January 18, 1995
Johnson Announces Details of Hearing on FCC Provision
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman of the
Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, today
announced that the subcommittee will hold a hearing to examine the
operation and administration of a tax provision which allows the
Federal Communication Commission to grant tax relief with respect to
the sales of radio, television, and other properties under certain
circumstances. This provision is known as Internal Revenue Code
section 1071. The hearing will be held on Friday, January 27, l995,
in room B-318 of the Rayburn House Office Building, beginning at
10:00 a.m.
Code section 1071 was enacted in 1943 to address concerns with
respect to involuntary conversions of radio stations arising from
wartime restrictions on the purchase and availability of new radio
property. Under section 1071, gain from the sale or exchange of
broadcast facilities may be deferred in cases where the sale or
exchange is certified by the Federal Communications Commission "to
be necessary or appropriate to effectuate a change in a policy of,
or the adoption of a new policy by, the Commission with respect to
the ownership and control of radio broadcasting stations...." In
1978, the FCC announced a policy of promoting minority ownership of
broadcast facilities by offering a tax certificate to those who
voluntarily sell such facilities to minority individuals or
minority-controlled entities. Since that time, the FCC has issued
over 300 such tax certificates. Recent press reports about the FCC's
administration of section 1071, both in terms of the types of
properties covered and the size of the tax benefits being granted,
raise significant questions about this provision.
The Subcommittee will examine: (1) whether the FCC's 1978
policy is consistent with the underlying intent of section 1071; (2)
whether the FCC's administration of section 1071 constitutes an
impermissible exercise of legislative authority; (3) whether the tax
incentive provided in section 1071 in fact fosters minority
ownership of broadcast facilities; and (4) whether the FCC policy is
a necessary or appropriate means of achieving this goal.
Requests to be heard at the hearing must be made by telephone
to Traci Altman or Bradley Schreiber at (202) 225-1721 no later than
the close of business on Monday, January 23, 1995. The telephone
request should be followed by a formal written request to Phillip D.
Moseley, Chief of Staff, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of
Representatives, 1102 Longworth House Office Building, Washington,
D.C. 20515. The staff of the subcommittee on Oversight will notify
by telephone those scheduled to appear as soon as possible after the
filing deadline. Any questions concerning a scheduled appearance
should be directed to the subcommittee staff at (202) 225-7601.
In view of the limited time available to hear witnesses, the
Subcommittee may not be able to accommodate all requests to be
heard. Those persons and organizations not scheduled for an oral
appearance are encouraged to submit written statements for the
record of the hearing. All persons requesting to be heard, whether
they are scheduled for oral testimony or not, will be notified as
soon as possible after the filing deadline.
Witnesses scheduled to present oral testimony are required to
summarize briefly their written statements in no more than five
written statement of each witness will be included in the printed
In order to assure the most productive use of the limited
amount of time available to question witnesses, all witnesses
scheduled to appear before the Subcommittee are required to submit
200 copies of their prepared statements for review by Members prior
to the hearing. Testimony should arrive at the Subcommittee on
Oversight office, room 1136 Longworth House Office Building, no
later than noon, Thursday, January 26,1995. Failure to do so may
result in the witness being denied the opportunity to testify in
Any person or organization wishing to submit a written
statement for the printed record of the hearing should submit at
least six (6) copies of their statement by the close of business on
Tuesday, February 7, 1995, to Phillip D. Moseley, Chief of Staff,
Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives, 1102
Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515. If those
filing written statements wish to have their statements distributed
to the press and interested public at the hearing, they may deliver
200 additional copies for this purpose to the Subcommittee on
Oversight office, room 1136 Longworth House Office Building, at
least one hour before the hearing begins.
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