IRS News Release  
March 23, 1998

Tax Return Preparation Assistance
for Earned Income Tax Credit

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service will help low-income taxpayers who may be eligible for the earned income tax credit prepare their returns on Saturday, March 28, 1998, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. The free tax preparation assistance will be offered at more than 150 IRS offices nationwide. No appointment is necessary.

March 28, which is being called Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day, is one of six Saturdays for which the IRS has scheduled Saturday customer service. The Saturday hours began March 7 and will continue through April 11, the last Saturday before the tax filing deadline.

Assistance will primarily take the form of group sessions to help taxpayers first determine if they are eligible for the credit and then to show them the correct way to fill out the tax return.

Taxpayers who wish to receive tax preparation assistance should bring all necessary information with them. This may include copies of wage and tax statements (Form W-2), information returns showing interest, dividends or other income received (Form 1099), information showing mortgage or other deductible interest paid out (Form 1098), the employer identification number (EIN) of any child care provider they use, and any other relevant income and tax data. In addition, taxpayers must have valid Social Security Numbers (SSNs) for themselves and any dependents they claim. Joint returns must be signed by both spouses.

"We urge all taxpayers who think they're eligible for the credit and would like our help to pay us a visit this coming Saturday -- that's their special day," said Ron Watson, IRS Executive for Customer Service. "Of course, we also welcome taxpayers who need our help with other matters."

Taxpayers may be eligible to receive the earned income tax credit if they earn less than $9,970 and have no qualifying children, less than $25,760 and have one qualifying child, or less than $29,290 and have more than one qualifying child.

Taxpayers who believe they are eligible for the earned income tax credit may call 1-800-829-1040 to find the closest IRS office offering tax return preparation assistance.

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