the "Statistics of Income Bulletin" is now available. The new issue shows adjusted gross income reported on the 113.8 million individual income tax returns for 1990 was more than $3.4 trillion, an increase of 4.3 percent over 1989 preliminary estimates.
IR-92-57 May 4, 1992
Certain Tax Exempt Organizations May Not Engage in Political Campaign Activities
Charities should be careful that their efforts to educate voters stay within the Internal Revenue Service guidelines for political campaign activities.
IR-92-56 May 4, 1992
IRS Advisory Group to Meet
The Internal Revenue Service Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee will meet at the National Office; 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.; Washington, D.C. on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 19th and 20th. The meetings in Room 3313 will begin at 10:00 a.m. on both days, concluding about mid-day on the 20th.
IR-92-54 April 28, 1992
IRS to Hold Town Meeting for Non-Profits
The Internal Revenue Service will hold a town meeting in Washington, D.C., on Friday, May 22, 1992, to discuss current developments affecting reporting requirements for tax-exempt organizations.
IR-92-47 April 21, 1992
Millions Opt for Tax Filing Alternatives
Over 12 million people this year used one of the alternatives to the traditional way to file tax forms.
IR-92-43 April 14, 1992
Help Still Available for Last Minute Filers
Another filing season is almost over and about 75 million taxpayers have filed their federal tax returns and 52 million have already received their refund.
IR-92-42 April 14, 1992
IRS Offers Relief to Taxpayers Affected by Chicago Flood
Taxpayers unable to meet the April 15th deadline because of flooding in downtown Chicago have until April 22, 1992 to file their returns and pay any tax due.
IR-92-37 April 8, 1992
Electronic Filing Tops 10 Million Mark
The Internal Revenue Service reached a new milestone in its electronic filing system this week, with total returns surpassing 10 million.
IR-92-36 April 8, 1992
IRS Ruling Benefits Many Small Businesses
In a recent ruling, the Internal Revenue Service said small business owners can deduct a part of their tax return preparation fees as a business expense in determining their adjusted gross income.
IR-92-34 April 3, 1992
IRS Advisory Group to Meet
The Internal Revenue Service Commissioner's Advisory Group will meet at the National Office; 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.; Washington, D.C.; on Wednesday and Thursday, April 22 and 23. The meetings in Room 3313 will begin at 8:30 a.m. on both days, concluding about mid-day on the 23rd.
IR-92-32 April 1, 1992
Failing to File Is No Solution to Tax Problems
The Internal Revenue Service warned people not to be fooled into thinking that failing to file a return can be the answer to their tax dilemma. Nonfilers who owe taxes face higher penalties, while those who fail to file for refunds could lose their right to the money.
IR-92-30 March 25, 1992
Taxation of Reopened Treasury Securities
The Internal Revenue Service today issued a notice announcing that final Treasury regulations on original issue discount will include rules relating to reopenings of Treasury securities in cases of acute and protracted shortages.
IR-92-29 March 25, 1992
Extensions Available for Those Who Can't Make the Deadline
The Internal Revenue Service has already received half of the 114 million tax returns it expects this year. With April 15th just three weeks away, some of the remaining taxpayers may be thinking about getting more time to file. The IRS anticipates receiving five million extension requests, as it has the last two years.
IR-92-27 March 20, 1992
IRS Confirms Award of Computer Contract to AT&T
The Internal Revenue Service today confirmed the award of the Treasury Multi user Acquisition Contract (TMAC) to AT&T. IRS awarded the $1.4 billion contract for computer equipment and services that will support tax systems modernization to AT&T in July 1991. The award was protested and returned to IRS for additional analysis and reconsideration.
IR-92-25 March 18, 1992
Errors to Avoid in Tax Season's Final Weeks
With just four weeks left in this tax filing season, the Internal Revenue Service offered advice on avoiding some common mistakes it finds on tax forms.
IR-92-24 March 13, 1992
IRS Announces Quarter Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 1992, will decrease to seven percent for overpayments, eight percent for underpayments, and ten percent for large corporate underpayments.
IR-92-23 March 11, 1992
Time Running Short to Get Tax Forms
With little over a month left before the filing deadline, the Internal Revenue Service urges those who need federal tax forms or publication to order now to receive them in time.
IR-92-20 March 6, 1992
IRS & Apple to Arbitrate Tax Case
The Office of Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service announced today that it has reached its first agreement to enter into binding arbitration to resolve an intercompany pricing issue.
IR-92-19 March 4, 1992
Taxpayers Find Easier Filing, Better Service From IRS
Midway through the tax filing season, people are taking advantage of the options IRS offers to reduce taxpayer burden and improve service. More people are using easier filing methods, calling automated phone services and getting help from tax specialists.
IR-92-18 Feb. 28, 1992
Estimated Tax Rules Changed for Some Taxpayers
Certain individuals must use new rules to compute their estimated tax payments starting the second calendar quarter of 1992, the Internal Revenue Service said today.
IR-92-17 Feb. 26, 1992
More Workers Benefit from Revised Earned Income Credit
More lower-income workers with children are benefiting from the Earned Income Credit (EIC), according to an Internal Revenue Service analysis of early tax returns. Changes in this tax credit have enabled more people to qualify for it and have made it more valuable for those who do.
IR-92-14 Feb. 20, 1992
Joint Federal/State Filings Cut Taxpayer Burden
The Internal Revenue Service and seven states are testing the joint electronic filing of federal and state tax returns. This is part of the continuing IRS effort to reduce the tax filing burden.
IR-92-12 Feb. 18, 1992
Newly Released IRS Statistic Show Foreign Earned Income Data
The Winter 1991-1992 issue of the Internal Revenue Service quarterly publication, the "Statistics of Income Bulletin" is now available. It reports that on approximately 171,000 U.S. individual income tax returns for 1987 over $6.4 billion of net foreign income and "excess" housing expenses were excluded from gross income.
IR-92-11 Feb. 18, 1992
Businesses With Employees in Michigan Get Extra Time
Businesses that pay federal unemployment tax (FUTA) on wages to employees in Michigan have until June 30, 1992 to pay any additional FUTA amount that is owed because of overdue unemployment insurance loans made by the federal government to the State of Michigan.
IR-92-10 Feb. 12, 1992
IRS Tele-Tax System Helps Millions of Taxpayers
Over 23 million taxpayers got their tax questions answered last year by computers and recorded tapes, outpacing calls to live assistors. So far this filing season, calls to the IRS Tele-Tax system are up 50 percent, with over three million already handled.
IR-92-09 Feb. 5, 1992
Taxpayers Using IRS Filing Alternatives
This year the Internal Revenue Service is offering alternative ways for some taxpayers to file their tax returns. Even though it's still early in the filing season, filing by telephone -- Telefile -- is the most popular alternative so far.
IR-92-08 Jan. 28, 1992
New Tax Withholding Rates Boost Take Home Pay
The new withholding tables compensate for the fact that currently millions of Americans are overwithheld and end up giving the government an interest-free loan each year. This change will benefit low and middle income wage earners, increasing their take home pay by about $25 billion over the next twelve months.
IR-92-07 Jan. 27, 1992
IRS Tax Clinic Scheduled on PBS Television Stations
The Internal Revenue Service will present "Taxbreak '92: Making Your Tax Preparation Easier" -- a full-hour of tax tips on preparing your 1991 tax return. The program will air on most public television stations on Sunday, February 2, 1992 at 2 p.m. EST.
IR-92-06 Jan. 23, 1992
IRS Issues Statistics on Employee Plan Determination Letters
Determination letter statistics for various employee benefit plans for the period October 1990 through September 1991 were released today by the Internal Revenue Service.
FS-92-05 Sept. 1, 1992
IRS Plans to Bring Nonfilers Back Into the Tax System
Nonfilers--a growing problem While the number of tax returns filed has increased over the past few years-- 110 million in 1988 to 114 million in 1990-- the number of nonfilers has gone up, too. The IRS now estimates about 10 million individuals and businesses may not have filed. During 1991, the IRS inventories of apparently delinquent tax returns, representing one or more delinquent returns, increased by nearly 30 percent. The income tax gap attributable to nonfilers is over $7 billion annually.
IR-92-04 Jan. 17, 1992
Exempt Organization Donor Recognition is Not Advertising
Tax exempt organizations can publicly acknowledge donors for their contributions, but if the organizations conduct advertising for donors the payments are taxable income, not tax exempt contributions.
FS-92-04 April 1, 1992
The Internal Revenue Service & Quality
The Internal Revenue Service's Ogden Service Center's winning of the President's Award for Quality represents only the third such award since the program began five years ago. While the award may be given each year, it has been given only twice before. Although two such awards can be given each year, the IRS service center is the only federal organization honored this year. The IRS is the first civilian federal organization to win the award, which is to federal organizations what the Malcolm Baldridge Award is to the private sector.
IR-92-03 Jan. 17, 1992
IRS Announces 1991 Pension Plan Limitations
The Internal Revenue Service today announced cost-of-living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations on benefits under qualified defined benefit pension plans and to other provisions affecting such plans. Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code provides for dollar limitations on benefits and contributions under these plans.
IR-92-02 Jan. 7, 1992
Advisory Group Gets New Members
Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Fred T. Goldberg has announced the appointment of the 1992 Commissioner's Advisory Group. Commissioner Goldberg appointed 15 new members to a two-year staggered term ending in 1993. Ten current members will serve their second year in 1992.
IR-92-01 Jan. 2, 1992
IRS Eases Recordkeeping Rules for Day Care Providers
Day care providers who operate businesses in their homes will find it easier to file their federal income tax returns because of simplified recordkeeping rules under a ruling issued today by the Internal Revenue Service.


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