2000 Tax Help Archives  

Due Dates & Extension Dates for e-file

This is archived information that pertains only to the 2000 Tax Year. If you
are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.

I'm in the process of getting a name and social security number mismatch error corrected with the Social Security Administration. In the meantime, what can I do to avoid a penalty notice for not filing my tax return on time?

If there is not enough time before the due date to get the IRS records updated from the Social Security Administration, you will need to file a paper return by mail. For general information about e-file, refer to Tax Topic 252, Electronic Filing.


I don't owe taxes. Can I file electronically after April 15th?

Yes, you can e-file until October 15th. If October 15th falls on a weekend or federal holiday, you have until midnight of the following business day to submit your return. For general information about e-file, refer to Tax Topic 252, Electronic Filing.


How can I send in my tax return before April 15th when e-file won't accept a wrong social security number?

You can file a paper return. You will still need to fix the problem with the social security number in order to file electronically in the future. For general information about e-file, refer to Tax Topic 252, Electronic Filing.


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