IRS News Release  
June 26, 1998

Deputy Commissioner Dolan
Announces His Retirement

WASHINGTON - Deputy Commissioner Michael P. Dolan has announced his intention to leave the Internal Revenue Service in the fall. In announcing his retirement, he expressed his confidence in the direction the IRS is taking to modernize under the leadership of Commissioner Charles 0. Rossotti. He also cited the contributions of IRS employees.

"I am convinced that Charles Rossotti is exactly the leader the Service needs at this key juncture," Dolan said. "Not only is his vision for modernizing the IRS extremely sound; his approach to mobilizing the vision has already begun to energize the IRS in a way I am certain will make an extraordinarily positive difference to taxpayers and employees alike."

Dolan continued, "As the organization anticipates some of the most profound change it has ever experienced, I am confident that the men and women of the IRS will ensure through their hallmark energy and commitment the success of a whole new way of serving the taxpayers of this nation."

In a statement, Commissioner Rossotti said, "Mike Dolan has been a dedicated and loyal public servant for more than a quarter of a century, and in his capacity as Acting Commissioner in 1997, Mike provided leadership, strength and courage when it was needed most. He also played a key role in the long process we have undertaken to make the IRS more responsive and accountable to America's taxpayers."

Dolan gave no precise departure date, but Rossotti stressed that Dolan will continue to perform fully as Deputy Commissioner during the interim until he leaves the Service.

Dolan has been with the IRS for 27 years and has been Deputy Commissioner for 6 years. He said that he chose this time to leave because "I think it gives the Commissioner the maximum opportunity to form a senior team that will provide continuity through the very important work of the next several years.

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