2000 GAO Reports on the IRS
 The mission of GAO's Tax Policy and Administration issue area is to provide Congress,
the Executive Branch, and the public with timely, accurate, and objective analyses and
information to improve our nation's tax system and its administration. This responsibility
not only encompasses the government's revenue and tax expenditures, but also the IRS, the
federal agency responsible for tax administration.
The reports below are the result of the GAO's internal investigations in the Tax Policy
and Administration issue area. We think you will them interesting and fascinating, as they
uncover weaknesses, abuses, malfeasance, mismanagement, waste, and corruption at the IRS.
GGD-00-166 |
Aug. 10, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS Faces Several Challenges as It Attempts to Better Serve Small Businesses |
OCE-00-165 |
June 30, 2000 |
Sales Taxes: Electronic Commerce Growth Presents Challenges; Revenue Losses Are Uncertain |
GGD-00-146 |
June 16, 2000 |
IRS' 2000 Tax Filing Season: IRS Measures Show Tax Processing Systems Performed Slightly Better Than in 1999 |
AIMD-00-162R |
June 14, 2000 |
Management Letter: Suggested Improvements in IRS' Accounting Procedures & Internal Controls |
GGD-00-11 |
May 22, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS Is Working to Improve Its Estimates of Compliance Burden |
GGD-00-81 |
April 28, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Implementation of the Restructuring Act's Personnel Flexibility Provisions |
GGD-00-85 |
April 21, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Implementation of the Restructuring Act's Taxpayer Protection & Rights Provisions |
GGD-00-84 |
April 14, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Low-Dollar Notices Sent to Individual Taxpayers |
GGD-00-55 |
April 14, 2000 |
Tax Administration: Multiple Collection Notices Sent to Individual Taxpayers |
AIMD-00-144 |
April 10, 2000 |
IRS Modernization: Business Practice, Performance Management, & Information Technology Challenges |
GGD-00-65 |
April 07, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Levy of Federal Payments Could Generate Millions of Dollars |
AIMD-00-133 |
March 28, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS' 2000 Tax Filing Season & Fiscal Year 2001 Budget Request |
GGD-00-54 |
March 28, 2000 |
Tax Administration: Tracking Taxpayer Information About IRS Notices Could Reduce Burden |
AIMD-00-175 |
March 24, 2000 |
Tax Systems Modernization: Results of Review of IRS' March 7, 2000, Expenditure Plan |
GGD-00-83 |
March 24, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic Program |
GGD-00-7 |
March 16, 2000 |
Tax Administration: IRS' Use of Nonaudit Contacts |
T-AIMD-00-104 |
Feb. 29, 2000 |
Internal Revenue Service: Results of Fiscal Year 1999 Financial Statement Audit |
GGD-00-37 |
Dec. 15, 1999 |
Tax Administration: IRS' 1999 Tax Filing Season |
GGD-00-5 |
Nov. 29, 1999 |
IRS Seizures: Limited Progress in Eliminating Asset Management Control Weaknesses |
GGD-00-4 |
Nov. 29, 1999 |
IRS Seizures: Needed for Compliance But Processes for Protecting Taxpayer Rights Have Some Weaknesses |
GGD-00-1 |
Oct. 14, 1999 |
IRS Employee Evaluations: Opportunities to Better Balance Customer Service & Compliance Objectives |
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