IRS News Release  
February 04, 1998

Commissioner Orders Review of
IRS Inspection Service

WASHINGTON - Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles 0. Rossotti has announced that he will begin an independent review of the IRS Inspection Service to assess Inspection's effectiveness in accomplishing its mission.

"At my confirmation hearing, I committed to improving the work of the IRS," Commissioner Rossotti said. "This commitment requires that I review the operations of all parts of the organization, including the Inspection Service, which fulfills a vital and specialized function within the IRS."

The Inspection Service is intended to be an independent channel of information to the Commissioner and to the Treasury Secretary in matters affecting the integrity and proper functioning of the IRS. A specific purpose of this review is to determine whether Inspection is effectively accomplishing this essential aspect.

"I am very pleased that Mr. Charles Bowsher, a well-known and highly respected expert in the field of audit and inspection of government programs, has agreed to provide me an independent assessment of our Inspection Service. He will be assisted by a team of experts drawn from Inspector General offices in other government agencies and assembled by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency. Together, Mr. Bowsher and this team will advise me as to how the Inspection Service can best perform its essential mission."

The team of experts will investigate or assess any aspects of the Inspection Service that Bowsher needs for his review. It is expected that these will include: a review of the organization and methodology used by Inspection to plan and deliver its audits and investigations; the relationship between Inspection and IRS management; and the relationship between Inspection and the Treasury Inspector General. "I know that IRS personnel, including those in the Inspection Service, will fully cooperate with this review," Commissioner Rossotti said. "The team will have full access to information and files necessary for this assignment." The team is expected to begin its work by early March. Based on his review, Bowsher will make whatever recommendations he deems appropriate to Commissioner Rossotti.

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