2004 GAO Reports on the IRS
 The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress,
the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and
information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility
not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the
federal agency responsible for tax administration.
The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy
and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they
uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.
GAO-04-1040 |
Sept. 30, 2004 |
Tax Administration: IRS Should Take Steps to Improve the Accuracy of Schedule K-1 Data |
GAO-04-1029 |
Sept. 30, 2004 |
Health Coverage Tax Credit: Simplified and More Timely Enrollment Process Could Increase Participation |
GAO-04-1039R |
Sept. 27, 2004 |
IRS� Efforts to Evaluate the Section 1203 Process for Employee Misconduct and Measure Its Impacts on Tax Administration |
GAO-04-994 |
Sept. 13, 2004 |
Tax Policy: Historical Tax Treatment of INTELSAT and Current Tax Rules for Satellite Corporations |
GAO-04-712 |
Aug. 31, 2004 |
Tax Administration: IRS Needs to Consider Options for Revising Regulations to Increase the Accuracy of Social Security Numbers on Wage Statements |
GAO-04-972T |
July 21, 2004 |
Taxpayer Information: Increased Sharing and Verifying of Information May Improve Immigration Decisions |
GAO-04-856 |
June 30, 2004 |
International Taxation: Tax Haven Companies Were More Likely to Have a Tax Cost Advantage in Federal Contracting |
GAO-04-492 |
May 24, 2004 |
Tax Debt Collection: IRS Is Addressing Critical Success Factors for Contracting Out but Will Need to Study the Best Use of Resources |
GAO-04-303 |
May 13, 2004 |
Business-Owned Life Insurance: More Data Could Be Useful in Making Tax Policy Decisions |
GAO-04-721R |
May 07, 2004 |
Military Personnel: Active Duty Compensation and Its Tax Treatment |
GAO-04-523 |
April 28, 2004 |
Internal Revenue Service: Status of Recommendations from Financial Audits and Related Financial Management Reports |
GAO-04-553R |
April 26, 2004 |
Management Report: Improvements Needed in IRS's Internal Controls and Accounting Procedures |
GAO-04-560T |
March 30, 2004 |
Internal Revenue Service: Assessment of Fiscal Year 2005 Budget Request and 2004 Filing Season Performance |
GAO-04-529T |
March 10, 2004 |
Internal Revenue Service: Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers Can Be Improperly Obtained and Used |
GAO-04-306 |
March 05, 2004 |
Community Development: Federal Revitalization Programs Are Being Implemented, but Data on the Use of Tax Benefits Are Limited |
GAO-04-358 |
Feb. 27, 2004 |
Tax Administration: Comparison of the Reported Tax Liabilities of Foreign- and U.S.-Controlled Corporations, 1996-2000 |
GAO-04-314R |
Feb. 20, 2004 |
Foreign Assistance: USAID & the Department of State Are Beginning to Implement Prohibition on Taxation of Aid. |
GAO-04-372 |
Feb. 17, 2004 |
Tax Administration: IRS Issued Advanced Child Tax Credit Payments on Time but Should Study Lessons Learned. |
GAO-04-282 |
Feb. 13, 2004 |
Workforce Training: Almost Half of States Fund Employment Placement & Training through Employer Taxes & Most Coordinate with Federally Funded Programs. |
GAO-04-438T |
Feb. 12, 2004 |
Business Systems Modernization: Internal Revenue Service Needs to Further Strengthen Program Management |
GAO-04-414T |
Feb. 12, 2004 |
Financial Management: Some DOD Contractors Abuse the Federal Tax System with Little Consequence. |
GAO-04-95 |
Feb. 04, 2004 |
Financial Management: Some DOD Contractors Abuse the Federal Tax System with Little Consequence |
GAO-04-293 |
Feb. 02, 2004 |
International Taxation: Information on Federal Contractors With Offshore Subsidiaries |
GAO-04-304 |
Jan. 23, 2004 |
Tax Administration: Information on Expenses Claimed by Small Business Sole Proprietorships |
GAO-04-287 |
Jan. 20, 2004 |
Tax Administration: Planning for IRS's Enforcement Process Changes Included Many Key Steps but Can Be Improved. |
GAO-04-326 |
Jan. 04, 2004 |
New Markets Tax Credit Program: Progress Made in Implementation, but Further Actions Needed to Monitor Compliance |
GAO-04-74 |
Dec. 03, 2003 |
Tax Administration: More Can Be Done to Ensure Federal Agencies File Accurate Information Returns |
GAO-04-214R |
Nov. 20, 2003 |
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Airport & Airway Trust Fund Excise Taxes. |
GAO-04-213R |
Nov. 20, 2003 |
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Highway Trust Fund Excise Taxes. |
GAO-04-50 |
Nov. 19, 2003 |
Internal Revenue Service: Challenges Remain in Combating Abusive Tax Schemes. |
GAO-04-212R |
Nov. 14, 2003 |
Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures: Federal Unemployment Taxes. |
GAO-04-126 |
Nov. 13, 2003 |
Financial Audit: IRS's Fiscal Years 2003 & 2002 Financial Statements. |
GAO-04-79R |
Nov. 06, 2003 |
IRS's Use of Information on Taxpayers Claiming Many Allowances or Exemption From Federal Income Tax Withholding. |
GAO-04-84 |
Oct. 31, 2003 |
Tax Administration: IRS's 2003 Filing Season Performance Showed Improvements. |
GAO-04-70 |
Oct. 31, 2003 |
Tax Administration: Most Taxpayers Believe They Benefit from Paid Tax Preparers, but Oversight for IRS Is a Challenge. |
GAO-04-104T |
Oct. 21, 2003 |
Internal Revenue Service: Challenges Remain in Combating Abusive Tax Shelters. |
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