GAO Reports  

2001 GAO Reports on the IRS

The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress, the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the federal agency responsible for tax administration.

The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.

GAO-01-920 Aug. 17, 2001
Internal Revenue Service: Results of Review of IRS Spending for Business Systems Modernization.
GAO-01-711 July 20, 2001
Tax Administration: Millions of Dollars Could Be Collected If IRS Levied More Federal Payments.
GAO-01-903R June 29, 2001
Follow-up to the May 8, 2001, Hearing Regarding the IRS Restructuring Act's Goals & IRS Funding.
GAO-01-535 June 18, 2001
Tax Administration: Status of IRS' Efforts to Develop Measures of Voluntary Compliance.
GAO-01-195 June 14, 2001
Internal Revenue Service: Unpaid Taxes of Federal Workers & Annuitants.
GAO-01-717 June 12, 2001
Business Systems Modernization: Results of Review of IRS' Customer Account Data Engine Project.
GAO-01-700T May 08, 2001
IRS Modernization: Continued Improvement in Management Capability Needed to Support Long-Term Transformation.
GAO-01-656R April 26, 2001
Internal Revenue Service--Status of the Modernized Research Operations.
GAO-01-484 April 25, 2001
IRS Audit Rates: Rate for Individual Taxpayers Has Declined But Effect on Compliance Is Unknown.
GAO-01-529 April 12, 2001
Tax Deductions: Estimates of Taxpayers Who May Have Overpaid Federal Taxes by Not Itemizing.
GAO-01-301R April 06, 2001
Information Related to the Scope and Complexity of the Federal Tax System.
GAO-01-189 April 06, 2001
IRS Telephone Assistance: Quality of Service Mixed in the 2000 Filing Season & Below IRS' Long-Term Goal.
GAO-01-589T April 05, 2001
Tax Administration: Information on Selected IRS Tax Enforcement & Collection Efforts.
GAO-01-595T April 03, 2001
Internal Revenue Service: 2001 Tax Filing Season, Systems Modernization, & Security of Electronic Filing.
GAO-01-562T April 02, 2001
Internal Revenue Service: Progress Continues But Serious Management Challenges Remain.
GAO-01-328 March 30, 2001
Tax Administration: IRS Can Help Taxpayers Reduce the Need for Tax Abatements.
GAO-01-329 March 13, 2001
Work Opportunity Tax Credit: Employers Do Not Appear to Dismiss Employees to Increase Tax Credits.
GAO-01-500T March 08, 2001
Alternative Minimum Tax: Overview of Its Rationale & Impact on Individual Taxpayers.
GAO-01-487T March 07, 2001
Federal Taxes: Information on Payroll Taxes & Earned Income Tax Credit Noncompliance.
GAO-01-418SP March 01, 2001
Serving the Congress & the Nation: Tax Administration & Justice Information.
GAO-01-384R Feb. 26, 2001
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Airport & Airway Trust Fund Excise Taxes.
GAO-01-383R Feb. 26, 2001
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Highway Trust Fund Excise Taxes.
GAO-01-382R Feb. 26, 2001
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Federal Unemployment Taxes.
GAO-01-234 Feb. 23, 2001
IRS Modernization: IRS Should Enhance Its Performance Management System.
GAO-01-144 Jan. 30, 2001
IRS Telephone Assistance: Opportunities to Improve Human Capital Management.
GAO-01-321R Jan. 23, 2001
Interim Final Rules for Nondiscrimination in Health Coverage in the Group Market
GAO-01-227 Jan. 22, 2001
Tax Systems Modernization: Results of Review of IRS' Third Expenditure Plan.


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