GAO Reports  

1998 GAO Reports on the IRS

The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress, the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the federal agency responsible for tax administration.

The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.

GGD-98-150 July 28, 1998
Earned Income Credit: IRS' Tax Year 1994 Compliance Study & Recent Efforts to Reduce Noncompliance
GGD-98-152 July 13, 1998
Tax Administration: IRS' Telephone Routing Interactive System May Not Meet Expectations
GGD-98-128 June 23, 1998
Tax Administration: IRS Measures Could Provide a More Balanced Picture of Audit Results & Costs
GGD-98-112 June 10, 1998
Tax Administration: Increasing EFT Usage for Installment Agreements Could Benefit IRS
GGD-98-96 May 27, 1998
Tax Administration: Ways to Simplify the Estimated Tax Penalty Calculation
GGD-98-106 May 11, 1998
Tax Administration: Nonfiling Among U.S. Citizens Abroad (Summary only)
T-GGD-98-123 May 07, 1998
IRS' Year 2000 Efforts: Status & Risks
GGD-98-139 April 15, 1998
Internal Revenue Service: Remaining Challenges to Achieve Lasting Financial Management Improvements
GGD-98-138 April 15, 1998
IRS' Year 2000 Efforts: Business Continuity Planning Needed for Potential Year 2000 System Failures
GGD-98-98 April 15, 1998
IRS Audits: Workpapers Lack Documentation of Supervisory Review
AIMD-98-114 March 31, 1998
Tax Administration: IRS' Fiscal Year 1999 Budget Request & Fiscal Year 1998 Filing Season
T-GGD-98-78 March 12, 1998
IRS Personnel Flexibility's: An Opportunity to Test New Approaches
T-GGD-98-72 Feb. 24, 1998
Innocent Spouse: Alternatives For Improving Innocent Spouse Relief
GGD-98-54 Feb. 24, 1998
Tax Systems Modernization: Blueprint Is A Good Start But Not Yet Sufficiently Complete To Build or Acquire Systems
GGD-98-59 Feb. 23, 1998
Tax Administration: IRS Faces Challenges in Measuring Customer Service
T-GGD-98-63 Feb. 05, 1998
Tax Administration: IRS Inspection Service & Taxpayer Advocate Roles for Ensuring That Taxpayers Are Treated Properly
GGD-98-40 Feb. 05, 1998
Tax Administration: IRS' Use of Random Selection in Choosing Tax Returns for Audit
GGD-98-39 Feb. 05, 1998
Tax Administration: IRS' Use of Information Gathering Projects
OGC-98-22 Jan. 15, 1998
Interim Rules for Mental Health Parity
GGD-98-37 Jan. 14, 1998
Tax Administration: Potential Impact of Alternative Taxes on Taxpayers & Administrators
GGD-98-38 Dec. 30, 1997
Tax Administration: More Criteria Needed on IRS' Use of Financial Status Audit Techniques
GGD-98-33 Dec. 29, 1997
Tax Administration: IRS' 1997 Tax Filing Season
AIMD-98-18 Dec. 24, 1997
Financial Audit: Examination of IRS' Fiscal Year 1996 Custodial Financial Statements
GGD-98-16 Nov. 06, 1997
Tax Administration: IRS' Efforts to Place More Emphasis on Criminal Tax Investigations
GGD-98-4 Oct. 02, 1997
IRS Records: Inconsistencies Between Statutes Affects Records Appraisal


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