IRS News Release  
February 10, 1998

IRS Seeks Proposals for More
Electronic Transactions

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service is seeking industry proposals on ways to increase the number of electronic transactions. Such proposals should address enhancements and modifications of the IRS Electronic Tax Administration programs. Offerors should submit a summary of their proposals by February 24.

The final Request for Proposals (RFP) expands the draft RFP issued last fall. In addition to seeking ideas on electronic transactions related to individual tax returns, the IRS is accepting proposals for employment, partnership and fiduciary returns.

While expanding the number of programs for consideration, the IRS is limiting the scope to pilot efforts in 1999. This will give offerors a wide latitude to propose creative solutions which can be quality tested before being implemented nationwide. In evaluating the proposals, the IRS will focus on customer satisfaction, including that of taxpayers and tax preparers.

As a result of comments on the draft RFP, the IRS will not pursue cash subsidies to the private sector for increasing the volume of electronic returns. However, the IRS has signed several non-monetary partnership agreements for the current filing season and is seeking such agreement proposals by February 17 for the 1999 filing season.

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