Pub. 970, Tax Benefits for Education |
2004 Tax Year |
This is archived information that pertains only to the 2004 Tax Year. If you are looking for information for the current tax year, go to the Tax Prep Help Area.
- 529 program (see Qualified tuition program (QTP))
- Academic period:
- Hope credit, Academic period.
- Lifetime learning credit, Academic period.
- Student loan interest deduction, Academic period.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Academic period.
- Accountable plans, Accountable Plans
- Additional tax:
- Coverdell ESA:
- On excess contributions, Additional Tax on Excess Contributions
- On taxable distributions, Additional Tax on Taxable Distributions
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), on taxable distributions, Additional Tax on Taxable Distributions
- Adjusted qualified education expenses (see Qualified education expenses)
- Armed Forces Health Professions Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program, Exceptions.
- Assistance (see Tax help)
- Athletic scholarships, Athletic Scholarships
- Bar review course, Bar or CPA Review Course
- Bonds, education savings (see Education savings bond program)
- Business deduction for work-related education, What's New, 12. Business Deduction for Work-Related Education,
- Business deduction for work-related education:
- Accountable plans, Accountable Plans
- Adjustments to qualifying work-related education expenses, Adjustments to Qualifying Work-Related Education Expenses
- Allocating meal reimbursements, Allocating your reimbursements for meals.
- Deductible education expenses, What Expenses Can Be Deducted
- Deducting business expenses, Deducting Business Expenses
- Double benefit not allowed, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Education required by employer or by law, Education Required by Employer or by Law
- Education to maintain or improve skills, Education To Maintain or Improve Skills
- Education to meet minimum requirements, Education To Meet Minimum Requirements
- Education to qualify for new trade or business, Education That Qualifies You for a New Trade or Business
- Excess expenses, accountable plan, Excess expenses.
- Indefinite absence, Indefinite absence.
- Maintaining skills vs. qualifying for new job, Maintaining skills vs. qualifying for new job.
- Nonaccountable plans, Nonaccountable Plans
- Nondeductible expenses, Nondeductible expenses.
- Qualified education expenses, What Expenses Can Be Deducted
- Recordkeeping requirements, Recordkeeping, Examples of records to keep.
- Reimbursements, treatment of, How To Treat Reimbursements
- Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of taking a business deduction for work-related education.
- Tax-free educational assistance, Tax-free educational assistance.
- Teachers, Requirements for Teachers, Teaching and Related Duties
- Temporary absence to acquire education, Temporary absence.
- Transportation expenses, Transportation Expenses, Using your car.
- Travel expenses, Travel Expenses
- Cancellation of student loan (see Student loan cancellation)
- Candidate for a degree:
- Scholarships and fellowships, Candidate for a degree.
- Change of designated beneficiary:
- Coverdell ESA, Changing the Designated Beneficiary
- Qualified tuition program, Changing the Designated Beneficiary
- Collapsed loans, Interest on refinanced student loans.
- Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
- Comprehensive or bundled fees:
- Hope credit, Comprehensive or bundled fees.
- Lifetime learning credit, Comprehensive or bundled fees.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Comprehensive or bundled fees.
- Consolidated loans used to refinance student loans, Interest on refinanced student loans.
- Conventions outside U.S., Cruises and conventions.
- Coverdell education savings account (ESA), 7. Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA), How To Figure the Taxable Earnings
- Coverdell education savings account (ESA):
- Additional tax:
- On excess contributions, Additional Tax on Excess Contributions
- On taxable distributions, Additional Tax on Taxable Distributions
- Assets to be distributed at age 30 or death of beneficiary, When Assets Must Be Distributed
- Contribution limits, Contribution Limits
- Contribution limits:
- Figuring the limit (Worksheet 7-2), Figuring the limit.
- Contributions to, Contributions
- Contributions to:
- Table 7-2, Contributions
- Coordination with Hope and lifetime learning credits, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution, Coordination With Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
- Coordination with qualified tuition program (QTP), Coordination With Qualified Tuition Program (QTP) Distributions
- Defined, What Is a Coverdell ESA
- Distributions, Distributions, How To Figure the Taxable Earnings
- Distributions:
- Overview (Table 7-3),
- Divorce, transfer due to, Transfer Because of Divorce
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible Educational Institution
- Figuring taxable portion of distribution, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution
- Figuring taxable portion of distribution:
- Worksheet 7-3, ,
- Figuring the taxable earnings in required distribution, How To Figure the Taxable Earnings
- Losses, Losses on Coverdell ESA Investments
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
- Worksheet 7-1,
- Overview (Table 7-1), What is the tax benefit of the Coverdell ESA., What Is a Coverdell ESA
- Qualified education expenses, Qualified Education Expenses, Qualified Elementary and Secondary Education Expenses
- Rollovers, Rollovers
- Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of the Coverdell ESA.
- Tax-free distributions, Tax-Free Distributions
- Taxable distributions, Taxable Distributions
- Taxable distributions:
- Worksheet 7-3 to figure, ,
- Transfers, Rollovers
- CPA review course, Bar or CPA Review Course
- Credits
- Hope (see Hope credit)
- Lifetime learning (see Lifetime learning credit)
- Cruises, educational, Cruises and conventions.
- Deductions (see Business deduction for work-related education) (see Tuition and fees deduction)
- Designated beneficiary:
- Coverdell ESA, What Is a Coverdell ESA, Changing the Designated Beneficiary
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Designated beneficiary., Changing the Designated Beneficiary
- Disabilities, persons with:
- Impairment-related work expenses, Impairment-Related Work Expenses
- Distributions (see specific benefit)
- Divorce:
- Coverdell ESA transfer due to, Transfer Because of Divorce
- Expenses paid under decree:
- Hope credit, Expenses paid by dependent.
- Lifetime learning credit, Expenses paid by dependent.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Expenses paid under divorce decree.
- Double benefit not allowed:
- Hope credit, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Lifetime learning credit, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Student loan interest deduction, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Tuition and fees deduction, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Work-related education, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Early distributions from IRAs, 9. Early Distributions From IRAs, Reporting Early Distributions
- Early distributions from IRAs:
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Figuring amount not subject to 10% tax, Figuring the Amount Not Subject to the 10% Tax
- Qualified education expenses, Qualified education expenses.
- Reporting, Reporting Early Distributions
- Education IRA (see Coverdell education savings account (ESA))
- Education loans (see Student loan cancellation) (see Student loan repayment assistance)
- Education savings account (see Coverdell education savings account (ESA))
- Education savings bond program, What's New, 10. Education Savings Bond Program,
- Education savings bond program:
- Cashing in bonds tax free, Who Can Cash In Bonds Tax Free
- Claiming dependent's exemption, Dependent for whom you claim an exemption.
- Claiming exclusion, Claiming the Exclusion
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Figuring tax-free amount, Figuring the Tax-Free Amount
- Income level, effect on amount of exclusion, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Exclusion
- Income limits for exclusion reduction, What's New
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)., Who Can Cash In Bonds Tax Free
- Phaseout, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Exclusion
- Qualified education expenses, Qualified education expenses.
- Educational assistance, employer-provided (see Employer-provided educational assistance)
- Eligible educational institution:
- Cancellation of student loan, Eligible educational institution.
- Coverdell ESA, Eligible Educational Institution
- Early distributions from IRAs, Eligible educational institution.
- Education savings bond program, Eligible educational institution.
- Hope credit, Eligible educational institution.
- Lifetime learning credit, Eligible educational institution.
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Eligible educational institution.
- Scholarships and fellowships, Eligible educational institution.
- Student loan cancellation, Eligible educational institution.
- Student loan interest deduction, Eligible educational institution.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Eligible educational institution.
- Eligible elementary or secondary school:
- Coverdell ESA, Eligible elementary or secondary school.
- Eligible student:
- Hope credit, Who Is an Eligible Student
- Lifetime learning credit, Who Is an Eligible Student
- Student loan interest deduction, Eligible student.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Who Is an Eligible Student
- Employees:
- Deducting work-related education expenses, Employees
- Employer-provided educational assistance, 11. Employer-Provided Educational Assistance, Working condition fringe benefit.
- ESAs (see Coverdell education savings account (ESA))
- Estimated tax, Reminders
- Excess contributions:
- Coverdell ESA, Additional Tax on Excess Contributions
- Excess expenses, accountable plan, Excess expenses.
- Expenses (see specific benefit)
- Family members, beneficiary:
- Coverdell ESA, Members of the beneficiary's family.
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Members of the beneficiary's family.
- Fee-basis officials, work-related education deduction, Performing Artists and Fee-Basis Officials
- Fellowships (see Scholarships and fellowships)
- Figures (see Tables and figures)
- Financial aid (see Scholarships and fellowships)
- Form 1098-E:
- Student loan interest deduction, Loan origination fee., Form 1098-E.
- Form 1098-T:
- Hope credit, Form 1098-T.
- Lifetime learning credit, Form 1098-T.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Form 1098-T.
- Form 1099-Q:
- Coverdell ESA, Exceptions., Earnings and basis.
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Earnings and return of investment.
- Form 1099-R:
- Early distributions from IRAs, Reporting Early Distributions
- Form 2106, 50% limit on meals., Form 2106 or 2106-EZ.
- Form 2106-EZ, 50% limit on meals., Form 2106 or 2106-EZ., Using Form 2106-EZ.
- Form 2106-EZ:
- Filled-in example,
- Form 5329:
- Coverdell ESA, Figuring the additional tax.
- Early distributions from IRAs, Reporting Early Distributions
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Figuring the additional tax.
- Form 8815, MAGI when using Form 1040., Claiming the Exclusion
- Form 8815:
- Filled-in example,
- Form 8863:
- Filled-in examples, , ,
- Hope credit, Illustrated Example
- Lifetime learning credit, Illustrated Example
- Form W-9S, Form 1098-T., Form 1098-T., Form 1098-E., Form 1098-T.
- Free tax services, 13. How To Get Tax Help
- Fulbright grants, Fulbright Grants
- Half-time student:
- Coverdell ESA, Half-time student.
- Early distributions from IRAs, Half-time student.
- Hope credit, Enrolled at least half-time.
- Student loan interest deduction, Enrolled at least half-time.
- Help (see Tax help)
- Hope credit, What's New, What's New,
- Hope credit:
- Academic period, Academic period.
- Adjustments to qualified education expenses, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
- Claiming dependent's expenses, Who Can Claim a Dependent's Expenses, Tuition reduction.
- Claiming dependent's expenses:
- Tuition reduction, Tuition reduction.
- Claiming the credit, Can You Claim the Credit, Claiming the Credit
- Claiming the credit:
- Qualifying to claim (Figure 2-2),
- Coordination with Coverdell ESA distributions, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution, Coordination With Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
- Coordination with qualified tuition program (QTP) distributions, Coordination With Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
- Differences from lifetime learning credit, Differences between the Hope and lifetime learning credits.
- Differences from lifetime learning credit:
- Comparison table (Table 2-1),
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Eligible student, Who Is an Eligible Student
- Eligible student:
- Requirements (Figure 2-1), Who Is an Eligible Student
- Expenses qualifying for, What Expenses Qualify, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Figuring the credit, Figuring the Credit, Phaseout.
- Income level, effect on amount of credit, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Credit
- Income limits, What's New, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Credit
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
- Worksheet 2-1,
- Phaseout, Phaseout.
- Qualified education expenses, Qualified Education Expenses
- Refunds, Refunds.
- Repayment of credit, When Must the Credit Be Repaid (Recaptured)
- Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of the Hope credit.
- Lifetime learning credit, What's New, What's New,
- Lifetime learning credit:
- Academic period, Academic period.
- Adjustments to qualified education expenses, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
- Claiming dependent's expenses, Who Can Claim a Dependent's Expenses
- Claiming dependent's expenses:
- Tuition reduction, Tuition reduction.
- Claiming the credit, Can You Claim the Credit, Who Cannot Claim the Credit, Claiming the Credit
- Claiming the credit:
- Qualifying to claim (Figure 3-1),
- Coordination with Coverdell ESA distributions, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution, Coordination With Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
- Coordination with qualified tuition program (QTP) distributions, Coordination With Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
- Differences from Hope credit, Differences between the lifetime learning and Hope credits.
- Differences from Hope credit:
- Comparison table (Table 3-1),
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Eligible student, Who Is an Eligible Student
- Expenses qualifying for, What Expenses Qualify, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Figuring the credit, Figuring the Credit, Illustrated Example
- Income level, effect on amount of credit, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Credit
- Income limits, What's New, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Credit
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
- Worksheet 3-1, MAGI when using Form 1040.
- Phaseout, Phaseout.
- Qualified education expenses, Qualified Education Expenses, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Qualifying to claim (Figure 3-1),
- Refunds, Refunds.
- Repayment of credit, When Must the Credit Be Repaid (Recaptured)
- Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of the lifetime learning credit.
- Loans
- Interest on (see Student loan interest deduction)
- Loans:
- Cancellation (see Student loan cancellation)
- Capitalized interest on student loan, Capitalized interest.
- Origination fees on student loan, Loan origination fee.
- Qualified education expenses paid with:
- Hope credit, Paid with borrowed funds.
- Lifetime learning credit, Paid with borrowed funds.
- Student loan repayment assistance, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
- Losses, deducting:
- Coverdell ESA, Losses on Coverdell ESA Investments
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Losses on QTP Investments
- Luxury water transportation, Cruises and conventions.
- Mileage deduction for work-related education, What's New, What's New, Using your car.
- Military academy cadets, Payment to Service Academy Cadets
- Missing children, photographs of, Reminders
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
- Coverdell ESA, Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Coverdell ESA:
- Worksheet 7-1,
- Education savings bond program, Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)., Who Can Cash In Bonds Tax Free
- Hope credit, Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Hope credit:
- Worksheet 2-1,
- Lifetime learning credit, Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Lifetime learning credit:
- Worksheet 3-1, MAGI when using Form 1040.
- Student loan interest deduction, Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Student loan interest deduction:
- Table 4-3,
- Tuition and fees deduction, Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Tuition and fees deduction:
- Table 6-2,
- Worksheet 6-1,
- More information (see Tax help)
- Qualified education expenses:
- Adjustments to:
- Coverdell ESA, Adjusted qualified education expenses.
- Education savings bond program, Adjusted qualified education expenses.
- Hope credit, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
- Lifetime learning credit, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Adjusted qualified education expenses.
- Student loan interest deduction, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
- Tuition and fees deduction, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
- Work-related education, Adjustments to Qualifying Work-Related Education Expenses
- Coverdell ESA, Qualified Education Expenses, Qualified Elementary and Secondary Education Expenses
- Early distributions from IRAs, Qualified education expenses.
- Education savings bond program, Qualified education expenses.
- Expenses not qualified:
- Hope credit, Expenses That Do Not Qualify
- Lifetime learning credit, Expenses That Do Not Qualify
- Tuition and fees deduction, Expenses That Do Not Qualify
- Hope credit, Qualified Education Expenses, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Lifetime learning credit, Qualified Education Expenses, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Qualified education expenses.
- Scholarships and fellowships, Qualified education expenses.
- Student loan interest deduction, Qualified Education Expenses
- Tuition and fees deduction, What Expenses Qualify, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Work-related education, What Expenses Can Be Deducted
- Qualified elementary and secondary education expenses:
- Coverdell ESAs, Qualified Elementary and Secondary Education Expenses
- Qualified employer plans:
- Student loan interest deduction not allowed, Qualified employer plan.
- Qualified student loans, Qualified Student Loan
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), What's New, 8. Qualified Tuition Program (QTP), Changing the Designated Beneficiary
- Qualified tuition program (QTP):
- Additional tax on taxable distributions, Additional Tax on Taxable Distributions
- Change of designated beneficiary, Changing the Designated Beneficiary
- Contributions to, How Much Can You Contribute
- Coordination with Coverdell ESA distributions, Coordination With Coverdell ESA Distributions
- Coordination with Hope and lifetime learning credits, Coordination With Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
- Defined, What Is a Qualified Tuition Program
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Figuring taxable portion of distribution, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution
- Losses, Losses on QTP Investments
- Qualified education expenses, Qualified education expenses.
- Rollovers, Rollovers
- Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of a QTP.
- Taxability of distributions, Are Distributions Taxable, Figuring the additional tax.
- Taxable earnings, Taxable earnings.
- Transfers, Rollovers and Other Transfers
- Qualified tuition reduction, Qualified Tuition Reduction
- Qualified U.S. savings bonds, Qualified U.S. savings bonds.
- Qualifying work-related education, Qualifying Work-Related Education
- Qualifying work-related education:
- Determining if qualified (Figure 12-1),
- Recapture:
- Hope credit, When Must the Credit Be Repaid (Recaptured)
- Lifetime learning credit, When Must the Credit Be Repaid (Recaptured)
- Tuition and fees deduction, When Must the Deduction Be Repaid (Recaptured)
- Recordkeeping requirements:
- Work-related education, Recordkeeping, Examples of records to keep.
- Refinanced student loans, Interest on refinanced student loans., Refinanced Loan
- Refunds:
- Hope credit, Refunds.
- Lifetime learning credit, Refunds.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Refunds.
- Reimbursements:
- Nondeductible expenses, Reimbursements for nondeductible expenses.
- Work-related education, How To Treat Reimbursements
- Related persons:
- Coverdell ESA, Members of the beneficiary's family.
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Members of the beneficiary's family.
- Student loan interest deduction, Related person.
- Repayment programs (see Student loan repayment assistance)
- Reporting:
- Coverdell ESA, Figuring the Taxable Portion of a Distribution
- Early distributions from IRAs, Reporting Early Distributions
- Education savings bond program, Claiming the Exclusion
- Hope credit, Claiming the Credit
- Lifetime learning credit, Claiming the Credit
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Taxable earnings.
- Scholarships and fellowships, taxable, Reporting Scholarships and Fellowships
- Student loan interest deduction, Claiming the Deduction
- Tuition and fees deduction, Claiming the Deduction
- Tuition reduction, taxable, How to report.
- Work-related education expenses, Deducting Business Expenses
- Revolving lines of credit, interest on, Interest on revolving lines of credit.
- Rollovers:
- Coverdell ESA, Rollovers
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Rollovers
- Savings bond program, education (see Education savings bond program)
- Scholarships and fellowships, Scholarships and Fellowships, Schedule SE (Form 1040).
- Scholarships and fellowships:
- Athletic scholarships, Athletic Scholarships
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Fellowship, defined, Scholarships and Fellowships
- Figuring tax-free and taxable parts (Worksheet 1-1), Tax-Free Scholarships and Fellowships
- Prize, scholarship won as, Scholarship prizes.
- Qualified education expenses, Qualified education expenses.
- Reporting, Reporting Scholarships and Fellowships
- Scholarship, defined, Scholarships and Fellowships
- Tax treatment of (Table 1-1), Scholarships and Fellowships
- Tax-free, Tax-Free Scholarships and Fellowships
- Taxable, Taxable Scholarships and Fellowships
- Section 501(c)(3) organizations (see Student loan cancellation)
- Section 529 program (see Qualified tuition program (QTP))
- Self-employed persons:
- Deducting work-related education expenses, Self-Employed Persons
- Service academy cadets, Payment to Service Academy Cadets
- Sports, games, hobbies, and noncredit courses:
- Education savings bond program, Qualified education expenses.
- Hope credit, Sports, games, hobbies, and noncredit courses.
- Lifetime learning credit, Sports, games, hobbies, and noncredit courses.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Sports, games, hobbies, and noncredit courses.
- Standard mileage rate:
- Work-related education, What's New, What's New, Using your car.
- State prepaid education accounts (see Qualified tuition program (QTP))
- Student loan cancellation, Student Loan Cancellation
- Student loan cancellation:
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Section 501(c)(3) organizations, Section 501(c)(3) organization.
- Student loan interest deduction, What's New, What's New,
- Student loan interest deduction:
- Academic period, Academic period.
- Adjustments to qualified education expenses, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
- Allocation between interest and principal, Allocating Payments Between Interest and Principal
- Changes in allowable deduction period (Table 4-2), When Must Interest Be Paid
- Claiming dependent's expenses, Who Can Claim a Dependent's Expenses
- Claiming the deduction, Claiming the Deduction
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Eligible student, Eligible student.
- Figuring the deduction, Figuring the Deduction, Which Worksheet To Use
- Final regulations, issued, What's New
- Include as interest, Include As Interest
- Income level, effect on amount of deduction, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Deduction
- Loan repayment assistance, Do Not Include As Interest
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)., Which Worksheet To Use
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
- Table 4-3,
- Not included as interest, Do Not Include As Interest
- Overview (Table 4-1),
- Phaseout, Phaseout.
- Qualified education expenses, Qualified Education Expenses
- Qualified employer plans, Qualified employer plan.
- Qualified student loans, Qualified Student Loan
- Reasonable period of time, Reasonable period of time.
- Related persons, Related person.
- Student loan interest, defined, Student Loan Interest Defined
- Third party interest payments, What's New, Expenses paid by others.
- When interest must be paid, When Must Interest Be Paid
- Worksheet 4-1,
- Student loan repayment assistance, What's New, Student Loan Repayment Assistance
- Suggestions for publication, Comments and suggestions.
- Surviving spouse:
- Coverdell ESA transfer to, Exception for Transfer to Surviving Spouse or Family Member
- Tables and figures:
- Comparison of education tax benefits (Appendix B), Appendix A. Illustrated Example of Education Credits, Appendices
- Coverdell ESAs:
- Contributions to (Table 7-2), Contributions
- Distributions (Table 7-3),
- Overview (Table 7-1), What is the tax benefit of the Coverdell ESA.
- Education credits, comparison of (Tables 2-1 & 3-1), ,
- Hope credit:
- Comparing education credits (Table 2-1),
- Eligible student requirements (Figure 2-1), Who Is an Eligible Student
- Qualifying to claim (Figure 2-2),
- Lifetime learning credit:
- Comparing education credits (Table 3-1),
- Qualifying to claim (Figure 3-1),
- Scholarships and fellowships, taxability of (Table 1-1), Scholarships and Fellowships
- Student loan interest deduction:
- Changes in allowable deduction period (Table 4-2), When Must Interest Be Paid
- MAGI, effect of (Table 4-3),
- Overview (Table 4-1), Introduction
- Summary chart of differences between education tax benefits (Appendix B), Appendix A. Illustrated Example of Education Credits, Appendices
- Tuition and fees deduction:
- MAGI, effect of (Table 6-2),
- Overview (Table 6-1),
- Work-related education, qualifying (Figure 12-1),
- Tax help, 13. How To Get Tax Help
- Tax-free educational assistance:
- Coverdell ESA, Adjusted qualified education expenses.
- Early distributions from IRAs, Figuring the Amount Not Subject to the 10% Tax
- Education savings bond program, Adjusted qualified education expenses.
- Hope credit, Tax-free educational assistance.
- Lifetime learning credit, Tax-free educational assistance.
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Adjusted qualified education expenses.
- Tuition and fees deduction, Tax-free educational assistance.
- Work-related education, Tax-free educational assistance.
- Taxable scholarships and fellowships, Taxable Scholarships and Fellowships
- Taxpayer Advocate, Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate.
- Teachers, Requirements for Teachers, Teaching and Related Duties
- Temporary-basis student, transportation expenses of, Temporary basis.
- Title IV need-based education grants, Pell Grants and Other Title IV Need-Based Education Grants
- Transfers:
- Coverdell ESA, Rollovers
- Qualified tuition program (QTP), Rollovers and Other Transfers
- Transportation expenses:
- Work-related education, Transportation Expenses, Using your car.
- Travel expenses:
- 50% limit on meals, 50% limit on meals.
- Not deductible as form of education, Travel as Education
- Work-related education, Travel Expenses
- TTY/TDD information, 13. How To Get Tax Help
- Tuition and fees deduction, What's New, 6. Tuition and Fees Deduction,
- Tuition and fees deduction:
- Academic period, Academic period.
- Adjustments to qualified education expenses, Adjustments to Qualified Education Expenses
- Can you claim the deduction, Can You Claim the Deduction
- Claiming dependent's expenses, Who Can Claim a Dependent's Expenses
- Claiming the deduction, Claiming the Deduction
- Double benefit not allowed, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Eligible educational institution, Eligible educational institution.
- Eligible student, Who Is an Eligible Student
- Expenses not qualifying for, Expenses That Do Not Qualify
- Expenses qualifying for, What Expenses Qualify, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Figuring the deduction, Figuring the Deduction
- Income level, effect on amount of deduction, Effect of the Amount of Your Income on the Amount of Your Deduction
- Loan used to pay tuition and fees, Paid with borrowed funds.
- Maximum deduction increase, What's New
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
- Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI):
- Table 6-2,
- Worksheet 6-1,
- Overview (Table 6-1),
- Qualified education expenses, What Expenses Qualify, No Double Benefit Allowed
- Qualifying for deduction, Can You Claim the Deduction
- Refunds, Refunds.
- Repayment of deduction, When Must the Deduction Be Repaid (Recaptured)
- Tax benefit of, What is the tax benefit of the tuition and fees deduction.
- Tax-free educational assistance, Tax-free educational assistance.
- Tuition reduction:
- Hope credit, Tuition reduction.
- Lifetime learning credit, Tuition reduction.
- Qualified, Qualified Tuition Reduction
- Tuition and fees deduction, Tuition reduction.
- Withholding, Analyzing your tax withholding.
- Work-related education (see Business deduction for work-related education)
- Working condition fringe benefit, Working condition fringe benefit.
- Worksheets:
- Coverdell ESA:
- Contribution limit (Worksheet 7-2), Figuring the limit.
- MAGI, calculation of (Worksheet 7-1),
- Taxable distributions and basis (Worksheet 7-3), ,
- Hope credit MAGI calculation (Worksheet 2-1),
- Lifetime learning credit MAGI calculation (Worksheet 3-1), MAGI when using Form 1040.
- Scholarships and fellowships, taxable income (Worksheet 1-1), Tax-Free Scholarships and Fellowships
- Student loan interest deduction (Worksheet 4-1),
- Tuition and fees deduction, MAGI calculation (Worksheet 6-1),
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