IRS News Release  

1998 IRS News Releases

News Releases are issued by the IRS whenever there is information of importance that needs to be released to the public or practitioner community. All 1998 releases are included here.

The numbering system identifies the year and the number of the News Release. Fact Sheets are identified with filenames beginning "FS-98'" followed by the number of the fact sheet.

IR-98-76 Dec. 23, 1998
Commissioner Names New Advisory Council Members
Several small business owners, a representative of a citizen advocacy group, a university professor, a state tax administrator and representatives from the large corporate taxpayer and practitioner communities have been selected by the Internal Revenue Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti to serve on the IRS Advisory Council.
IR-98-75 Dec. 9, 1998
IRS Moves Forward with Computer Modernization, Selects Prime Contractor
The Internal Revenue Service took a major step Wednesday toward overhauling its antiquated computer systems by awarding a contract to a team of companies that will help modernize the agency's technology.
IR-98-74 Dec. 7, 1998
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 1999, will be seven (7) percent for overpayments (six (6) percent in the case of a corporation), seven (7) percent for underpayments, and nine (9) percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000 will be four and one-half (4.5) percent. The interest rates in this revenue ruling reflect the amendment to section 6621 (a) of the Code eliminating the interest rate differential between overpayments and underpayments for taxpayers other than corporations.
IR-98-73 Dec. 7, 1998
Interim Guidelines for "Equitable Relief" for Innocent Spouses
The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service have issued interim guidance for taxpayers seeking relief under a new provision in the 1998 IRS Restructuring and Reform Act. Treasury and the IRS also want feedback to help them develop final guidance, with comments due by April 30, 1999.
IR-98-72 Dec. 3, 1998
IRS Unveils Strategic Plan for Electronic Tax Administration
The Internal Revenue Service today unveiled a sweeping plan to move its electronic tax programs into the next century.
IR-98-71 Dec. 1, 1998
Internal Revenue Service Recruits for Top Positions
As part of its ongoing effort to modernize operations and improve service to taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service has begun recruiting for senior leadership positions in two of its newly created operating divisions.
IR-98-70 Nov. 25, 1998
Albert Mazei Named Assistant Commissioner, Program Management & Engineering Office
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the selection of Albert E. Mazei as Assistant Commissioner of the Program Management and Engineering Office (PMEO). In this position, Mazei will serve as a principal advisor to the Chief Information Officer, Paul Cosgrave, as well as manage the cost and technical aspects of modernizing the nation's tax system.
IR-98-69 Nov. 23, 1998
Thousands of U.S. Taxpayers Due Refunds
Still waiting for your 1997 federal tax refund? The Internal Revenue Service is looking for 99,042 taxpayers.
IR-98-68 Nov. 18, 1998
Businesses Have More Time to Begin Electronic Payments
The Internal Revenue Service announced it will waive penalties on businesses that timely use paper federal tax deposit coupons while converting to the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). This penalty relief will run through June 30, 1999. It applies to all taxpayers required to enroll in EFTPS and deposit electronically starting July 1, 1997, or later.
IR-98-67 Oct. 12, 1998
IRS Unveils Toll-Free Number, Prepares for Problem Solving Day in New Round of Taxpayer Help
The Internal Revenue Service started a new round of taxpayer help Thursday by unveiling a new toll-free telephone number designed for people with long-standing tax problems.
IR-98-65 Nov. 10, 1998
IRS Offers Phone & Web Help for Employers' Tax Questions
The Internal Revenue Service today announced new telephone and computer services to help taxpayers with employment tax questions.
IR-98-64 Nov. 9, 1998
IRS Declares Nov. 14 as Special Taxpayer Problem Solving Day
The Internal Revenue Service will reach out to help taxpayers across the country Nov. 14 in a special Saturday trouble-shooting program aimed at helping people with tax problems.
IR-98-63 Oct. 23, 1998
IRS Announces 1999 Limitations Adjusted as Provided in Section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code
The Internal Revenue Service today announced cost-of-living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations that are adjusted at the same time and in the same manner as provided in section 415(d) of the Internal Revenue Code.
IR-98-62 Oct. 20, 1998
IRS Seeks Comment on Draft Form for Innocent Spouse Relief
The Internal Revenue Service is requesting comments on a draft form to be used by taxpayers seeking innocent spouse relief under the expanded provisions of this summer's IRS Restructuring and Reform Act. The IRS set a comment deadline of November 30, with the aim of finalizing the form by year's end.
IR-98-61 Oct. 5, 1998
IRS Modernizes E-Mail System
The Internal Revenue Service on Monday announced plans to install a new electronic mail system designed to standardize the agency's internal communications network and improve taxpayer service.
IR-98-60 Sept. 30, 1998
IRS Issues Summer Statistics of Income Bulletin
According to the recently released summer issue of the quarterly Statistics of Income Bulletin, there were 1,272,508 taxpayers whose income tax returns for Tax Year 1995 showed an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $200,000 or more. Of this number, 998 reported they had no U.S. income tax liability. This was mainly because of certain losses, tax credits and itemized deductions, especially the deduction for investment interest expense. Another 6,721 high-income taxpayers owed U.S. tax of less than 5 percent of AGI. AGI and tax reported on returns for 1995 with an AGI of $200,000 or more amounted to $640.0 billion and $182.5 billion, respectively. AGI reported on returns showing no tax liability amounted to $0.6 billion.
IR-98-59 Sept. 24, 1998
New IRS Mission Statement Emphasizes Taxpayer Service
The Internal Revenue Service on Thursday unveiled an overhauled mission statement to reflect the agency's new emphasis on serving taxpayers.
IR-98-58 Sept. 11, 1998
IRS Appoints Discipline Review Project Director
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the pending appointment of John C. Layton to the position of Project Director, Disciplinary Action Review. The position is scheduled to become effective mid-September 1998 and will remain in effect for six months.
IR-98-57 Sept. 9, 1998
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 1998, will be seven (7) percent for overpayments, eight (8) percent for underpayments, and ten (10) percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000 will be five and one-half (5.5) percent.
IR-98-56 Sept. 8, 1998
Income & Gift Taxes Apply to Catching Homerun Balls
In response to press speculation resulting from events in major league baseball, the Internal Revenue Service today provided a brief explanation of the basic income and gift tax principles that would apply to a baseball fan who catches a home run ball and immediately returns it.
IR-98-55 Aug. 20, 1998
IRS Partners with Industry to Expand Electronic Transactions
The Internal Revenue Service today announced several arrangements it has made with private sector firms to expand the opportunities for taxpayers to file or pay taxes electronically in 1999. The new partnerships encompass credit card payments, electronic signatures, and promotional activities related to e-filing.
IR-98-54 Aug. 11, 1998
Rossotti Announces New Top Management Team
The Internal Revenue Service today announced several changes to its top management structure as well its plans to make several key appointments. The changes will ensure the highest level of management focus on IRS modernization and service to taxpayers while maintaining the necessary attention on operations. Most of these changes will be effective by Sept. 15, 1998.
IR-98-53 Aug. 4, 1998
IRS Initiatives on Tax Issues Related to Employee Meals
The Internal Revenue Service today took two actions to assist employers in the hospitality industry on certain tax issues related to providing meals for employees. This industry includes casinos, hotels, resorts, and similar establishments. First, in Announcement 98-77, the IRS released draft training materials on employee meals in the hospitality industry for future use by its auditors, inviting interested persons to offer comments. Second, in Announcement 98-78, the IRS outlined a settlement initiative allowing hospitality industry taxpayers to easily resolve these issues covering periods through December 31, 1998.
IR-98-52 Aug. 3, 1998
Internet Program Helps Teens Learn about Taxes
The Internal Revenue Service and the Section of Taxation of the American Bar Association today announced a joint project to help young people learn about the federal tax system. TAXinteractive (TAXi) is an electronic learning laboratory available on the Internet at
IR-98-51 July 31, 1998
IRS Selects Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Group
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that it has selected 17 people to serve on the first Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee. The committee will help the IRS plan its strategy for making electronic filing the preferred and most convenient method of filing tax and information returns. It will also provide an organized forum for discussion of electronic tax administration issues.
IR-98-50 July 9, 1998
IRS Issues Spring Statistics of Income Bulletin
The Spring issue of the quarterly Statistics of Income Bulletin (SOI) has just been published. It includes five articles and two data releases, concerning individual income tax returns, S Corporations, tax exempt organizations and excise taxes.
IR-98-49 July 7, 1998
Paul Cosgrave is Named Consultant on Technology Modernization
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that Paul J. Cosgrave has been appointed as a consultant to the Commissioner for modernizing the IRS's information and telecommunication systems. As a consultant, Cosgrave will provide advice and guidance on the design, development, implementation and operation of the IRS's nationwide computer and telecommunications systems.
IR-98-48 June 26, 1998
Deputy Commissioner Dolan Announces His Retirement
Deputy Commissioner Michael P. Dolan has announced his intention to leave the Internal Revenue Service in the fall. In announcing his retirement, he expressed his confidence in the direction the IRS is taking to modernize under the leadership of Commissioner Charles 0. Rossotti. He also cited the contributions of IRS employees.
IR-98-47 June 22, 1998
IRS Wins Award for Telefile Promotion Campaign
The Public Relations Society of America has presented its Silver Anvil Award to the Internal Revenue Service and Ketchum Public Relations for the 1997 promotional campaign, "TeleFile, Ten Minute Taxes." The Silver Anvil is awarded to campaigns that meet the highest standards of public relations programming.
IR-98-46 June 8, 1998
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 1998, will be seven (7) percent for overpayments, eight (8) percent for underpayments, and ten (10) percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000 will be five and one-half (5.5) percent.
IR-98-45 June 8, 1998
IRS Releases Independent Report on Inspection Service
The Internal Revenue Service today released the report of an independent review of the IRS Inspection Service. In February 1998, Commissioner Charles 0. Rossotti requested the review of Inspection as part of an overall review of IRS operations.
IR-98-44 June 5, 1998
IRS Corrects Improper Collection Practice
The Internal Revenue Service is apologizing to about 20,000 taxpayers for mistakes it made in handling their accounts. The IRS has stopped the improper practice and is taking steps to correct the situation for affected taxpayers. Those affected were paying taxes owed for tax years before 1990 through installment agreements.
IR-98-43 June 3, 1998
IRS Gives Relief to a Half-Million Businesses
About one-half million more small businesses will no longer have to deposit their employment taxes because of a change in the deposit rules, the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department announced today. This change means that almost one- third of the nation's 6.2 million employers will not have to deposit employment taxes.
IR-98-42 June 1, 1998
IRS & Montana to Test Single Point Filing
The Internal Revenue Service and the Montana Department of Revenue will test single point filing with a small group of employers by combining into one tax return the information now contained in the IRS employment tax return (Form 941), the Montana withholding return and the Montana unemployment insurance return.
IR-98-41 May 26, 1998
New IRS Guide Helps Charity Sponsors of Gaming Activities
The Internal Revenue Service has released a new guide to assist tax exempt organizations who conduct or sponsor gaming activities. Publication 3079, Gaming Publication for Tax-Exempt Organizations, will help organizations understand their federal requirements for income tax, employment tax, wagering tax and excise tax.
IR-98-40 May 22, 1998
IRS Completes Processing of Timely-Filed Refund Returns
The Internal Revenue Service last week finished processing refunds for all returns that had been filed by the April 15 deadline. As of May 15, the IRS had completed work on more than 77 million refunds, worth more than $102 billion. Taxpayers should receive the last of these checks around the end of this month.
IR-98-39 May 13, 1998
Tax Refunds May Get Big Jump Next Year
Federal tax refunds, already at a record average of $1,325 this year, are likely to be higher for many taxpayers in 1999, according to the Internal Revenue Service. New tax credits -- especially the child tax credit -- will lower taxes for many parents, resulting in larger refunds. Tax credits are a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the amount of tax owed.
IR-98-38 May 5, 1998
Electronic Federal Tax Deposits Top $1 Trillion
The good news at the Internal Revenue Service these days is that the check is not in the mail.
IR-98-37 May 5, 1998
IRS Announces May 16 Problem Solving Day
The Internal Revenue Service will hold another Problem Solving Day on May 16 at 44 locations nationwide. Problem Solving Day will provide taxpayers who have long-standing tax problems the opportunity to work face-to-face with IRS employees to find solutions.
IR-98-36 April 29, 1998
IRS & Department of Justice Clarify Criminal Tax Enforcement Statistics
The Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Justice Tax Division issued a statement today to clarify some misconceptions about statistics that have been reported in various newsprint that quote Syracuse University Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) data.
IR-98-35 April 28, 1998
Commissioner Orders Review of Criminal Investigation Division
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles 0.Rossotti has announced that he will begin an independent review of the IRS Criminal Investigation Division (CID) to assess CID's effectiveness in accomplishing its mission.
IR-98-34 April 27, 1998
Seven-Point Plan to Improve the IRS Criminal Investigation Division
Commissioner Charles 0. Rossotti today announced a seven-point plan to improve the Internal Revenue Service's Criminal Investigation Division (CID).
IR-98-33 April 22, 1998
Tax Season '98: Electronic Activity, Customer Service
According to the Internal Revenue Service, taxpayers have reaped the benefits of the two principal hallmarks of this year's very successful tax season: increases in electronic activity and improvements in customer service.
IR-98-32 April 13, 1998
Last-Minute Telephone Assistance Available
The Internal Revenue Service's toll-free telephone help lines will be staffed around the clock on April 15 to help taxpayers who have questions or need assistance before the midnight filing deadline. The help lines will be available continuously from 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 14, through midnight on Wednesday, April 15, local time. Taxpayers can call the IRS help line at 1- 800-829-1040.
IR-98-31 April 9, 1998
Last-Minute Tax Tips
With the tax filing season in its final week, the Internal Revenue Service offered some tips for those still working on their tax forms. Double-check your numbers. Sign your form. Attach all required schedules. And send your return to the IRS by April 15.
IR-98-30 April 7, 1998
IRS Commissioner Expands Taxpayer Advocate's Authority
The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has put more strength behind the Taxpayer Advocate's recommendations to IRS functions -- a new authority to mandate that administrative or procedural changes requested by the Advocate be implemented. Previously, the Advocate could not order such actions to be taken.
IR-98-29 April 1, 1998
Tax Deadline Nears -- Extensions, Installment Plans Available
With the tax filing deadline just two weeks away, the Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers that it has help for those who can't complete their forms on time or can't pay what they owe.
IR-98-28 March 31, 1998
IRS Extends Time for Businesses to Make Electronic Deposits
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that more than one million businesses will have an extra six months to switch from paper coupons for their federal tax deposits to the new Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).
IR-98-27 March 26, 1998
IRS Issues Winter Statistics of Income Bulletin
Preliminary estimates for 1995 reveal that there were more than 4.1 million top wealth-holders (with gross assets of $600,000 or more) in the United States. Their assets totaled $6.3 trillion, while their net worth amounted to almost $5.7 trillion. Of the total number, 2.6 million were men and 1.5 million were women. Nearly 1.5 million individuals were millionaires, having a net worth of $1 million or more. A companion study for 1992 indicates that the 3.7 million top wealth-holders in that year comprised 2 percent of the population, yet accounted for 28 percent of total U.S. personal wealth. These facts are included in the article "Personal Wealth, 1992-1995" in the Winter 1997-1998 issue of the quarterly Statistics of Income Bulletin, just published.
IR-98-26 March 25, 1998
Final Modernization Request for Proposal Released
The Internal Revenue Service will release the final Request for Proposal (RFP) for a prime systems integration services contractor for IRS's computer systems on March 26, 1998. The prime contractor will provide program management, systems development, and integration capabilities needed to implement IRS's extensive systems modernization project as outlined in its Modernization Blueprint.
IR-98-25 March 25, 1998
Avoid Common Tax Return Errors
The number most likely to be wrong on a tax return isn't an income or deduction amount, according to the Internal Revenue Service -- it's the identification number for the taxpayer, spouse, or dependent. This was the most frequent error last year and the second most common mistake in returns received by the IRS through February 1998.
IR-98-24 March 23, 1998
Tax Return Preparation Assistance for Earned Income Tax Credit
The Internal Revenue Service will help low-income taxpayers who may be eligible for the earned income tax credit prepare their returns on Saturday, March 28, 1998, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. The free tax preparation assistance will be offered at more than 150 IRS offices nationwide. No appointment is necessary.
IR-98-23 March 19, 1998
Time Running Short to Get Tax Forms
Taxpayers who need tax forms or publications should act soon to request them, the Internal Revenue Service advised today -- the April 15 filing deadline is less than four weeks away. In addition to providing materials at its local offices, the IRS makes forms available by mail, computer, or fax.
IR-98-22 March 18, 1998
IRS to Create Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Group
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that it will create a 10-12 member Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee to help the IRS plan its strategy for making electronic filing the preferred and most convenient method of filing tax and information returns. It will also provide an organized forum for discussion of electronic tax administration issues.
IR-98-21 Feb. 18, 1998
IRS Expands Business Tax Filing by Telephone to Employers Nationwide
The Internal Revenue Service is making it easier for more than three million business taxpayers to file their quarterly Form 941 payroll returns.
IR-98-20 March 17, 1998
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 1998, will be seven (7) percent for overpayments, eight (8) percent for underpayments, and ten (10) percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000 will be five and one-half (5.5) percent.
IR-98-19 March 12, 1998
Electronic Methods Popular for Tax Help
With the April 15 tax filing deadline a little more than a month away, the Internal Revenue Service expects its Web site and TaxFax services -already handling more than twice as much traffic as last year -- to become even busier.
IR-98-18 March 12, 1998
New Program to Improve Taxpayer Treatment & Service
Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Charles 0. Rossotti has named IRS executive Bob Wenzel to head up the implementation of hundreds of recommendations to improve IRS's treatment of taxpayers and the service it provides them. As head of the new Taxpayer Treatment and Service Improvements Program, Wenzel will report directly to Commissioner Rossotti.
IR-98-17 March 3, 1998
Better Customer Service on IRS Phone Lines
More hours on Internal Revenue Service telephone lines have meant fewer busy signals and quicker access for callers. The IRS nearly doubled its hours of service this year, from 50 to 96 hours a week. Lines for both live assistance and forms orders are open from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
IR-98-16 March 4, 1998
IRS Announces March Problem Solving Days
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the locations of its March Problem Solving Days. At 33 locations across the country, individuals with long-standing tax problems will have the opportunity to meet face to face with IRS employees who will work to find solutions. Taxpayers can find the location nearest them by accessing the IRS homepage on the World Wide Web -- -- or calling the IRS toll-free at 1-800-829-1040.
FS-98-16 Dec. 9, 1998
Selection of Prime Contractor
The Internal Revenue Service has selected a team of contractors led by Computer Sciences Corporation to help the agency modernize its business practices and replace its outdated technology. The comprehensive modernization program also includes reorganization of the agency to improve service to taxpayers.
IR-98-15 March 3, 1998
IRS Hires Outside Firm to Validate Modernization Concept
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that Booz-Allen & Hamilton, an international management and technology consulting firm, will conduct a validation study and risk assessment of the recently announced plan to modernize the IRS.
FS-98-15 May 1, 1998
Appeals Customer Satisfaction Survey
As part of its ongoing evaluation of dispute resolution programs, the Office of the National Director of Appeals began a Customer Satisfaction Survey in June 1997 to collect feedback from taxpayers about the Internal Revenue Service Appeals process. The survey was completed in January 1998. Of the 6,800 taxpayers and tax practitioners who were mailed a two-page survey, 43% chose to participate.
IR-98-14 March 3, 1998
IRS / Industry Partnerships Expand E-Filing Options
Through newly-formed partnerships with the private sector, the Internal Revenue Service is expanding electronic filing options for individuals.
FS-98-14 April 1, 1998
IRS Policy on Racial Discrimination
The concept of equal opportunity in federal employment has long been supported and reaffirmed over the years by the executive and legislative branches and in a number of Supreme Court cases.
IR-98-13 March 2, 1998
IRS Offers Saturday Hours for Taxpayer Assistance
The Internal Revenue Service will offer special extended walk-in service at over 150 locations across the country on six Saturdays from March 7 to April 11, 1998. The off ices will be open from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm local time.
FS-98-13 April 1, 1998
Grand Jury Investigations
The grand jury is an investigative process convened by a Federal Court, and tasked with seeking information, evaluating allegations and evidence, and determining whether criminal charges are warranted. Evidence is presented to the grand jury by Department of Justice special prosecutors or local U.S. Attorneys. The IRS special agent's role in this process is to assist the grand jury in gathering evidence of criminal violations. For the IRS special agent, this means his or her focus will be on alleged violations of criminal tax, money laundering and currency crimes. The special agent assists in this process only at the direction of the prosecuting attorney and with the concurrence of IRS management. Frequently, grand jury investigations of financial crimes are expanded to include potential tax or related crimes. The expertise of the IRS special agent is utilized to conduct a full financial investigation of this criminal conduct.
IR-98-12 Feb. 26, 1998
Federal/State E-Filing Up Sharply
More taxpayers are filing their federal and state income tax returns in one action when they file electronically. With Federal/State e-filing, one transmission carries the taxpayer's federal and state information to the Internal Revenue Service. The state tax agencies then retrieve the state tax return data from the IRS for processing.
FS-98-12 April 1, 1998
Consistency of Discipline: Employees & Managers
The Internal Revenue Service is committed to fair and consistent application of disciplinary rules across all levels of the workforce and will continue to work toward ensuring against instances where managers seem to be held to a lesser standard. Favoritism toward managers is not acceptable.
IR-98-11 Feb. 26, 1998
IRS Financial Audit Scores Clean Opinion from GAO
For the first time, the General Accounting Off ice has given an unqualified -- or "clean" -- opinion on the reliability of the Internal Revenue Service's Custodial Financial Statements. The statements audited by GAO were IRS reports on taxes collected and refunds paid during Fiscal Year 1997.
FS-98-11 April 1, 1998
IRS Policy on Sexual Harassment
The Internal Revenue Service is committed to preventing and eliminating sexual harassment from the workplace. Sexual harassment, whether it is committed by executives, managers, supervisors, employees, or non-employees (i.e., contractors, taxpayers, or visitors to the workplace) is specifically prohibited. Under agency guidelines, all allegations of sexual harassment are dealt with promptly and impartially, and employees who report such incidents do not suffer any form of reprisal or retaliation.
IR-98-10 Feb. 19, 1998
E-Filing for Personal Computer Users
Taxpayers with a computer and a modem may find it easier -- and possibly cheaper -- to file their tax returns electronically this year. The Internal Revenue Service Web site has links to private sector firms that are participating in its e-file program and some tax preparation software packages include free e-filing.
FS-98-10 April 1, 1998
Innocent Spouse Relief
Many married couples file a joint tax return because of the benefits it allows. But doing so means that both people are responsible for the tax and any interest or penalties, even if they later divorce.
IR-98-09 Feb. 12, 1998
IRS Help Lines Open on Presidents' Day
The Internal Revenue Service will be working to help taxpayers on the upcoming Presidents' Day holiday. The IRS will open its toll-free assistance line -- 1-800-829- 1040 -- as well as its toll-free forms and publications line -1-800-829-3676 -- on Monday, February 16, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. local time. This means there will be no interruption of the expanded IRS toll-free customer service hours, Monday through Saturday, 16 hours a day.
FS-98-09 April 1, 1998
Illegal Tax Protesters
Illegal tax protest movements have been around for decades, springing up in different areas of the country and in a variety of forms. These groups and/or individuals, known as illegal tax protesters, deprive the government of substantial revenue. Illegal tax protesters frequently lure otherwise innocent taxpayers into participating in their schemes to pay little or no taxes. A recent study found that 47,000 illegal tax protesters owed more than $540 million in taxes -- 2.3% of the total accounts receivable due from individuals. Illegal tax protesters use a variety of false or misleading arguments for not paying taxes, and advise taxpayers not to comply with federal tax laws.
IR-98-08 Feb. 12, 1998
Early Returns Show Popularity of Electronic Filing
The popularity of filing tax returns electronically -- or e-filing -climbed dramatically in the early days of this tax season. Through February 6, more than 8.3 million of the 14.3 million returns filed -- nearly 60 percent -- arrived at the Internal Revenue Service by either phone or computer.
FS-98-08 April 1, 1998
IRS Use of Federal Law Enforcement Techniques
The Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation (CI) Division uses different investigative techniques to help fight financial crimes related to tax administration. These techniques include undercover operations and informants.
IR-98-07 Feb. 12, 1998
IRS Looking for Customer Feedback to Improve Services
How would you rate the treatment you received during an IRS audit? How prompt was the service you received at an IRS walk-in office? The Internal Revenue Service wants to know. Your experience with the services that the IRS provides could be the basis for real improvements to the IRS's customer service.
FS-98-07 April 1, 1998
Case Processing
In Fiscal Year 1997, the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation (CI) Division initiated 5,335 investigations. There were 3,817 cases (73%) recommended for prosecution, with an average of 281 elapsed days from the date the case was initiated to the date the case was recommended for prosecution. During this same time frame, there were 1,427 cases (27%) discontinued, with 294 average elapsed days from the date the case was initiated to the date the case was discontinued.
IR-98-06 Feb. 10, 1998
IRS Seeks Proposals for More Electronic Transactions
The Internal Revenue Service is seeking industry proposals on ways to increase the number of electronic transactions. Such proposals Should address enhancements and modifications of the IRS Electronic Tax Administration programs. Offerors should submit a summary of their proposals by February 24.
FS-98-06 April 1, 1998
Criminal Investigation - an Overview
The Criminal Investigation (CI) Division of the Internal Revenue Service enforces the criminal statutes on tax administration and related financial crimes.
IR-98-05 Feb. 4, 1998
Commissioner Orders Review of IRS Inspection Service
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles 0. Rossotti has announced that he will begin an independent review of the IRS Inspection Service to assess Inspection's effectiveness in accomplishing its mission.
FS-98-05 Jan. 1, 1998
A Modernized Internal Revenue Service
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles 0. Rossotti has developed a concept of a modernized American tax agency that will deliver significantly improved service to American taxpayers.
IR-98-04 Feb. 3, 1998
Some Tax Packages Contain Incorrect Mailing Labels
Some taxpayers may have mailed their individual income tax returns only to find them right back in their mailboxes instead of delivered to the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS has just learned that a printing contractor used the wrong bar code when printing IRS service center address labels for the return envelopes in about one million 1040 packages.
FS-98-04 Jan. 1, 1998
IRS Takes Further Actions in Response to Internal Audit Review of the Use of Enforcement Statistics in the Collection Field Function
In September 1997, the Senate Finance Committee held hearings in which allegations of IRS employee evaluations based on enforcement statistics and abuses of taxpayer rights surfaced. The Internal Revenue Service took those allegations very seriously, and took a number of steps to determine the degree to which those allegations were true, as well as actions to reevaluate and change, if necessary, policies and procedures that may cause unintended consequences for taxpayers.
IR-98-03 Jan. 28, 1998
Statement of Charles 0. Rossotti, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Before the Senate Finance Committee
When I appeared before this Committee in October, I had already confirmed for myself two things: that the IRS must do a far better job of serving taxpayers, and that achieving a goal of consistent first rate service would require a major shift in the IRS's focus. I committed to you that I would improve the work of an agency that directly affects so many people and do so to the best of my ability.
FS-98-03 Jan. 1, 1998
Free Tax Assistance
Each year the Internal Revenue Service works to make it easier for people to get tax help. This year taxpayers have more options than ever before to get the help and information they need.
IR-98-02 Jan. 27, 1998
IRS Hires Executive Search Firm to Seek Out New Advocate
As part of its efforts to improve customer service, the Internal Revenue Service is for the first time looking outside the agency for a new Taxpayer Advocate. The Taxpayer Advocate reports directly to the Commissioner, and acts as the "voice of the taxpayer." Toward that end, the IRS has hired Korn/Ferry International, a worldwide executive search firm specializing in management searches at the senior level, to provide the IRS with qualified candidates for the position.
FS-98-02 Jan. 1, 1998
IRS E-File -- A Proven Alternative
Last year, more than 19 million people took advantage of IRS?s e-file options that make tax filing easier for everyone. E-filing is the fastest way to file taxes, and taxpayers can get their refunds in half the time as paper returns. TeleFile has other advantages.
IR-98-01 Jan. 2, 1998
Tax Season Brings Familiar Forms, More Phone Service
Many taxpayers will find some good news in the tax packages they will be receiving in the next week from the Internal Revenue Service: familiar forms and an expanded schedule of IRS telephone assistance.
FS-98-01 Jan. 1, 1998
Tax Time 1998
The Internal Revenue Service will send about 60 million income tax packages this year. The mailout costs about $10.3 million for printing and $10.6 million for postage. Most taxpayers will get their tax packages soon after New Year's Day. The IRS expects to receive around 123 million tax returns in 1998, with continued growth in filing by telephone and by computer.


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