IR-2000-90 |
Dec. 22, 2000 |
Customer Satisfaction High Among Electronic Filers |
For the second year in a row, a government-wide survey found that taxpayers who electronically file their federal income tax returns give high marks to the Internal Revenue Service´s electronic filing program. |
IR-2000-89 |
Dec. 19, 2000 |
Daily IRS Tax Tips Available for 2001 Filing Season |
The Internal Revenue Service will offer a new, daily series of Tax Tips for the 2001 filing season beginning January 2. |
IR-2000-88 |
Dec. 18, 2000 |
IRS Awards 102 Tax Clinics $6 Million to Help Low-Income Taxpayers |
As a part of the effort to provide top quality service to America´s taxpayers, the IRS has awarded $6 million for legal assistance this year to low-income taxpayer clinics. |
IR-2000-87 |
Dec. 6, 2000 |
IRS Initiates Pilot Program to Foster Earlier Resolution of Industry Issues Common to Large Business Taxpayers |
The Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Department announced Wednesday a new pilot program called Industry Issue Resolution, or IIR. |
IR-2000-86 |
Dec. 6, 2000 |
Jardini Named Criminal Investigation Division Counsel |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the appointment of Nancy J. Jardini to the position of Division Counsel/Associate Chief Counsel (Criminal Tax). |
IR-2000-85 |
Nov. 28, 2000 |
$200 Million Released for Systems Modernization; IRS Strategy Moves Forward |
Congressional leaders have approved releasing $200 million for the next step of the Internal Revenue Service´s sweeping Business Systems Modernization program. |
IR-2000-84 |
Nov. 28, 2000 |
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 2001, will remain at nine (9) percent for overpayments (eight (8) percent in the case of a corporation), nine (9) percent for underpayments, and eleven (11) percent for large corporate underpayments. The overpayment rate for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000 will remain at six and one-half (6.5) percent. |
IR-2000-83 |
Nov. 27, 2000 |
IRS Simplifies Tax Deposit Rules for Small Business |
In a step to simplify a major area of tax administration, the Internal Revenue Service will end monthly tax deposit requirements for about 1 million small businesses. Beginning Jan. 1, 2001, many small businesses will be allowed to make employment tax payments on a quarterly basis, not monthly. “We have lowered a major hurdle for small businesses by eliminating a complex filing requirement,” IRS Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti said Monday. “The new standard will reduce the paperwork and red tape that small businesses face.” |
IR-2000-82 |
Nov. 20, 2000 |
Pension Plan Limitations for Tax Year 2001 |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced cost-of-living adjustments applicable to dollar limitations for pension plans and other items for Tax Year 2001. However, these limitations may be affected by pending legislation awaiting action by Congress. If this legislation is enacted before the end of the year, some of the cost-of-living adjustments described below may be modified, and the IRS will announce any modifications as soon as possible. |
IR-2000-81 |
Nov. 16, 2000 |
IRS Announces 2001 Standard Mileage Rates |
The Internal Revenue Service announced Thursday the optional standard mileage rates to use for 2001 in computing the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving expense purposes. |
IR-2000-80 |
Nov. 14, 2000 |
New Form 8872 Available for On-Line Filing; First Web-Based Filing from IRS |
The Internal Revenue Service announced Tuesday the creation of an electronic version of Form 8872 that can be filed on-line by section 527 political organizations. This new version of Form 8872, “Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures,” will be available Wednesday |
IR-2000-79 |
Nov. 13, 2000 |
U.S. - U.K. Develop New Adminstrative Arrangements for Mutual Agreement Procedure |
The Internal Revenue Service and the U.K. Inland Revenue have agreed to new Administrative Arrangements that outline guiding principles to follow when using the Mutual Agreement Procedure (the MAP) found in Article 25 of the U.S.-U.K. Income Tax Convention. The Arrangements were developed to make sure the MAP works as quickly and effectively as possible, and that taxpayers are kept informed about the way their cases are being handled. |
IR-2000-78 |
Nov. 13, 2000 |
Undelivered Tax Refunds Top $67 Million; IRS Looks for Owners |
The Internal Revenue Service issued a nationwide alert Monday for more than 90,000 taxpayers who still haven´t received tax refund checks worth $67.4 million. |
IR-2000-77 |
Nov. 9, 2000 |
IRS Selects Senior Industry Advisor for Natural Resources Industry |
The Internal Revenue Service announced today the appointment of Douglas (Doug) Berg as Senior Industry Advisor to the Natural Resources industry segment of the Large and Mid-Size Business (LMSB) division. |
IR-2000-76 |
Nov. 9, 2000 |
New Senior Advisor Selected for Financial Services and Healthcare Industry |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the appointment of Paul Claytor as Senior Industry Advisor to the Financial Services and Healthcare Industry segment of the Large and Mid-Size Business Division (LMSB). |
IR-2000-75 |
Nov. 1, 2000 |
IRS & George Washington University to Sponsor Institute on International Tax Issues |
The Internal Revenue Service and George Washington University are jointly sponsoring the Thirteenth Annual Institute on Current Issues in International Taxation, to be held on December 7 and 8, 2000, at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, DC. Registration is currently underway for the Institute, which is intended for professionals in international tax law. |
IR-2000-74 |
Oct. 26, 2000 |
IRS Signs Qualified Intermediary Agreements |
In a major step to implementing new regulations that completely revise the withholding and reporting of cross-border payments of U.S. source income, the Internal Revenue Service has announced that it has begun signing qualified intermediary agreements for hundreds of financial institutions. These agreements, which are the cornerstone of the new regulations, simplify tax withholding and information reporting procedures for foreign financial institutions. Possibly thousands of financial institutions could apply to become qualified intermediaries by year´s end. |
IR-2000-73 |
Oct. 20, 2000 |
New Members Selected for IRS Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee |
ETAAC is currently comprised of five members, whose two-year terms end in December 2001. The addition of these eight new members will ensure continuity when the terms of the current members end. |
IR-2000-72 |
Oct. 19, 2000 |
IRS Issues Summer 2000 Statistics of Income Bulletin |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the release of the Summer 2000 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin. It details statistical information on corporations, sole proprietorships, estates and the Empowerment Zone tax incentive. |
IR-2000-71 |
Oct. 12, 2000 |
IRS Issues Guidance Regarding 527 Political Organization Reporting Requirements |
The Internal Revenue Service announced Thursday the issuance of a revenue ruling providing guidance concerning the new reporting and disclosure requirements for political organizations under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code. |
IR-2000-70 |
Oct. 10, 2000 |
Appeals Finalizes ex Parte Rules |
The Internal Revenue Service finalized rules to implement provisions of the Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (RRA 98) that protect the independence of the Appeals organization by issuing Revenue Procedure 2000-43. |
IR-2000-69 |
Oct. 6, 2000 |
IRS Urges African-Americans to Beware of Tax Refund Scams |
The Internal Revenue Service today cautioned African-Americans not to be misled by anyone offering to help them file for tax credits or refunds related to reparations for slavery. There is no such provision in the tax law. Those who pay to have reparations-related tax claims prepared are being deceived. IRS centers nationwide have received a growing number of such slavery reparations claims this year, repeating similar experiences in 1994 and 1996. ˜We regret that people may be circulating misleading information in the African-American community,˜ said IRS Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti. ˜It˜s despicable that some are stealing from innocent people by charging fees to prepare what they know to be baseless claims.˜ |
IR-2000-68 |
Oct. 5, 2000 |
IRS Advises Spouses to Check Name & Number Used on Tax Returns |
The Internal Revenue Service is sending letters to 2.4 million taxpayers who filed a joint 1999 return on which the name and identification number for the second spouse listed did not match IRS records. The IRS advises these taxpayers to compare the name and number used on the return with the information on the identification card issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the IRS. The mailout began last month and will continue until mid-November. |
IR-2000-67 |
Sept. 27, 2000 |
New IRS Begins Work; Reorganized Agency Reaches Milestone to Improve Service |
The Internal Revenue Service moves a step closer to modernizing the nation�s tax agency and improving taxpayer service with the Oct. 1 start of its new organizational structure. |
IR-2000-66 |
Sept. 22, 2000 |
IRS Provides Guidance on Mutual Fund Expenses |
The Internal Revenue Service has provided guidance to mutual fund distributors on ways they can account for commissions paid on the sales of mutual fund B shares. Revenue Procedure 2000-38, effective October 2, describes three accounting methods that mutual fund distributors may use to account for commissions paid on the sales of mutual fund B shares. |
IR-2000-65 |
Sept. 18, 2000 |
New toll-Free Number for IRS Appeals Help Line |
The Internal Revenue Service now has a toll-free help line for
questions related to the Appeals process. The number is 1-877-457-5055. |
IR-2000-64 |
Sept. 12, 2000 |
IRS Makes New Forms Filed by 527 Political Groups Available, Provides Details about Contributions, Expenditures |
The Internal Revenue Service announced Tuesday the public release of the forms
providing the first look at contributions and expenditures made by section 527 political
organizations. |
IR-2000-63 |
Sept. 7, 2000 |
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced
that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 2000, will remain at nine
(9) percent for overpayments (eight (8) percent in the case of a corporation), nine (9)
percent for underpayments, and eleven (11) percent for large corporate underpayments. The
overpayment rate for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000 will remain at
six and one-half (6.5) percent. |
IR-2000-62 |
Sept. 6, 2000 |
Taxpayer Rights Area Created for IRS Web Page |
The Internal Revenue Service has created a special new web section for taxpayers seeking information about their rights when dealing with the nation�s tax agency. |
IR-2000-61 |
Sept. 1, 2000 |
IRS Service Centers to Be Reorganized |
Some taxpayers will start sending their returns to a
different address beginning with the 2001 filing season as the Internal
Revenue Service reorganizes its service center operations to focus on
specific customer segments. |
IR-2000-60 |
Aug. 28, 2000 |
IRS Gives Taxpayers a Choice on Federal Per Diem Rate Changes |
The Internal Revenue Service is giving business travelers a
choice on using new federal per diem rates for meals and lodging in the continental
United States. They may continue to use the rates in effect since January until the end
of 2000, or they may use the new rates that will become effective for government
travelers on Oct. 1. |
IR-2000-59 |
Aug. 18, 2000 |
IRS Accepting Grant Applications or Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics |
Organizations providing low-cost legal assistance to people involved in tax disputes can apply for grants worth up to $100,000 for the 2001 grant cycle, the Internal Revenue Service announced Friday. Grants are also available for programs that assist taxpayers for whom English is a second language. |
IR-2000-58 |
Aug. 17, 2000 |
National Taxpayer Advocate Val Oveson Plans to Leave IRS, Return to Private Sector |
Following the successful start-up of the new Taxpayer Advocate Service, W. Val Oveson plans to step down as National Taxpayer Advocate this fall and continue his career in the private sector. |
IR-2000-57 |
Aug. 15, 2000 |
Redesigned Appeals Division Begins Work at IRS |
As part of the Internal Revenue Service reorganization, the
redesigned Appeals Division began work this week. The new Appeals will strive for
enhanced customer service through faster case resolution and a variety of initiatives
designed to accommodate taxpayer needs. |
IR-2000-56 |
Aug. 11, 2000 |
Mexican & U.S. Tax Authorities Extend Tax Regime Applicable to Maquiladoras Beyond 2002 |
Mexican and U.S tax authorities have concluded negotiations on an Addendum to the United States - Mexico Competent Authority Agreement on the Maquiladora Industry, signed on October 27th, 1999. With this Addendum, both authorities agree to extend the Agreement beyond taxable year 2002. |
IR-2000-55 |
Aug. 9, 2000 |
IRS Starts Comprehensive Case Resolution Pilot to Help Large Businesses |
Under a new pilot program announced today, large business taxpayers may request resolution of cases they have open in the Large and Mid-Sized Business Division (LMSB), in Appeals and in docketed status through a new team process offered by the Internal Revenue Service. |
IR-2000-54 |
Aug. 9, 2000 |
IRS Issues Proposed Ruling on 527 Political Organizations |
The Internal Revenue Service announced Wednesday it is issuing and seeking comments on a proposed revenue ruling concerning the new reporting and disclosure requirements for 527 political organizations. The IRS recognizes that there are many issues for which 527 organizations need guidance. As a result, organizations may rely on this proposed revenue ruling until it is finalized. The IRS plans to issue a final revenue ruling soon after the close of the comment period. |
IR-2000-53 |
Aug. 4, 2000 |
IRS Makes Information from 527 Groups Available on Internet |
The Internal Revenue Service on Friday announced the
first public release of the new forms filed by section 527 political organizations.
The IRS has started posting the new Form 8871 submitted by 527 organizations across the nation.
As of Friday, the IRS has received more than
4,900 paper forms. These notices of organization can be reached through the
IRS web site at |
IR-2000-52 |
July 31, 2000 |
New Agency-Wide Shared Services Begins at IRS |
As part of the Internal Revenue Service reorganization,
the new Agency-Wide Shared Services (AWSS) began work Monday to provide
nationwide support for the tax agency. |
IR-2000-51 |
July 18, 2000 |
IRS Reaches Out to Tax & Business Communities with Creation of Communications & Liaison Division |
Tax professionals, taxpayer assistance groups, business and
trade associations and government groups that deal with the Internal Revenue Service
will find an organization with new resources specifically dedicated to building partnerships. |
IR-2000-50 |
July 17, 2000 |
IRS Unveils form 8872 for Section 527 Political Groups; New form Requires Listing of Contributions, Expenditures |
The Internal Revenue Service on Monday announced the release
of the new form that section 527 political organizations must use to provide details about
contributions and expenditures. The agency also extended the filing deadline until July
31 for groups required to file this month. |
IR-2000-49 |
July 2, 2000 |
IRS Releases New Form for Section 527 Political Groups, Outlines Plans for New Law |
The Internal Revenue
Service on Wednesday announced the release of the new form that section
527 political organizations must file and detailed plans for implementing
other aspects of the new law governing these groups. |
IR-2000-48 |
July 10, 2000 |
IRS Offers to Settle Employers - Targeted Jobs Tax Credit Claim |
The Internal Revenue Service announced Monday an offer to
employers to settle long-standing refund claims involving Targeted Jobs Tax Credits (TJTC). |
IR-2000-47 |
July 5, 2000 |
Charities May Not Engage in Political Campaign Activities |
Charities should be careful that their efforts to educate
voters stay within the Internal Revenue Service guidelines for political campaign
activities, the tax agency said Wednesday in an election-year advisory.
Organizations described in section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue
Code that are exempt from federal income tax are prohibited from participating
or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any
candidate for public office. Charities, educational institutions and religious
organizations, including churches, are among those that are tax exempt under
this code section. |
IR-2000-46 |
July 3, 2000 |
IRS Criminal Investigation Reorganizes |
As part of the Internal Revenue Service reorganization, the
agency has created a new, streamlined Criminal Investigation (CI) geared toward
investigating tax and related financial crimes. |
IR-2000-45 |
June 29, 2000 |
IRS to Implement Federal Payment Levy Program |
Beginning in July 2000, certain
individuals and businesses with unpaid tax bills from whom the IRS has been
unable to collect may be subject to a continuous 15 percent levy on money due
them from the federal government. |
IR-2000-44 |
June 28, 2000 |
Michael Shaheen Picked for Senior IRS Post Focusing on Professional Conduct, Tax Shelter Issues |
The Internal Revenue Service announced Wednesday
that Michael E. Shaheen Jr., a long-time Justice Department official, has been
selected to be Senior Counselor to IRS Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti.
Shaheen�s responsibilities will include oversight of the Office of Director
of Practice, which regulates the professional conduct of tax professionals
practicing before the IRS. A primary focus of Shaheen�s work will be
strengthening and revising Circular 230, which contains the guidelines for
professional conduct. |
IR-2000-43 |
June 27, 2000 |
IRS Issues Spring 2000 Statistics of Income Bulletin |
According to preliminary statistics for Tax Year 1998 released today by the Internal Revenue Service, the adjusted gross income (AGI) reported on the nation�s 124.7 million income tax returns for that year increased 8.4 percent over 1997 to a new record high of $5,369.3 billion. Capital gains of $424.3 billion showed the largest percentage increase, 22 percent, and were reported by nearly 21 million taxpayers. Statutory adjustments in computing AGI included the new deduction for student loan interest representing $0.7 billion on 3.8 million returns. |
IR-2000-42 |
June 27, 2000 |
IRS Wants to Reduce the Time for Large Corporate Appeals |
The Internal Revenue Service announced today a new
initiative designed to increase customer satisfaction by reducing the time it takes to
resolve cases in the IRS Appeals Office involving the nation�s largest corporations.
The Appeals Office is an alternative to the courts for settling tax disputes.
Examinations of these large corporations are done in the Coordinated
Examination Program (CEP). CEP cases are very complex and the time to resolve the
cases is normally lengthy. The new initiative for CEP cases is referred to as the Mutually Accelerated Appeals Process (MAAP). |
IR-2000-41 |
June 16, 2000 |
IRS Requests Comments on Additional Balanced Measures |
The Internal Revenue Service is inviting comments from
taxpayers and tax professionals on additional specific measures in the agency�s new Balanced Measurement System. |
IR-2000-40 |
June 15, 2000 |
Bert Concklin Named Executive of Business Systems Modernization |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced the
selection of Bert Concklin as the Business Systems Modernization Executive. In this
position, Concklin will lead the agency in revamping all IRS business practices and technology. |
IR-2000-39 |
June 6, 2000 |
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest
rates for the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 2000, will remain at nine (9) percent for
overpayments (eight (8) percent in the case of a corporation), nine (9) percent for
underpayments, and eleven (11) percent for large corporate underpayments. The
overpayment rate for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000 will
remain six and one-half (6.5) percent. |
IR-2000-38 |
June 6, 2000 |
IRS Specializes to Help Retailers, Food & Pharmaceuticals Industries |
A newly created section of the modernized Internal Revenue Service will
address the unique needs of the retail, food and pharmaceuticals industries.
The IRS�s new Large and Mid-Size Business Division (LMSB) will have a special industry
section devoted to Retailers, Food and Pharmaceuticals. This section, headquartered in
Chicago, will serve 1,000 large businesses and 28,200 mid-sized businesses.
This sector includes businesses dealing in food and beverages, retailing, pharmaceuticals,
agricultural commodities and farms. |
IR-2000-37 |
June 6, 2000 |
New IRS Section to Help Natural Resources Industry |
As part of its comprehensive reorganization, the Internal
Revenue Service has created a new section to work with corporations and partnerships
in the natural resources industry. |
IR-2000-36 |
June 6, 2000 |
New IRS Section to Serve Needs of Manufacturing, Construction & Transportation Industry Taxpayers |
To better respond to the needs of a diverse customer base, a
newly created section of the Internal Revenue Service will be devoted expressly to the
needs of corporate taxpayers in the heavy manufacturing, construction and
transportation industries. |
IR-2000-35 |
June 6, 2000 |
IRS Specializes to Help Financial Services, Health Care Industry |
As part of the Internal Revenue Service reorganization, the
agency has created a new section to work with the financial services and health-care
industries. |
IR-2000-34 |
June 6, 2000 |
IRS Devotes Resources to Help the Communications, Technology & Media Sectors |
In its continuing effort to
be responsive to the needs of taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service has created
an industry section to address the special tax concerns of businesses in the
information technology, media and entertainment sectors. |
IR-2000-33 |
June 5, 2000 |
New IRS Division Begins Work to Break Down Barriers for Large & Mid-Size Businesses |
In another milestone for reorganizing the Internal Revenue
Service, the Large and Mid-Size Business Division began operations Monday with an
emphasis on helping taxpayers avoid problems before they start and streamlining the
tax dispute process to ease burdens on businesses. |
IR-2000-32 |
June 2, 2000 |
IRS, ABA Join forces to Distribute Tax Education CD-ROMs to 78,000 Schools |
At the start of the summer job season, the Internal Revenue Service
and the American Bar Association unveiled a nationwide effort Friday to help educate
teenagers entering the work force about the federal tax system. |
IR-2000-31 |
May 23, 2000 |
IRS to Drop Paper 1040PC format in 2001 |
The Internal Revenue Service will not accept paper returns in the 1040PC format after the current processing year. |
IR-2000-30 |
May 15, 2000 |
IRS Selects Mader, Rogers, Tomaso for New Leadership Team |
An Internal Revenue Service built around the needs of taxpayers is taking shape, and IRS executives David Mader, Larry Rogers and Judith Tomaso will serve new leadership roles in the reorganized agency. |
IR-2000-29 |
May 5, 2000 |
IRS Privacy Impact Assessment Endorsed as Government-Wide Best Practice |
An Internal Revenue Service procedure for evaluating taxpayer and employee privacy issues in records systems has been endorsed as a government-wide �best practice.���� |
IR-2000-28 |
May 9, 2000 |
IRS Designates May 20 as National Problem Solving Day |
In its continuing effort to help taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service has designated May 20 as National Problem Solving Day. At 34 locations across the country, taxpayers will once again have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with IRS officials to resolve long-standing tax issues. |
IR-2000-27 |
April 26, 2000 |
Electronic Transactions Set Records in Successful IRS Tax Season |
The just-concluded tax filing season saw record numbers of electronic transactions -- returns, refunds, payments and contacts -- with the Internal Revenue Service. |
IR-2000-26 |
April 26, 2000 |
IRS Expands, Simplifies Its Tip Income Compliance Agreements |
The Internal Revenue Service announced today that it is simplifying its voluntary tip income compliance agreements and expanding them to all industries where tipping is customary.� |
IR-2000-25 |
April 13, 2000 |
Filing Season Best in Years; E-Filing Sets Record, Processing Speeds Improve |
Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti proclaimed this year�s filing season as the best in years, highlighted by record numbers of people filing electronically and faster tax return processing. The IRS team delivered one of the smoothest, most efficient filing seasons in years, Rossotti said Thursday.��� |
IR-2000-24 |
April 12, 2000 |
IRS Names Leadership Team for International Tax Matters & U.S. Competent Authority |
The Internal Revenue Service announced Wednesday the selections of Carol A. Dunahoo and Elvin T. Hedgpeth to help lead the agency�s efforts on international tax issues.��� |
IR-2000-23 |
April 12, 2000 |
IRS Provides Ease for Third Party to Resolve Client Issues |
In another effort to reduce the burden on America�s taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service announced the Checkbox Initiative. Beginning with the 2001 Filing Season, paid preparers, with their clients� permission, will be allowed to work directly with the IRS to resolve tax return processing issues.���� |
IR-2000-22 |
April 6, 2000 |
IRS Offers Options When Tax Day Is "Pay" Day |
If the tax filing deadline will be a "pay" day for you, the Internal Revenue Service offers several options to help you meet your obligation. It also has special programs for those who cannot pay what they owe. |
IR-2000-21 |
March 30, 2000 |
IRS Computer Returns Set Record; IRS Offers Easy Filing Extensions |
A little more than two weeks before the filing deadline, the Internal Revenue Service has already received a record number of computer-filed tax returns -- nearly 23.8 million, surpassing the 23.6 million for all of last year. People who need more time to complete their forms will find it easy to extend their filing deadline -- they don�t even need an excuse.��� |
IR-2000-20 |
March 29, 2000 |
IRS Issues Winter Statistics of Income Bulletin |
The Internal Revenue Service reported today that the number of tax returns of all kinds to be filed this year will reach 231.4 million. This number is expected to increase to 250.9 million six years from now. |
IR-2000-19 |
March 28, 2000 |
IRS Names New Head of Employee Plans Rulings & Agreements |
Evelyn Petschek, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service�s Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) Division, announced Tuesday the selection of Paul T. Shultz as the Director of Employee Plans Rulings and Agreements.��� |
IR-2000-18 |
March 23, 2000 |
Time Running Short to Get Tax forms |
With the filing deadline a little more than three weeks away, people needing tax forms should act soon to request them, the Internal Revenue Service advised. |
IR-2000-17 |
March 23, 2000 |
IRS Expands Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic Grants, Awards $4.4 Million to Programs in 32 States |
In another step to expand legal assistance for taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service has awarded more than $4.4 million in Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic grants to 70 groups across the nation. |
IR-2000-16 |
March 17, 2000 |
E-Filing, Web Site Usage Running at Record Pace |
The Internal Revenue Service is seeing a record surge of taxpayers filing electronically and using the IRS web site for help. |
IR-2000-15 |
March 8, 2000 |
E-Filing Helps Taxpayers File Now, Pay Later |
Growing numbers of people who owe taxes are discovering the file-now-pay-later advantages of electronic filing. Now, with the click of a mouse, taxpayers can file their tax return and defer payment until April 17, 2000. |
IR-2000-14 |
March 7, 2000 |
IRS Announces Quarterly Interest Rates |
The Internal Revenue Service today announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning April 1, 2000, will rise to nine (9) percent for overpayments (eight (8) percent in the case of a corporation), nine (9) percent for underpayments, and eleven (11) percent for large corporate underpayments. |
IR-2000-13 |
March 2, 2000 |
Millions Use Pins, Not Pens, to Sign their Tax Returns |
More than 3.3 million taxpayers have used PINs (Personal Identification Numbers) -- instead of pens -- to sign their computer-filed tax returns this year.� |
IR-2000-12 |
Feb. 24, 2000 |
Taxpayers Can E-File Federal & State Returns Together |
While taxpayers filing paper returns have to be sure they don�t mix up their federal and state tax forms, those who file electronically can let a computer do that work for them.���� |
IR-2000-11 |
Feb. 22, 2000 |
IRS Names New Head of Exempt Organizations Rulings & Agreements |
Evelyn Petschek, Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service�s Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) Division, today announced the selection of Steven D. Arkin as the Director of Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements.��� |
IR-2000-10 |
Feb. 17, 2000 |
Early Returns: E-Filing Growth Continues |
The Internal Revenue Service says that the tax filing season has started in what is becoming a traditional fashion -- an increase in electronically filed returns. |
IR-2000-09 |
Feb. 16, 2000 |
Taxpayers Must File Soon to Claim $2 Billion in 1996 Refunds |
The Internal Revenue Service estimates that nearly 1.6 million people who paid taxes but failed to file returns for 1996 risk losing about $2 billion in refunds if they don't get their late returns to the IRS by April 15, 2000. |
IR-2000-08 |
Feb. 14, 2000 |
IRS Fixes Third-Party Notices, Creates Clearer Letters for Taxpayers |
The Internal Revenue Service on Tuesday unveiled clearer, specialized versions of the letter alerting people that third parties might be contacted as part of the collection or examination process. |
IR-2000-07 |
Feb. 11, 2000 |
IRS Pilots Pre-Filing Agreement Program for Large Businesses |
Under a new program announced today, large business taxpayers may request a pre-filing agreement with the Internal Revenue Service to resolve specific issues relating to tax returns they will file later this year. |
IR-2000-06 |
Jan. 27, 2000 |
IRS Requests Comments on Balanced Measures |
The Internal Revenue Service is inviting comments from taxpayers and tax professionals on specific measures in the agency�s new Balanced Measurement System. Developing and implementing a balanced set of performance measures is a key component of the IRS�s modernization effort and its renewed commitment to customer service.���� |
FS-2000-06 |
March 1, 2000 |
Examination of Tax-Exempt Organizations |
The mission of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division (TE/GE) of the Internal Revenue Service is: To provide Tax Exempt and Government Entities customers top quality service by helping them understand and comply with applicable tax laws and to protect the public interest by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all. |
IR-2000-05 |
Jan. 19, 2000 |
Strong Start for 15th Electronic Filing Season |
The fifteenth year of electronic filing is off to a strong start, with the Internal Revenue Service receiving more than 739,000 e-filed tax returns this past weekend, a 27.7 percent increase over last year�s opening weekend.� |
FS-2000-05 |
March 1, 2000 |
IRS Actions Taken Since the Joint Committee on Taxation Began Investigating Exempt Organizations Program |
As part of the overall IRS modernization, the Tax Exempt and Government Entities division (TE/GE) became operational in December 1999. |
IR-2000-04 |
Jan. 13, 2000 |
Prepared Remarks of Commissioner of Internal Revenue Charles O. Rossotti American Tax Policy Institute IRS Modernization Conference January 13, 2000 |
I want to welcome all of you to the IRS modernization conference that takes place, appropriately enough, at the beginning of a new millennium. I also want to thank the American Tax Policy Institute. . . |
IR-2000-03 |
Jan. 5, 2000 |
IRS Reduces Burden on E-Commerce, Seeks Comments |
The Internal Revenue Service today eased the tax reporting burden for barter exchanges and invited comments on future regulations dealing with barter transactions and, more generally, electronic commerce transactions. |
FS-2000-03 |
Jan. 1, 2000 |
Filing & Paying Taxes Electronically |
The Internal Revenue Service is expanding the options for filing and paying federal taxes electronically during the 2000 filing season. Many electronic filers can enjoy a totally paperless experience, and even pay any balance due with a credit card or a direct debit from their checking or savings account. |
IR-2000-02 |
Jan. 5, 2000 |
IRS Issues Fall Statistics of Income Bulletin |
Adjusted gross income (AGI) reported on individual income tax returns for 1997 fell just short of $5.0 trillion, a 10-percent increase over 1996, according to preliminary data released by the Internal Revenue Service today. Average AGI for 1997 was $40,597, compared to $37,690 for 1996. |
FS-2000-02 |
Jan. 1, 2000 |
Tax Time 2000 Tax Packages/Postcards |
The Internal Revenue Service will send about 59 million income tax packages or postcards this year. The mailout costs about $9 million for printing and $10.9 million for postage, for an average cost of just under 34 cents per item mailed. |
IR-2000-01 |
Jan. 4, 2000 |
Tax Forms Have Familiar Look |
Many taxpayers searching for something familiar in the New Year will find it in their mailboxes this week: the tax packages from the Internal Revenue Service contain forms that look very much like last year�s. |
FS-2000-01 |
Jan. 1, 2000 |
Free Tax Assistance |
Fast and reliable assistance for the 2000 tax filing season is as close as your personal computer, your telephone or your fax machine. |