GAO Reports  

1994 & 1993 GAO Reports on the IRS

The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress, the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the federal agency responsible for tax administration.

The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.

GGD-94-210FS Sept. 23, 1994
Tax Administration: Data on the Tax Compliance of Sweatshops
GGD-94-70 Sept. 01, 1994
Tax Administration: Compliance Measures & Audits of Large Corporations Need Improvement
GGD-94-131 Aug. 29, 1994
Tax Administration: Better Measures Needed to Assess Progress of IRS' One-Stop Service
T-GGD-94-194 Aug. 04, 1994
Tax Administration: Improving Independent Contractor Compliance with Tax Laws (Summary only)
GGD-94-175 Aug. 02, 1994
Tax Administration: IRS Can Better Pursue Noncompliant Sole Proprietors
GGD-94-160 July 26, 1994
Internal Revenue Service: Changes Needed in the Role of Regional Offices (Summary only)
GGD-94-159 July 08, 1994
Tax Systems Modernization: Automated Underreporter Project Shows Need for Human Resource Planning (Summary only)
GGD-94-96FS June 27, 1994
Tax Administration: Information on IRS' International Tax Compliance Activities (Summary only)
AIMD-94-122 June 03, 1994
Tax Policy: Tax Expenditures Deserve More Scrutiny
GGD-94-140 June 01, 1994
Tax Administration: Information on IRS Executive Relocations & Travel Matters (Summary only)
GGD-94-118 June 01, 1994
Tax Administration: More Improvement Needed in IRS Correspondence (Summary only)
GGD-94-139 May 13, 1994
Tax Policy: Pharmaceutical Industry's Use of the Research Tax Credit (Summary only)
GGD-94-123 May 11, 1994
Tax Gap: Many Actions Taken, But a Cohesive Compliance Strategy Needed
GGD-94-99 May 02, 1994
Tax Policy: Health Insurance Tax Credit Participation Rate Was Low
GGD-94-129 April 20, 1994
Tax Administration: Analysis of IRS' Budget Request for Fiscal Year 1995 (Summary only)
GGD-94-82 March 31, 1994
Tax Policy & Administration: 1993 Annual Report on GAO Tax-Related Work
GGD-94-104 March 02, 1994
Tax Systems Modernization: Status of Planning & Technical Foundation (Summary only)
T-GGD-94-89 Feb. 10, 1994
Tax Administration: Electronic Filing Fraud (Summary only)
AIMD-94-33 Feb. 09, 1994
Financial Management: IRS Does Not Adequately Manage Its Operating Funds
GGD-94-61 Feb. 04, 1994
International Taxation: IRS' Administration of Tax-Customs Valuation Rules in Tax Code Section 1059A
GGD-94-59FS Feb. 02, 1994
Tax Administration: State Tax Administrators' Views on Delinquent Tax Collection Methods (Summary only)
GGD-94-47 Dec. 23, 1993
Tax Administration: Changes Needed to Cope with Growth in Offer in Compromise Program (Summary only)
GGD-94-65 Dec. 22, 1993
Tax Administration: Increased Fraud & Poor Taxpayer Access to IRS Cloud 1993 Filing Season (Summary only)
T-GGD-94-58 Nov. 17, 1993
Tax Administration: IRS' New Business Vision (Summary only)
T-GGD-94-50 Nov. 09, 1993
Tax Administration: Collecting Delinquent Taxes & Communicating with Taxpayers (Summary only)
AIMD-94-2 Oct. 13, 1993
Financial Management: IRS' Self-Assessment of Its Internal Control & Accounting Systems Is Inadequate (Summary only)
GGD-94-2 Oct. 01, 1993
Tax Administration: IRS Can Do More to Collect Taxes Labelled "Currently Not Collectible"
T-GGD-93-46 Sept. 21, 1993
Tax Administration: Improving Compliance with Real Estate Tax Deductions (Summary only)


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