2000 Tax Help Archives  

What�s New for 2000?

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2000 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

Before You Fill In Form 1040

  • See How To Avoid Common Mistakes on page 53. 
  • If you were in the Balkans or the Persian Gulf area (for example, you participated in Operation Joint Forge or Operation Allied Force), see Pub. 3.

Did You Convert an IRA to a Roth IRA in 1998?

If you did and you chose to report the taxable amount over 4 years, see 1998 Roth IRA Conversions on page 23 to find out the taxable amount you must report in 2000 on line 15b.

For details on the changes for 2000 and 2001, see Pub. 553.

Student Loan Interest Deduction

If you paid interest on a qualified student loan, you may be able to deduct up to $2,000 of the interest on Line 24. See the instructions for Line 24

IRA Deduction Allowed to More People Covered by Retirement Plans

You may be able to take an IRA deduction if you were covered by a retirement plan and your modified adjusted gross income is less than the amount shown below that applies to you.

  • Single, head of household, or married filing separately and you lived apart from your spouse for all of 2000--$42,000.
  • Married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er)--$62,000.

See the instructions for Line 23.

Business Standard Mileage Rate

The rate for business use of a vehicle during 2000, is 32 1/2 cents a mile. 

Earned Income Credit (EIC)

You may be able to take this credit if you earned less than $31,152 (less than $10,380 if you do not have any qualifying children). See the instructions for Lines 60a and 60b that begin on page 40.

Foster Child- New Definition for the Child Tax Credit and the EIC

New rules apply to determine who is a foster child for purposes of the child tax credit and the EIC.  For details, see Qualifying Child for Child Tax Credit on page 20 or Foster Child on page 43.

Paid Preparer Authorization

If you want to allow the IRS to discuss your 2000 tax return with the paid preparer who signed it, check the "Yes" box in the area where you sign your return. See page 52 for details.

Mailing Your Return

You may be mailing your return to a different service center this year because the IRS has changed the filing location for several areas. If you received an envelope with a tax package, please use it. Otherwise see Where Do You File? on the back cover

Photographs of Missing Children

The IRS is a proud partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Photographs of missing children selected by the Center may appear in this booklet on pages that would otherwise be blank. You can help bring these children home by looking at the photographs and calling 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you recognize a child.

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