IRS News Release  
June 08, 1998

IRS Releases Independent Report
on Inspection Service

WASHINGTON - The Internal Revenue Service today released the report of an independent review of the IRS Inspection Service. In February 1998, Commissioner Charles 0. Rossotti requested the review of Inspection as part of an overall review of IRS operations.

The review was performed by Charles Bowsher, former Comptroller General of the United States, and a team of experts he drew together from Inspector General offices in other government agencies and assembled by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency.

"I welcome this report," Rossotti said," and concur with virtually all its findings. I find especially valuable Mr. Bowsher's insight about the need for comprehensive tracking and analysis of complaints." Rossotti cautioned that making the recommended changes will take time, but he pledged to begin the planning process as soon as possible.

The report focuses on strengthening the existing Inspection Service to create a more effective oversight organization. In his cover letter to Rossotti, Bowsher said, "The report identifies opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of the Inspection Service, particularly in the areas of independence, public reporting of both audit results and accounting for investigative results, and the process of managing complaints in the IRS."

The Inspection Service is intended to be an independent channel of information to the Commissioner and the Secretary of the Treasury in matters affecting the integrity and proper functioning of the IRS. In accepting the report from Bowsher, Rossotti said, "My interest has always been to find ways to improve the effectiveness, independence and credibility of the Inspection Service."

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