April 03, 1992
IRS Advisory Group to Meet
 WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service Commissioner's
Advisory Group will meet at the National Office; 1111 Constitution
Avenue, N.W.; Washington, D.C.; on Wednesday and Thursday, April 22
and 23. The meetings in Room 3313 will begin at 8:30 a.m. on both
days, concluding about mid-day on the 23rd.
The agenda for the first day begins with a discussion of Tax
Systems Modernization and privacy/security update. IRS will then
present a report on IRS' ethics training.
Also listed for Wednesday are discussions of future collection
problems, an update on revisions to Circular 230, and the status of
the Automated Extension System.
The second day topics will focus on subgroup action plans for
1992, diversity issues, and the future of Compliance 2000.
Due to limited space, anyone wishing to attend should call
Patti Andrews, senior program analyst, no later than April 15, on
(202) 566-3161 (not toll-free). To have the committee consider
written comments, please call or write to Ms. Andrews, Executive
Secretariat, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue,
N.W., C:ES Room 3308, Washington, DC 20224.
NOTE: Last minute changes to the order or day of discussion
topics are possible and could prevent advance notice.
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