IRS News Release  

1995 IRS News Releases

News Releases are issued by the IRS whenever there is information of importance that needs to be released to the public or practitioner community. All 1995 releases are included here.

The numbering system identifies the year and the number of the News Release. Fact Sheets are identified with filenames beginning "FS-95'" followed by the number of the fact sheet.

IR-95-72 Dec. 13, 1995
Inflation Adjustments Raise 1996 Tax Benefits
Taxpayers looking ahead and planning for their 1996 taxes will find larger personal exemptions and standard deductions, plus wider tax brackets that begin at higher income levels. These and certain other tax items are indexed each year so that inflation does not erode benefits or push taxpayers into higher tax brackets. Personal exemptions for 1996 are raised $50 to $2,550.
IR-95-71 Dec. 12, 1995
Electronic Tax Payment Easier for Employers
Nearly 50,000 employers have stopped writing checks to the Internal Revenue Service, but that's just fine. In fact, they've paid the government over $278 billion since the beginning of 1995. They are the vanguard of a new system for paying taxes by transferring money electronically from theIR# bank accounts to the U.S. Treasury.
IR-95-70 Dec. 6, 1995
Thousands of Taxpayers Due Refunds
Over 97,700 taxpayers have yet to receive their 1994 refund checks according to the Internal Revenue Service. The undeliverable refunds total over $81 million, an average of $834 per check. These refund checks were returned by the Postal Service because they were unable to deliver them. Many taxpayers move and do not give IRS their new address and thousands of other refund checks have incorrect names or addresses.
IR-95-69 Dec. 5, 1995
Paperless Tax Returns Just a Phone Call Away
Millions of Americans who enjoy the convenience of shopping or banking by phone will also be able to file their federal income taxes simply by making a short telephone call. The Internal Revenue Service's file-by-phone program will expand nationwide in 1996. And, like shopping and banking by phone, TeleFile will now be totally paperless.
IR-95-68 Nov. 30, 1995
IRS Expands Direct Deposit for Refunds
Most people will be able to enjoy the convenience of direct deposit next year by having the Internal Revenue Service send their tax refunds directly to their checking or savings accounts. Previously, only those filing electronically or using the 1040PC format could get direct deposit of their refunds.
IR-95-67 Nov. 28, 1995
Institute on International Taxation Announced
Assistant Commissioner (International) John T. Lyons has announced the Eighth Annual Institute on Current Issues in International Taxation, cosponsored with The George Washington University, to be held December 14 and 15 at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington.
IR-95-66 Nov. 21, 1995
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 1996, will remain at eight percent for overpayments, nine percent for underpayments, and eleven percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for that quarter for the portion of corporate overpayments exceeding $10,000 will remain at 6.5 percent.
IR-95-63 Nov. 8, 1995
Tax Trends Seen in Fall Statistics of Income Bulletin
The IRS today released its Fall 1995 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin. Early estimates for Tax Year 1994, based on individual income tax returns filed through April 1995, reveal that figures for dependents, itemized deductions and unemployment compensation declined, while taxable social security benefits and earned income tax credit (EITC) amounts both rose substantially.
IR-95-62 Nov. 1, 1995
Children Born Before Today Need Social Security Numbers
New parents should be aware of a change in the law that will require them to get social security numbers (SSNs) for children born this year. Any taxpayer who claims a child as a dependent on the 1995 income tax return must include the child's SSN unless the child was born in November or December of 1995.
IR-95-61 Oct. 31, 1995
IRS Teams Receive Hammer Award
Five IRS teams were presented the National Performance Review (NPR) Hammer Award by Secretary of Treasury Robert E. Rubin in ceremonies yesterday coinciding with the second anniversary of the NPR. The award is the highest recognition a work group can receive for improving the delivery of products and services.
IR-95-59 Oct. 25, 1995
Statement of Margaret Milner Richardson Commissioner of Internal Revenue Before the House Committee on Small Business
Madame Chair and Distinguished Members of the Committee: I appreciate the opportunity to be here today to discuss the efforts of the Internal Revenue Service to make the federal tax system fairer, simpler, and more efficient for small businesses. I have spent more than a quarter century working on tax issues -- both in and out of government. I understand that small businesses have concerns about the tax system that are unlike those of many individual taxpayers and many larger businesses.
IR-95-58 Oct. 19, 1995
IRS Publishes New Federal-State Reference Guide
The Internal Revenue Service has issued a special guide book for state and local government employers -- a single handy source of information on social security and Medicare coverage and employer tax-withholding requirements as they pertain to government employees. The "Federal-State Reference Guide" provides employers with reliable, consistent, and convenient help in understanding the current laws and regulations in these areas, which have changed considerably in the last 15 years.
IR-95-57 Oct. 17, 1995
IRS Announces 1996 Pension Plan Limitations
The Internal Revenue Service today announced cost-of-living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations on benefits under qualified retirement plans and to other provisions affecting such plans.
IR-95-56 Sept. 29, 1995
IRS Eases Receipt Requirement
The Internal Revenue Service announced today a significant change for employers and employees by raising the requirement for many business receipts from $25 to $75 starting Oct. 1, 1995.
IR-95-55 Sept. 7, 1995
IRS Releases 1992 Corporation Source Book
Corporations filed 3.9 million active federal income tax returns for 1992, reporting $11.7 trillion in total receipts, $402 billion of income subject to tax, and a tax liability of $101.5 billion of income tax after credits.
IR-95-53 Aug. 31, 1995
IRS Gets Thousands to Stop Filing Tax Returns
Internal Revenue Service encouraging people to stop filing tax returns? Hard to believe, but in an effort to make life easier for taxpayers, the IRS has gotten hundreds of thousands of people who file tax returns -- but don't need to -- to stop. Unnecessary returns cost time and money for both taxpayers and the IRS.
IR-95-52 Aug. 25, 1995
1992 Income Tax Statistics Released
The Summer 1995 issue of IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin, released today, reports that average tax per individual tax return for 1992 was $5,491. The average tax rate rose to 13.7 percent, based upon adjusted gross income, the first such increase since 1988. The top five percent of tax returns, 1.1 million of them with adjusted gross income of at least $85,103, accounted for 20 percent of total adjusted gross income and 46 percent of the total income tax for that year.
IR-95-51 Aug. 9, 1995
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 1995, will remain at eight percent for overpayments, nine percent for underpayments, and eleven percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for that quarter for the portion of corporate overpayments exceeding $10,000 will remain at 6.5 percent.
IR-95-50 Aug. 7, 1995
New Tax Forms Will Simplify Filings
More than two million taxpayers will have easier tax filings next year, the Internal Revenue Service announced in releasing advance proofs of 1995 tax forms for individuals. Taxpayers with unemployment compensation will be able to use Form 1040EZ and household employers will report their employment taxes on Forms 1040 or 1040A using new Schedule H.
IR-95-49 Aug. 2, 1995
Two Initiatives to Determine Whether Workers Should be Treated as Employees or Independent Contractors
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Margaret Milner Richardson today announced two initiatives designed to smooth the process of determining whether workers should be treated as employees or independent contractors.
IR-95-47 June 28, 1995
IRS Awards Information Support Contracts
The Internal Revenue Service awarded 12 contracts today for information processing support services for the Department of Treasury. The contracts, awarded under the Treasury Information Processing Support Services (TIPPS) procurement, each have the potential for $200 million, though the ceiling of the entire TIPPS procurement is $995 million. This ceiling includes the small business set-aside portion awarded last September.
IR-95-46 June 13, 1995
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 1995, will decrease to eight percent for overpayments, nine percent for underpayments, and eleven percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for that quarter for the portion of corporate overpayments exceeding $10,000 will be 6.5 percent.
IR-95-45 June 8, 1995
IRS Notes Filing Season Successes
An early review by the Internal Revenue Service shows the success of its attempt to stop improper refund claims this year. The IRS alerted several million taxpayers to Social Security number (SSN) problems on their tax returns and halted payment of millions of dollars in questionable refunds. The IRS screened returns for missing, invalid or duplicate SSNs, delayed some refunds for extra reviews, increased its suitability checks for electronic return originators and took other steps to detect suspicious claims.
IR-95-44 June 7, 1995
IRS Spring 1995 Statistics of Income Bulletin
The Internal Revenue Service has issued the Spring edition of its Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin, featuring reports on the 1993 individual income tax returns and the 1992 S corporation returns, plus other articles.
IR-95-43 June 7, 1995
IRS Expedites Resolution of Pension Actuarial Cases
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that it will expedite resolution of the more than 2,000 pending small pension plan cases involving actuarial assumptions. IRS will concede issues it has lost at the appellate level and try to quickly resolve any other remaining issues.
IR-95-42 May 31, 1995
IRS Issues Statistics on Employee Plan Determination Letters
The Internal Revenue Service today released statistics on determination letters for various employee benefit plans for the period October 1993 through September 1994.
IR-95-41 May 19, 1995
IRS Awards Multi-Million Dollar Contract
The Internal Revenue Service awarded a $520 million contract today for computer systems to Unisys Government Systems Corporation of McLean, Va.
IR-95-40 May 18, 1995
IRS Commissioner's Advisory Group to Meet
The Internal Revenue Service Commissioner's Advisory Group will hold a meeting at the National Office; 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.; Washington, D.C.; on Wednesday, May 24. The meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. in Room 3313.
IR-95-39 May 12, 1995
Compensation Paid by Germans for WW II Losses Exempt
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that compensation paid by the German government for property confiscated by-the National Socialist Regime prior to or during World War II is exempt from U.S. taxation under the U.S.-Germany income tax-treaty.
IR-95-38 May 3, 1995
IRS to Streamline Management of Field Offices
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that it will streamline the management of its field operations to reduce executive, managerial and some managerial support positions. The seven existing regional headquarters will be consolidated into four on October 1, 1995. By September 30, 1996, there will be 33 district headquarters offices instead of the current 63.
IR-95-37 May 3, 1995
IRS Checking That Businesses Comply with Cash Reporting Rules
The Internal Revenue Service will conduct a nationwide consolidated compliance effort this Spring that will include educating businesses and non-bank financial institutions, such as check cashing and currency exchanging businesses, of their responsibilities to report cash received in large sums.
IR-95-36 May 1, 1995
Exempt Status for Low-Income Housing Groups
The IRS announced today announced proposed guidance that will help charities involved in low-income housing to obtain tax exemption more swiftly. The announcement represents an ongoing cooperative effort between the IRS and the housing community to provide beneficial guidance.
IR-95-35 April 27, 1995
IRS Advisory Group to Meet
The Internal Revenue Service Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee (IRPAC) will hold its semiannual meeting on May 9 & 10. The sessions will be held in Room 3313 at IRS Headquarters, 1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W., starting at 9: 30 a.m. on each day and ending at noon on the 10th.
IR-95-34 April 11, 1995
IRS Has Good News for Self-Employed
Here's good news for 3.2 million self-employed people -- they can deduct 25 percent of their health insurance premiums on their 1994 tax returns.
IR-95-33 April 11, 1995
Deadline Nears -- Extensions, Installment Plans Available
With the tax filing deadline just around the weekend corner, the Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers that it offers extensions for those who can't complete their forms and installment plans for those who can't pay.
IR-95-32 April 4, 1995
IRS Anti-Fraud Efforts Meeting with Success
The Internal Revenue Service's efforts to combat refund fraud during this tax filing season are on schedule and paying off. The IRS has processed 38.3 million full refunds, 2.6 million partial refunds and has delayed 2.6 million others due to extra reviews to stop false refund claims.
IR-95-31 April 4, 1995
Tax Filers Can Find Forms Fast
There may not be enough time left before April 17 for last minute filers to wait for much-needed tax forms to come in the mail. So the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers the following options to individuals who need their tax forms fast.
IR-95-30 March 29, 1995
IRS Extends Phone Help Hours
The Internal Revenue Service tax help lines -already available from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm each weekday -- will be open from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on the next three Saturdays, the final weekends before the April 17 filing deadline. The IRS is offering these extra hours especially for taxpayers who have questions about completing their 1994 tax returns.
IR-95-29 March 29, 1995
Proposal to Simplify Business Classification Rules
The Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department announced today that they are considering a proposal that would greatly simplify the current rules for classifying unincorporated business organizations either as partnerships or as associations taxable as corporations.
IR-95-28 March 28, 1995
IRS Employees Rewarded for Strides in Customer Service
Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin and IRS Commissioner Margaret Milner Richardson honored IRS employees for their leadership and quality customer service efforts during this tax filing season.
IR-95-27 March 27, 1995
IRA Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 1995, will increase to nine percent for overpayments, ten percent for underpayments, and twelve percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for the portion of corporate overpayments exceeding $10,000 will increase to 7.5 percent.
IR-95-26 March 24, 1995
IRS Doesn't O.K. Specific IRA Investments
Despite what you may hear the Internal Revenue Service says there's no such thing as an "IRS-approved" investment vehicle for your individual retirement arrangement (IRA). The IRS cautions you to look into the soundness of your IRA investments and to know the current tax rules on IRAs.
IR-95-25 March 22, 1995
Relief Provided for Charitable Donors
Taxpayers who made contributions of $250 or more to charities during 1994 are being relieved from the statutory requirement that before they file their 1994 returns they obtain adequate written acknowledgements from the charities. The IRS is providing this relief because of difficulties taxpayers are reporting in obtaining these acknowledgements.
IR-95-24 March 21, 1995
Remarks of Stuart L. Brown Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service
Tax Executives Institute 45th Midyear Conference Washington, DC March 20, 1995 Information Gathering for Tax Administration in a Global Economy: What Should the IRS and Taxpayers Expect of Each Other?
IR-95-23 March 17, 1995
Tax Filing Season Has Busy Start
Ten weeks into the tax filing season, the Internal Revenue Service has d over 46 million returns, about the same as this time last year, filled 3 million orders for forms or publications, and provided telephone or walk-in assistance to more than 34 million taxpayers, an increase of 14 million over last year at this point. Tele-Tax, a phone service offering automated tax and refund information, accounted for about 12.5 million of the 14 million increase.
IR-95-20 March 3, 1995
The Internal Revenue Service Called
The Internal Revenue Service called today's announcement by Beneficial National Bank and Beneficial Tax Masters, Inc., of their decision to discontinue their lawsuit an "appropriate decision." In their suit, the Beneficial National Bank and Beneficial Tax Masters, Inc., had sought to force the IRS to discontinue mailing paper refund checks to some taxpayers who had requested a direct deposit of their refunds.
IR-95-19 March 2, 1995
Remarks by Margaret Milner Richardson, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, at the International Fiscal Association, U.S.A. Branch Annual Meeting
Thank you. I am delighted to be here with you this morning. It is truly an honor to open your annual meeting this year. In looking over your agenda for the next two days, I noticed that you have much ground to cover. In the area of international taxation, there is always a great deal that is new and exciting to talk about, as your program reflects.
IR-95-18 Feb. 23, 1995
Statistics of Income Bulletin Available
In 1995, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) expects to process just over 207 million tax returns. This number is expected to increase to nearly 224 million by the year 2001. In 1991, 846,407 individual tax returns showed adjusted gross incomes of $200,000 or more. Also that year, private foundations received $24.9 billion, and paid out $10.3 billion in contributions, gifts, and grants.
IR-95-17 Feb. 22, 1995
IRS Reports 1991 Corporation Income Statistics
In its latest report of corporation income tax statistics, the IRS reveals that approximately 3.8 million active corporations filed returns for 1991, a 2.3 percent increase over 1990. Total assets increased by 4.6 percent to $19 trillion, while total receipts were $11.4 trillion, an increase of 0.2 percent. Net income (less deficit) was $344.9 billion, and income subject to tax was $350 billion. Total income tax after credits was $92.6 billion, a decrease of 4 percent from 1990.
IR-95-16 Feb. 8, 1995
IRS Urges Accuracy to Avoid Delayed Refunds
Taxpayers should take time to check and make sure they file accurate income tax returns this year, the Internal Revenue Service is today. Taxpayers should be especially careful to enter correct social security numbers for themselves and their dependents. Incorrect social security numbers delay the processing of returns and the payment of refunds. The IRS also urged taxpayers claiming refundable credits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit, to make sure they are eligible for the credit and to check the accuracy of their calculations.
IR-95-15 Feb. 6, 1995
IRS Tests Electronic Filing for Some Computer Users
Personal computer users may find it easier this year to do their taxes. The Internal Revenue Service has announced new opportunities for on-line filing of tax returns as well as for retrieving federal tax forms and publications on a personal computer.
IR-95-14 Jan. 30, 1995
ERISA - a 20 Year Retrospective "Margaret Milner Richardson"
Margaret Milner Richardson Commissioner of Internal Revenue ABA Tax Section Midyear Meeting Los Angeles, CA Saturday, January 28, 1995. I really appreciate the opportunity to be here today to reflect on over 20 years of administering two unique and challenging areas. Both the employee plans and exempt organizations will enrich the lives of millions of Americans and play a vital role in our society.
IR-95-13 Jan. 26, 1995
Taxbreak '95
Taxbreak '95, IRS' perennial, timely, and informative one-hour television program for individual income tax filers, will air on public television channels on Sunday, February 5 at 3:00 p.m. (ET) The show will highlight the earned income tax credit and the option to receive it in advance through paychecks, new tax law changes, casualty loss deductions and independent contractors.
HR-95-10 July 10, 1995
Johnson Announces Oversight Hearing on the Internal Revenue Service's Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Subcommittee will conduct a hearing to examine the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) plans to implement a study of 1994 income tax returns through its Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program (TCMP). The hearing will take place on Tuesday, July 18, 1995, in room B-318 of the Rayburn House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 am.
IR-95-08 Jan. 20, 1995
IRS Names Schwartz Director for Tax Forms and Publications
Sheldon D. Schwartz is appointed the director for tax forms and publications for the Internal Revenue Service. In this position Schwartz directs the development or revision of all public use federal tax return forms and instructions used in the administration of the federal tax laws. He is responsible for the writing of taxpayer information publications which communicate in layman's language the rules of complex tax laws. He serves as advisor to the chief, strategic planning and communications.
IR-95-07 Jan. 20, 1995
IRS Names Executive for Electronic Filing Strategy
Peggy C. Rule is appointed the executive for electronic filing for the Internal Revenue Service. In this newly-created position Rule is responsible for planning, directing and implementing the activities for electronic funds transfer and electronic returns filing in the IRS. She represents the chief taxpayer service on issues related to electronic filing and coordinates with the submission processing and computing center site executive as well as center executives to ensure delivery of all aspects of electronic filing strategy, including procurement, training and marketing.
IR-95-04 Jan. 18, 1995
IRS Changes Procedures & Adds Staff to Collect Tax Owed
Internal Revenue Service is streamlining its collection notice procedure by making personal telephone contact with taxpayers as early as possible when a tax account becomes delinquent.
IR-95-03 Jan. 11, 1995
Advance Earned Income Tax Credit can Raise Monthly Take Home Pay by $105
20 million of workers may qualify for the 1995 Earned Income Tax Credit (BITC), and most of them don't have to wait until next year to get it. Advance EITC payments allow many workers with earned income under $24,396 and a qualifying child to increase their take-home pay by as much as $105 a month starting with their next paycheck.
FS-95-03 Dec. 1, 1995
Telefile: Tax Filing by Phone
TeleFile is a completely automated way to file an individual federal income tax return. It is an interactive computer program that begins the electronic filing process over the telephone at no cost to the taxpayer. The call takes about ten minutes. The taxpayer mails no forms to the IRS, but enters a personal identification number instead of signing a paper form.
IR-95-01 Jan. 3, 1995
Charities and Donors Reminded of Tax Law Changes
This is a reminder to charities and donors that new substantiation and disclosure requirements, imposed by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, apply to certain contributions received on or after January 1, 1994.
HR-95-OV8 June 2, 1995
Johnson and Shaw Announce Hearing on the Earned Income Tax Credit
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight, and Congressman E. Clay Shaw, Jr. (R-FL), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Subcommittees will hold a joint hearing on the Earned Income Tax Credit. The hearing will take place on Thursday, June 15, 1995, in the main Committee hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
HR-95-OV7 April 19, 1995
Johnson Announces Hearing on the Research & Experimentation Tax Credit & The Allocation of Research Expenses Under Internal Revenue Code Section 861
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Subcommittee will hold a hearing to examine issues relating to the research and experimentation (R&E) tax credit and the temporary rule for allocating research expenses between U.S. and foreign source income under Internal Revenue Code section 861. The hearing will take place on Wednesday, May 10, 1995, in the main Committee hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
HR-95-OV6 April 19, 1995
Johnson Announces Hearing on the Targeted Jobs Tax Credit, the Exclusion for Employer-Provided Educational Assistance, the Orphan Drug Credit and Other Temporary Tax Provisions
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Subcommittee will hold a hearing to examine issues relating to several recently expired provisions of the tax laws, including the targeted jobs tax credit (TJTC), the exclusion for employer-provided educational assistance, the tax credit for orphan drug clinical testing expenses, and the special rule for certain contributions of qualified appreciated stock to private foundations, as well as other tax provisions scheduled to expire. The hearing will take place on Tuesday, May 9, 1995, in the main Committee hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
HR-95-OV5 March 17, 1995
Johnson Announces Hearing to Examine the Administration's Proposal Relating to the Tax Treatment of Americans Who Renounce Citizenship
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Subcommittee will conduct a hearing to evaluate the provision in the Administration's FY 1996 budget proposals to impose a tax on U.S. citizens who renounce their citizenship and long-term resident aliens who give up their status as residents. The hearing will be held on Monday, March 27, 1995 in the main Committee hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 12:00 noon.
HR-95-OV4 March 14, 1995
Johnson Announces Hearing to Explore the Development of Taxpayer Bill of Rights II Legislation
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Subcommittee will conduct a hearing to explore the development of Taxpayer Bill of Rights II legislation during the 104th Congress. The hearing will be held on Friday, March 24, 1995, in the main Committee hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
HR-95-OV3 Feb. 15, 1995
Johnson Announces Hearing on Internal Revenue Service Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 1996 And 1995 Tax Return Filing Season
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Subcommittee will conduct a hearing on the Internal Revenue Services' budget proposal for fiscal year 1996 and the 1995 tax return filing season. The hearing will be held on Monday, February 27, 1995, in room B-318 Rayburn House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
HR-95-OV2 Jan. 18, 1995
Johnson Announces Details of Hearing on FCC Provision
Congresswoman Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the subcommittee will hold a hearing to examine the operation and administration of a tax provision which allows the Federal Communication Commission to grant tax relief with respect to the sales of radio, television, and other properties under certain circumstances. This provision is known as Internal Revenue Code section 1071. The hearing will be held on Friday, January 27, l995, in room B-318 of the Rayburn House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
HR-95-FC8 June 30, 1995
Archer Announces Hearing on Miscellaneous Tax Reforms
Congressman Bill Archer (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Committee will hold a series of hearings on miscellaneous tax reforms. The hearings will take place on Tuesday, July 11, Wednesday, July 12, and Thursday, July 13, 1995, in the main Committee Hearing Room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
HR-95-FC7 May 11, 1995
Archer Announces Hearing on Replacing the Federal Income Tax
Congressman Bill Archer (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Committee will hold three days of hearings on replacing the Federal income tax. The hearings will take place on Tuesday, June 6, Wednesday, June 7, and Thursday, June 8, 1995, in the main Committee hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m. each day. The Committee will receive testimony from invited witnesses.
HR-95-FC5 Jan. 30, 1995
Archer Announces Hearing on President's Fiscal Year 1996 Budget
Congressman Bill Archer (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Committee will hold hearings on President Clinton's fiscal year 1996 budget proposals that are under the jurisdiction of the Committee. The Committee will receive testimony from Administration witnesses and the Director of the Congressional Budget Office. The hearings will take place on Tuesday, February 7, Wednesday, February 8, and Thursday, February 9, 1995, in the main committee hearing room, 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
HR-95-FC4 Jan. 26, 1995
Archer: Ways and Means Goes Cyber
Congressman Bill Archer (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that a wide variety of Committee documents are now available over the Internet.
HR-95-FC3 Jan. 20, 1995
Archer Announces Additional Day of Hearings on Savings and Investment Proposals
Congressman Bill Archer (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Committee will conduct an additional day of hearings on Wednesday, February 1, 1995, on the tax provisions in the Contract with America designed to encourage greater savings and investment.
HR-95-FC2 Jan. 6, 1995
Archer Announces Details on Savings and Investment Hearings
January 24, 25, 26, and 31 Congressman Bill Archer (R-TX), Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Committee will conduct hearings on January 24, 25, 26, and 31, 1995, on the tax provisions in the Contract with America designed to encourage greater savings and investment.
HR-95-FC1 Jan. 3, 1995
Archer Announces Details on Strengthening the American Family Hearings
Congressman Bill Archer (R-TX). Chairman-Designate of the Committee on Ways and Means, today announced that the Committee will conduct hearings on January 17, 18, and 19, 1995, on the tax provisions in the Contract with America that are designed to strengthen the American family.


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