July 03, 2000
IRS Criminal Investigation Reorganizes
WASHINGTON - As part of the Internal Revenue Service reorganization, the
agency has created a new, streamlined Criminal Investigation (CI) geared toward
investigating tax and related financial crimes.
Effective Monday, 4,500 CI employees, including more than 2,800 special
agents, will now report directly to the CI Chief in Washington. Previously, CI
employees reported to District Directors across the country.
The 1999 independent review of IRS CI, conducted by Judge William Webster,
resulted in two key recommendations for change that form part of the reorganization.
The primary change is a renewed emphasis on the investigation of tax-related
crimes. CI will continue to investigate money laundering and narcotics-related financial
crimes, but its primary focus will be to investigate violations of the Internal Revenue
Code. Referrals to CI of detected fraud from the new IRS operating divisions will help
ensure that all taxpayers pay their fair share of taxes. In addition, CI will play a key role
on an IRS Compliance Council, which will implement a more coordinated and
comprehensive IRS tax compliance program.
Another key change was IRS Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti�s selection in
November of CI Chief Mark E. Matthews from outside the IRS. Matthews, an attorney
with federal prosecution and private practice experience, brings a new perspective to
the investigation and prosecution of tax and related financial crimes. Matthews� outside
experience, combined with the 26 years of IRS special agent experience of the new
Deputy Chief, Dennis E. Crawford, produces a well-balanced team to lead CI.
"As a prosecutor, I was keenly aware of IRS CI�s reputation as the best financial
investigators in federal government, and I am honored to be a part of this organization,"
Matthews said.
The 35 local CI Special Agents-in-Charge (SACs) will report directly to the IRS
Headquarters office through the Directors of Field Operations and will be responsible
for referring cases for prosecution to the Department of Justice Tax Division.
The CI changes are part of a broader IRS reorganization to transform the tax
agency from a geographic-based organization to a customer-focused agency built
around the specialized needs of taxpayers.
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